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This 1,000-year-old wooden Viking Age bowl was found in the Glomma River sandbank by a young boy.

Ten-Year-Old Finds Rare, Wooden, Viking Age Bowl in Norway

Rowing out to a swimming spot on the Glomma River with his father, 10-year-old Erik Briskerud noticed what looked like a root in a sandbar. To his delight, the object that he unearthed turned out to...
The Vikings copied the riding spurs from Roman times, and similar spurs have only been found far down in Central Europe. Source: Mårten Teigen/Kulturhistorisk Museum, UiO/CC-BY-SA 4.0

Late Viking Age Grave Imitating A Roman Age Grave, Not Just Allusion to Power

A grave found in Late Viking Age eastern Norway looks uncannily similar to one of the most immaculate graves from the Roman Age in Norway, from the Hunn burial site in Østfold. A rich burial site, it...
Viking woman enjoying daily pastoral life on the homestead.             Source: selenit / Adobe Stock

Everyday Viking Life: More Farmers Than Fighters

The Vikings, the seafaring Norse pirates and traders from the Scandinavian region, left an indelible mark on history, particularly European history, as they raided, looted, pillaged, and conquered...
A Secrets of the Ice team member proudly holding up the latest ice patch arrow released by Norway’s melting Langfonne ice patch.Source: Secrets of the Ice

1,300-Year-Old ‘Perfect’ Arrow Found in Norway Ice Patch

Norway’s Secrets of the Ice team have found a perfectly-preserved, ancient arrow in the Langfonne ice patch, which dates to the north European Iron Age period (500 BC-800 AD). Rapid melting and...
The ornate Viking sword hilt is now pieced back together. Source: Lise Chantrier Aasen/Archeological Museum of Norway

Two Parts of the Same, Huge Viking Sword Separated 1200 Years Ago are Reunited

Two small chunks of metal, buried separately but near each other, have turned out to be parts of the same ornate Viking sword. Separated 1,200 years ago, the first part of the sword ‘Queen of Gausel...
An unusually large amber bead is the “apple-of-our-eye” find from the Gjellestad Viking ship excavation, according to archaeologist and project manager Christian Løchsen Rødsrud.  Source: Museum of Cultural History, Oslo

Most Exciting Finds From The Gjellestad Viking Ship So Far

It was in the May of 2020 when a 1,000-year-old Viking ship burial site, the Gjellestad Viking ship, was planned for extensive excavations. The site was discovered in 2018 and since then Ancient...
The Borgund Viking village museum basement has drawers upon drawers with remains of textiles from perhaps a thousand years ago. They can tell us more about what kind of clothes people in Norway wore during the Viking Age and the Middle Ages.	Source: Bård Amundsen /

‘Lost’ Viking Village Artifacts Emerge From Norwegian Basement Archive

It isn’t rare for a once prosperous medieval town to be abandoned and slowly get side-lined in the annals of history. Nothing exemplifies this statement better than the lost Viking village of Borgund...
Reconstruction of a Viking ship burial. YouTube Screenshot / Norwegian Sci-Tech News

Elite Viking Burial Boat Discovered 30ft Underground in Norway

Archaeologists in Norway have developed, tested, and deployed a new ground-penetrating radar technique. The results of their work include the discovery of a 30 foot (9 meters) long and 5 foot (1.5...
The remains of the ancient Roman sandal found on the “thawing” Lendbreen ice patch, which has yielded numerous unusual artifacts, including the world’s oldest ski, over the last few years.					Source: Arkeonews

Trendy Roman Era Sandals Discovered on Norway Ice Pass

It might be a controversial statement, but despite the havoc that global warming and climate change are wreaking on the world’s ice cover, there is one community of people benefiting from this –...
Ruins of the Borgaråsen hillfort in Magma Geoparks in Norway. Source: Magma Geopark

Were the Hillforts of Norway More Than Just Defensive Structures?

