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Ancient Egyptian Texts contain Hangover Cure and Radical Eye Disease Treatments

Ancient Egyptian Texts contain Hangover Cure and Radical Eye Disease Treatments

Radical surgery and medicaments with ingredients now known to be toxic are among eye disease treatments in 1,900-year-old medical papyri of ancient Egypt that have been under translation from Greek...
Time-Tested Cures? Ancient Civilizations Offer for Remedies for Hangovers

Time-Tested Cures? Ancient Civilizations Offer for Remedies for Hangovers

Are you looking for time-tested cures for a hangover? Fear not: these Greek and Roman remedies to alleviate a hangover or prevent one could come in handy. In the ancient understanding of the body,...
1,000-year-old Middle Eastern recipe book

1,000-year-old Middle Eastern recipe book claims to have the ultimate hangover cure

Written nearly a thousand years ago, the Kitab al-tabikh (book of cookery) written by Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq, is the most comprehensive work of its kind. It includes more than 600 recipes for culinary...