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Coin of King Alfred and King Ceolwulf II. Source: anglosaxon.archeurope

Stolen Viking Coin Hoard Worth £800,000 Sold to Undercover Police Officers in Britain

Real-life events can be just as dramatic as any fiction, as evidenced by the tale of stolen Viking coins, an undercover sting, and two men protesting their innocence. Collectors Craig Best and Roger...
Was Stonehenge a giant calendar, or not? Source: Pawel Pajor / Adobe Stock

Disrupting Dogmatic History - Stonehenge Wasn’t a Calendar!

A study conducted by a pair of physicists has criticized past research which claimed that Stonehenge was created to function like a giant calendar. They assert that astronomical associations...
Left, The Castle Eden Claw beaker, courtesy of the British Museum. Right, The atrium roof at Ad Gefrin Anglo-Saxon Museum & Distillery. Source: Ad Gefrin

Ad Gefrin Museum: A Must-Visit Destination for History Buffs and Whisky Lovers

The little-known history of a Northumbrian Anglo-Saxon royal court is to be unveiled with the opening of Ad Gefrin Anglo-Saxon Museum and Whisky Distillery in Wooler, Northumberland, England on March...
Home owner Luke Budworth posing with the frescoes in York and the life-size reproduction produced by Historic England. Source: Luke Budworth

Kitchen Remodel Reveals Rare 400-Year-Old Frescoes in York

In what has been dubbed an “exciting discovery,” workers revamping a kitchen and installing new cabinets in York unexpectedly stumbled across 17th century frescoes on the walls. The home was owned by...
Medieval noble woman getting dressed. Source: Andrey Kiselev / Adobe Stock.

Getting Dressed in the 14th Century (Video)

The process of getting dressed in 14th century England was a complex and time-consuming affair. Medieval women first put on their linen undergarments, followed by layers of wool clothing, which...
Detail depicting the unusual death of King Edmund Ironside as portrayed in a 13th-century illustrated Anglo-Norman manuscript of the Life of St Edward the Confessor. Source: Cambridge University Library / CC BY-NC 3.0

King Edmund Ironside Was Killed on the Toilet by a Cesspit Assassin

Having ruled England for less than a year, King Edmund is primarily remembered for his unusual death. In one of the most uncomfortable murders in history, legend has it the Anglo-Saxon king was...
Remains of the Roman mosaic discovered at Olney, England. Source: Oxford Archaeology

Roman Mosaic Discovered At Proposed Aldi Supermarket

Archaeologists in England have announced the remains of an ancient Roman villa and bath house buried beneath what will become a new supermarket. The rare mosaic brickwork was discovered in Warrington...
The Iron Age comb found in Cambridge, UK.	Source: MOLA

Iron Age 'Comb' Made from Human Skull Discovered Near Cambridge

While sorting through some 280,000 artifacts excavated from land reserved for a highway construction project running from Cambridge to the village of Huntingdon in eastern England, archaeologists...
The Bronze Age shoe, in situ where it was found on the river edge in Kent, England.    Source: Steve Tomlinson

Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old!

A man exploring along a riverbank in northern Kent recently discovered the oldest shoe ever found on United Kingdom soil. Carbon dating tests proved the decayed but still recognizable leather...
HS2 excavation of Coleshill Manor and the excavated medieval gatehouse in Warwickshire. Source: HS2

Medieval Gatehouse Likely Witnessed First Action of English Civil War

Pock-marked with bullets that likely came from the muskets of Parliamentarian troops bound for the very first battle of the English Civil War , the remains of a medieval gatehouse have been uncovered...
The three connected earthwork henges at Thornborough. Source: English Heritage

Thornborough Henges: England’s Majestic Stonehenge of the North Finally Opened to the Public

As the culmination of several years of sensitive negotiations, the preservation organizations Historic England and English Heritage have finally secured ownership and full control of two-thirds of...
 Vikings woman with horse, the Norse invaders brought their animals with them. Source: selenit / Adobe Stock

New Insights into the Viking Great Army: Cremation Site Unveils Surprising Details

