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Destruction, from The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole (1836). Source: Public Domain

Year 536 AD Was the Worst Year to Be Alive - What Happened? (Video)

The year 536 AD stands as an abyss of despair in human history, marked by an unprecedented convergence of calamities that wrought havoc on civilizations worldwide. Byzantine accounts speak of a...
The Mount Vesuvius eruption of 79 AD claimed countless lives including a man who almost made it to the beach at Herculaneum. 		Source: James Steidl / Adobe Stock

Mutilated Remains of a Man Trying to Escape Vesuvius Eruption Found

Mount Vesuvius occupies a very special place in the fables and tales of not just the Neapolitans of the southwestern Italy, but also in accounts written by the Greeks and Romans. The Romans saw...