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Yu the Great, in red, the founder of the Xia Dynasty that was an extension of the Erlitou culture, fighting the flood waters with his fellow fighters.	Source: The Chairman's Bao

Erlitou: China’s First Great City and Beginning of the Xia Dynasty?

The Erlitou culture dates to the early Bronze Age and existed in the Yellow River valley region of ancient China. The culture was named after a village site that was discovered in the central Chinese...
Artist’s impression showing what the exterior of the Neolithic tomb cairn at Hazleton North may have looked like. Courtesy of Corinium Museum, copyright Cotswold District Council.		Source: Courtesy of Corinium Museum, © Cotswold District Council / Nature

‘World’s Oldest Family Tree’ Revealed in Neolithic Tomb in England

Genome sequencing of 35 individuals from the best-preserved Neolithic tomb in B Tomb in England ritain has revealed that 27 of the individuals were the children of 4 women – and just one man! This...
The Nanzuo site in Qingyang, Northwest China's Gansu Province. (China's National Cultural Heritage Administration) Insert: A painted clay jar unearthed at the Nanzuo site this year. (CHINA DAILY)

5,000-Year-Old Palace Marks Birth of Chinese Civilization

Archaeologists have been excavating at the Nanzuo heritage site in Qingyang, on China’s Loess Plateau, in Gansu province. Dating back 4,600 to 5,200 years, according to China Daily , the Nanzuo site...
The two shorter stones. Source: Paul Allison / CC BY-SA 2.0.

The Enigmatic Devil's Arrows: The Tallest Standing Stones in Britain

In the heart of Yorkshire in northern England, near the town of Aldborough, lie three huge pillars of stone known as the Devil's Arrows. Originally four, these are the tallest collection of standing...
Two of the Stonehenge plaques, make of chalk, analyzed with high tech in the latest study.    Source: Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society

Stonehenge Plaques Hold Secret Cultural Data, Says New Study

Four Neolithic “chalk plaques” were discovered near Stonehenge between 1968–2017. A new study has shown that the ancient illustrations on the Stonehenge plaques are much more than just abstract...
The human brain has three parts and for millions of years it grew in size but 3,000 years ago it began to get smaller! 						Source: alionaprof / Adobe Stock

Three Thousand Years Ago Human Brain Size Decreased, Says Study

Through the process of greater efficiency, the human brain size began to shrink about 3,000 years ago and this is a huge new revelation in human evolution. The latest research study conclusions...
The right side of the Neolithic Anatolian stone relief depicting a male figure holding his phallus in the middle with leopards on either side.

Hard to Grasp Relief of Man Holding His Phallus Found in Turkey

The latest excavations at a Neolithic site in Turkey’s southeastern province of Şanlıurfa in the Anatolia region have brought to light a fascinating five-figure relief dating to the Neolithic period...
Representation of a full set of the fishing tackle found at the Hula Valley site in northern Israel.

Fishing Tackle Used to Catch Monster Carp 12,000 Years Ago, Says Study

A new study in PLOS ONE demonstrates how ancient humans in the Middle East crafted and used sophisticated fishing tackle as early as 10,000 BC. With these fishing tools, they hunted for ancient...
A human head in an ancient wall at the Karahantepe site in Turkey.  Source: Ancient Architects / YouTube screenshot

Early Artistic Skills Amaze at Turkey’s Neolithic Karahantepe Site

Turkey’s Karahantepe site (also written as Karahan Tepe) is believed to be nearly 11,500 years old, and some of the recent finds are truly sensational. Archaeologists have recently discovered early...
Giant Camel Sculptures in Saudi Desert Found To Be Incredibly Ancient

Giant Camel Sculptures in Saudi Desert Found To Be Incredibly Ancient

A team of archaeologists studying life-size rock carvings of animals in the Saudi Arabian desert were shocked to discover the true age of these impressive stone sculptures. These carved figures of...
High-impact shocks to the face and skull. Source: Standen et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Neolithic Atacama Desert Farmers Battled Violently Over Resources

It wouldn’t be unfair to say that human history has been a continuum of violence, bloodshed, and gore. This phenomenon has been captured today in virtual simulations, games, and other forms of...
The first carved stone ball found at the Tress Ness, Sanday, Orkney Neolithic tomb site that “teeters” on the edge of the encroaching sea today.		Source: University of Central Lancashire

Mysterious Carved Stone Balls Found in Scottish Isle Tomb

A 5,500-year-old tomb discovered on a Scottish island will soon be reclaimed by the sea. Archaeologists racing to excavate the site, “before it’s lost forever,” have discovered two enigmatic carved...
Rip Mountain in the Bohemian area of the Czech Republic where a Neolithic burial mound, the best preserved one ever in the region, was recently found at the foot of the mountain.  		Source: Aktron / CC BY-SA 3.0

