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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Salt piles. Source: altitudevisual / Adobe Stock.

Historical Importance of Salt and How it Shaped Civilizations (Video)

Salt , beyond its culinary role, shaped civilizations. Marco Polo's 13th-century travels brought back treasures from China, including salt, propelling Venice to economic greatness. Salt's...
Did a tribe of cannibals encounter the Denisovans. Source: to_go / Adobe Stock.

Did A Tribe of Cannibals Interbreed with the Denisovans? (Video)

In the untamed landscapes of Island Southeast Asia, scientists investigating the mysterious a group of hominins called the Denisovans have stumbled upon a revelation that challenges conventional...
Kallanai Dam. Source: Elamaran Elaaa / Adobe Stock.

How Ancient Kings Split a River & Fed Millions (Video)

In antiquity, the Chola Dynasty of southern India demonstrated remarkable ingenuity in managing water resources, particularly in the fertile plains of Tamil Nadu . The ancient Chola caves, dating...
Yakhchal cooling device in Kashan, Iran. Source: knovakov / Adobe Stock.

The Yakhchāl: Ancient Ice-Making Machines in the Desert (Video)

In the arid expanses of the Persian desert , an ingenious ancient technology known as the Yakhchāl has been discovered, revealing a sophisticated approach to ice-making dating back to 400 BC. These...
Ancient site of Tanis, Egypt. Source:  Joaquin / Adobe Stock.

Is This the Lost Egyptian City of Pi-Ramesses? (Video)

In 1941, the unveiling of a dozen royal Egyptian tombs at the ancient city of Tanis in the Nile Valley captured the imagination of archaeologists. French Egyptologist Pierre Montet’s discoveries...
Neanderthal remains, Shanidar Cave (CC by SA 4.0)

The Life and Death of a Neanderthal (Video)

In the ancient landscapes of what is now Iraq, approximately 50,000 years ago, a Neanderthal named Shanidar 1, or Nandy, navigated a challenging existence. Through the lens of contemporary scientific...
Pirate flag. Source: adimas / Adobe Stock.

The Pirate Code: Law and Order Beneath the Black Flag (Video)

In the world of pirates , where lawlessness is often the image that comes to mind, a surprising system of governance existed beneath the black flag . Pirates may have lacked a singular written code,...
The Copper Axe Craft of Ancient Scotland. Source: YouTube Screenshot / AncientCraftUK.

The Copper Axe Craft of Ancient Scotland (Video)

In the captivating landscapes of Kilmartin Glen , ancient rock art reveals a fascinating chapter of human expression. Dr. James Dilley, an expert in prehistoric archaeology, unveils the mysterious...
Native American skull of Kennewick Man. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Ancient Geographic.

9000-Year-Old Native American Burial Stunned Experts (Video)

In Southeastern Washington, the discovery of the 9,000-year-old remains, known as Kennewick Man , has captivated paleoanthropologists. This ancient Native American , with a stocky build and standing...
Egyptian pharaoh on a throne. Source: Ivan / Adobe Stock.

Were Egyptian Pharaohs as Mighty as They Seemed? (Video)

In the shadows of the ancient temple of Medinet Habu , the grandiosity of Egyptian pharaohs is etched into stone, portraying them as formidable conquerors. Dr. Chris Naunton scrutinizes the...
Tutankhamun’s chair. Source: Alfredo / Adobe Stock.

Was King Tut's Tomb Built for a Woman? (Video)

The mystery surrounding King Tut's tomb deepens with the revelation of intriguing design elements. Notably, the unusual right-hand turn upon entering the tomb challenges traditional expectations. In...
Must Farm razor. Source: YouTube Screenshot / AncientCraftUK.

Bronze Age Razor Discovery Raises Exciting Questions (Video)

In the exploration of Must Farm's (a Bronze Age settlement at Must Farm quarry near Peterborough, England) archaeological treasures , the revelation of a Bronze Age razor unveils a surprising facet...
Viking Lord. Source: van Koop / Adobe Stock.