Hillforts are typically European erections of the Bronze and Iron Ages. They were fortified or defended settlements usually located at a natural height which people took advantage of to protect...
Game pieces and board retrieved from the excavation site in Oslo, Norway.	Source: Ida Irene Bergstrøm / Science in Norway

Game Pieces Of The Medieval Norwegian Dope Addicts

Game pieces from the gaming and gambling history of Norway have been discovered in medieval Oslo. So bad did gambling addiction become that the king had to change national gaming laws. An excavation...
A rare iron arrowhead dating to AD 300-600 was found at Sandgrovskaret in 2018.	 Source: Espen Finstad/Secrets of the Ice

Reindeer Hunting Relics Found On Ancient Mountain Trail in Norway

Fittingly, archaeologists who explore landscapes exposed by glacial melt are known as glacial archaeologists. In 2018, a team of these specialized experts were dispatched to the ice-covered mountains...
Archaeologist Ingeborg Hornkjøl unearthing an ancient stick with runic writing. Source: Tone Bergland / NIKU

Rare Runic Writing Unearthed in Norway

In December 2021, the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) announced that rare runic writing has been discovered in Oslo carved into the faces of a stick and a large animal bone...
The rare medieval falconry figurine found in an ancient land fill site uncovered in the Old Town of Norway, Oslo.		Source: NIKU

Rare 13th-century Falconry Figurine Miraculously Found in Oslo

A Norwegian archaeologist digging in the frozen ground at a medieval excavation site in Oslo found something extremely rare and most unexpected. While sorting through a waste layer left behind by...
The Viking ship burial at Gjellestad is now known to be part of a larger mound cemetery and settlement site from the Iron Age, located next to Norway’s monumental Jell Mound.

Huge Iron Age Longhouse Found Beside Viking Ship in Norway

Archaeologists in Norway have made some amazing discoveries recently without even digging. Using breakthrough radar technology, they have found an elite settlement and burial ground from the Nordic...
Runar Hole holding the Digervarden prehistoric ski found in Norway.                   Source: Aud Hole /

1300-year-old Prehistoric Ski Found in Norway Completes a Pair!

After several years on the hunt, a team in Norway has found another prehistoric ski on Mount Digervarden last month. Whilst not the oldest ski ever found, it is still prehistoric and certainly the...
A Scandinavian woman working on a embroidery pattern modern times, which must have been quite similar to Viking embroidery in the Viking Age.

Rare Viking Embroidery Found in 1000-Year-Old Grave in Norway

A piece of textile fabric from a grave, dated to the Viking Age, has been found in southern Norway, dated to 850-950 AD. The grave of a woman was uncovered at Hestnes in southern Trøndelag county,...
The Lendbreen ice patch. (Espen Finstad, Insert: The box found at the ice-patchcontaining a well-preserved beeswax candle. (Secrets of the Ice)

400-Year-Old Beeswax Candle Box Found in Melting Norwegian Ice

The standard bookish definition for global warming encompasses the melting of polar ice caps and a general rise in temperatures across the globe. At this very moment, sheets of ice are melting in...
Evidence Shows Stavanger Cathedral Likely Built Over Viking Settlement

Stavanger Cathedral Built Over Viking Settlement, New Evidence Suggests

Archaeologists digging below the floors of the spectacular Stavanger Cathedral on Norway’s southwestern coast unearthed new evidence revealing more about the church site’s complex past. While...
Elite Gold Pendants Unearthed in Norway Were ‘Sacrifices’ to the Gods

Elite Gold Pendants Unearthed in Norway Were ‘Sacrifices’ to the Gods

In separate discoveries that occurred in 2019 and 2020, searchers found seven ancient gold pendants buried in a field near the Norwegian municipality of Råde in Østfold County. The first four gold...
Baroque library hall in the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. A collection of 13,000 occult and witchcraft books that were once part of Himmler’s “witch library” were found in the library.

Was Heinrich Himmler’s 'Nazi Witch Library' Discovered in a Czech Library?

In 2016, along with a vast array of international publications, the Daily Mail picked up a story that had been published by a Norwegian-based paper prior to a conference about the confiscation of...
Ground-Penetrating Radar Locates Massive Viking Burial Mounds in Norway

Ground-Penetrating Radar Locates Massive Viking Burial Mounds in Norway

An extensive survey using ground penetrating radar in northern Norway has revealed the presence of 15 gigantic Viking burial mounds , along with other measurable remains of ongoing human activity...
Famous Dogs in History, from Ancient Greece until Today

Famous Dogs in History, from Ancient Greece until Today

History abounds with stories of the victorious humans who shaped the world into what it is today. But rarely do we stop and consider the dogs who worked, lived, and fought alongside these humans...
Rapidly Melting Norwegian Ice Exposes Land Littered with Ancient Arrows

Rapidly Melting Norwegian Ice Exposes Land Littered with Ancient Arrows

Dozens of ancient arrows dating from the Neolithic to the Viking Era have melted out of the Langfonne ice sheet in Norway. In 2014 and 2016, reindeer bones and antlers, stone and river shell...