Neolithic Burial Mound Found at Base of Bohemia’s Rip Mountain

Czech archaeologists have discovered and unearthed a 6,000-year-old ancient burial mound in Bohemia, which is among the oldest of its kind found anywhere in Europe. Underneath the mound (or cairn)...
Machrie Moor on the Isle of Arran at sunset with two magnificent standing stones in the foreground. Source: swen_stroop / Adobe Stock

Vast 6,000-Year-Old Sacred Site Suspected On Scotland’s Isle of Arran

Long before the pyramids of Egypt and England’s Stonehenge were even conceived, a functioning prehistoric ritual site was built in Neolithic times in Scotland, which is famous for its many megalithic...
Arthur's Stone in Herefordshire, England, which is also on Dorstone Hill where the "halls of the dead" were discovered along with a number of Neolithic artifacts. Source: University of Manchester

The True Origins of Arthur’s Stone in Herefordshire Finally Revealed

After years of speculation, archaeologists from the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff have found evidence that reveals the truth about the origin of Arthur’s Stone , a double-chambered rock tomb...
The recently discovered menhirs as they stood in the ground when discovered at Saint-Léonard, Switzerland.   Source:

Thirteen Aligned Neolithic Menhirs Discovered in a Small Swiss Town

A group of 13 aligned menhirs believed to be from the Neolithic period have been found in Switzerland’s Valais canton, in the municipality of Saint-Léonard. This discovery was made as part of...
The Stonehenge tunnel is supposed to help traffic in the area. The A303 is in the foreground. Source: diamond geezer / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Stonehenge Tunnel Ruled “Unlawful”

A judge has just ruled on the heavily criticized proposal for a tunnel beneath Stonehenge . He’s quashed the British government’s plans. Campaigners working to save Stonehenge are delighted at the...
One of the more mysterious Saudi Arabia rock art examples found in the Bir Hima region.                  Source: Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage / UNESCO

Bir Hima Saudi Arabia Rock Art Site Gets UNESCO World Heritage Status

UNESCO has just added the famed Saudi Arabia rock art of site Bir Hima to its list of World Heritage sites. Officially designated as the “Hima Cultural Area,” this expansive section of the Najran...
Cannabis landraces in Qinghai province, central China have been determined as the forerunners of cannabis domestication. A landrace refers to domesticated, locally adapted, traditional variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time.                Source: Guangpeng Ren / Science Advances journal

Cannabis Domestication Began in China in 10,000 BC, Says Genetic Study

A new genetic study has revealed that cannabis domestication began in China during the early stages of the Neolithic period. In an article just published in the journal Science Advances , an...
Two Major Discoveries at One of the First Urban Centers, Çatalhöyük

Two Major Discoveries at One of the First Urban Centers, Çatalhöyük

The massive Neolithic and Chalcolithic proto-city site of Çatalhöyük in Anatolia, Turkey was a flourishing center between 7100 BC and 5700 BC, and it attained the status of a UNESCO World Heritage...
Ta’ Cenc dolmen, one of the best-preserved Megalithic dolmens in Malta, sits on the edge of the Ta' Cenc Cliffs.

Secrets Of The Stones: Malta’s Lesser-Known Megalithic Design

Malta’s prehistory is as dazzling as it is opaque. The excavations and research by archaeologists and other academics have been incredibly thorough, and have helped to create fantastic insights into...
The Nine Maidens on Belstone. Source: Ethan Doyle White / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Dancing Maidens or Cursed Brothers? The Nine Maidens Stone Circle

The Nine Maidens Stone Circle lies near the village of Belstone in Devon, England. In spite of its name, the site actually has a total of 17 stones. Based on our understanding today, the stone circle...
Göbeklitepe is so important that it has been completely covered to protect it from rain. To date, it is the oldest place of worship ever found on Earth, dating to 12000 BC. Archaeologists are expecting more amazing finds and insights from the recently discovered 11 new hills (or artificial mounds) near the site for which details will be released in September 2021.                 Source: Cihangir Zeybek / Adobe Stock

Eleven New Neolithic Hill Sites Discovered Near Göbeklitepe, Turkey

The Turkish government has just announced a major archaeological discovery that could have a serious impact on the study of Neolithic Era culture in the region. On June 27, Turkey’s Culture and...
The wooden snake staff was discovered in south-west Finland. Source: Satu Koivisto/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Discovery of Snake Staff Leaves Archaeologist “Utterly Speechless”

While excavating a site in southwest Finland , archaeologists came across something extraordinary. Hidden in the muddy soil in the wetland site of Järvensuo-I they unearthed a delicately carved snake...