Was This Buried Viking Lord Close to a Legendary Danish King? (Video)

The unearthing of a mid-10th century grave in Fregerslev, Denmark , fascinated archaeologists. A seemingly routine excavation led to an astonishing discovery. Amidst the loose soil, they unearthed...
Top image: Queen Elizabeth I. Source: Eduardo / Adobe Stock.

Queen Elizabeth I: Unmarried & Out for Blood (Video)

On Queen Elizabeth I's 27th birthday, she had been ruling England for just two years, a feat that stirred both support and skepticism. The notion of a woman holding such power fueled whispers of...
King Harold’s coronation sparked outrage. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock.

Why King Harold's Rapid Coronation Sparked Outrage (Video)

In a remarkable turn of events on the 6th of January 1066 , England bore witness to a swift and controversial transition of power. King Harold's hasty coronation, occurring mere hours after the...
Ancient Egyptian woman. Source: Denis / Adobe Stock.

What Hieroglyphics Say About the Women of Ancient Egypt (Video)

In the midst of Karnak's grandeur and prosperity, there's a revelation that challenges conventional wisdom. Images etched on tomb walls unveil a remarkable narrative of female influence in ancient...
Pirate sea battles. Source: Canvas Curator / Adobe Stock.

Pirate Sea Battle Tactics Revealed (Video)

On the turbulent seas of yesteryear, pirates mastered a strategic dance of cunning and boldness during their maritime escapades. Skillfully exploiting geographical nuances and weather patterns, these...
King Tut’s tomb was prepared in a rush. Source: Jaroslav Moravcik / Adobe Stock.

Why Was Tutankhamun’s Tomb Prepared in Such a Hurry? (Video)

King Tutankhamun's burial , typically a carefully orchestrated affair, deviates intriguingly from the norm. Anomalies emerge in the form of mysterious black mold patches adorning the tomb's walls, a...
Lady parading with followers bearing torches, at the ancient Celtic festival of Beltane, marking the beginning of summer.	Source: chrisdonia/CC BY NC SA 2.0

10 Ancient Festivals That Were Far From Innocent

Many ancient festivals had elements that were far from innocent, often involving rituals, practices, and customs that might seem strange or even disturbing by today's standards. From bloodletting, to...
King Henry VIII. Source: murdocksimages / Adobe Stock.

Early Warning Signs of Henry VIII’s Instability (Video)

Henry VIII's ascent to the throne marked a significant shift from his father's reign. The death of Henry VII freed the 17-year-old prince from paternal constraints, setting the stage for a...
Recreation of an Egyptian war chariot from the Early New Kingdom by Angus McBride

An Ancient Egyptian Arms Race (Video)

Seqenenre Tao , a determined pharaoh of the Seventeenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt, played a pivotal role in the arms race against the Hyksos during the Second Intermediate Period. Faced with the...
Left; Franz Xavier Winterhalter - The Young Queen Victoria in 1837. Right; Older Queen Victoria photograph.	Source: Left;  Gandalf’s Gallery/ CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Right; Wellcome Images/ CC BY 4.0

How Did Queen Victoria Survive 7 Assassination Attempts? (Video)

Queen Victoria faced an extraordinary challenge during her lengthy reign, enduring a staggering seven attempts on her life by different assailants . Despite the constant threat, her resilience and...
The Grand Canyon landscape, Arizona.	Source: SeanPavonePhoto/Adobe Stock

The Surprising Link Between the Grand Canyon and Ancient Egypt (Video)

For centuries, travelers have explored renowned Grand Canyon landmarks like the Osiris Tower and the Temple of Ra, evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity. However, the origins of these names reveal...
Pirate ship on the open sea at sunset. AI generated representative image of Queen Anne’s Revenge. Sources: Zaleman / Adobe Stock

Queen Anne's Revenge, a Legendary Pirate Ship (Video)

In 1717, Queen Anne's Revenge , once La Concorde , underwent a transformative journey from privateer to pirate flagship. Captured by Blackbeard off the coast of Africa, this vessel, initially...