The Viking warriors who invaded England in the late ninth century have long been a topic of fascination for historians and archaeologists alike. Now, a team of British and Belgian scientists have...
A Bellarmine jug found on the seabed near the wreck of the Dutch warship Klein Hollandia, identified off the coast of Eastbourne, England. Source: © James Clark

Wreck Identified As Key Dutch Warship After Centuries Underwater

A Protected Wreck off the coast of Sussex, known simply as “Unknown Wreck Off Eastbourne”, now has a name. It has been identified as the 17th-century Dutch warship Klein Hollandia . Specialists from...
Three of the Roman intaglios, engraved semi-precious stones discovered by archaeologists near Hadrian’s Wall. Source: Anna Giecco//Wardell Armstrong

30 Stunning Roman Intaglios Discovered at Hadrian's Wall Bathhouse Site

Two thousand years ago, beautifully carved Roman stones taken into an ancient pool were lost by the bathers. Now they have been recovered during archaeological excavations in Carlisle, adjacent to...
Silver cross with garnet from Harpole Treasure

Noblewoman’s Grave Yields Large Silver Cross with Precious Garnet

Archaeologists have been working at the site of a medieval noblewoman’s burial in Northampton, England, which has already revealed a hoard of precious treasures. Now they have discovered a unique...
The chariot axle and the Iron Age pit in which it was found. Source: Cotswold Archaeology

Iron Age Chariot Axle Offers A Rare Example of Prehistoric Technology

An "exceptionally rare" Iron Age wooden axle from a chariot or cart has been found in a waterlogged pit in Eastbridge, Suffolk. The fragment was uncovered ahead of tree planting for the Sizewell C...
English Civil War, Warwickshire, HS2, England, manor

Medieval Gatehouse Reveals Hundreds of Musket Ball Marks from English Civil War

While digging at a centuries-old estate in Warwickshire known as Coleshill Manor , archaeologists from the United Kingdom’s HS2 high-speed rail project unearthed evidence of an armed conflict that...
Shute's Lane Holloway, near Bridport, Dorset, England. Source: Natural England

Unlocking the Secrets of the Holloways: An Exploration of England's Sunken Labyrinths

Natural England is embarking on a journey to uncover hidden gems known as holloways tucked away in the English countryside. These paths, also known as sunken lanes, have a rich historical and...
The stone, now known as the Nessglyph, has a circular cup shape and is marked with straight lines carved with a metal implement, looking like a horned deity from the Roman army. Source: Shropshire Council

Mystery Nessglyph Riddle Alludes to Roman Military's Horned Deity Cult

The mystery of the Nessglyph riddle continues to elude archaeologists, and they’ve now requested public intervention and help. The curious rock carving on a piece of red sandstone, found last summer...
Roland the Farter’s flatulence was seemingly so impressive that it garnered a gift of land from King Henry I. Painting of The Court Jester by John Watson Nicol, 1895	Source: Public Domain

Roland the Farter: Medieval England’s Celebrity Flatulist

A manor in Suffolk and a whopping 30 acres (12 hectares) of land was given to a person who was renowned for his ability to gas, quite literally, at the behest of King Henry II. Roland le Petour, also...
The Roman earring found by Nick Bateman. Source: Nick Bateman

Detectorist Strikes Roman Gold in England

When this English metal detectorist realized that he hadn’t dug up a metal top, but an ancient Roman gold earring, he “sank to his knees in disbelief”. After many unfruitful searches, 53 -year-old...
Interview of Richard II and Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester. The nephew and uncle were longtime rivals.	Source: Public Domain

Thomas of Woodstock and Shakespeare's Twisted History

William Shakespeare wrote ten history plays. Of these, one of the most famous is Richard II . The play Richard II , written around 1595, is based on the rule of King Richard II (reign 1377-1399), but...
The effigy of Edward the Black Prince at Canterbury Cathedral. Source: LMBO/Flickr

Edward the Black Prince Did Not Die of Chronic Dysentery, Study Reveals

Most historians long ago concluded that Edward of Woodstock, also known as Edward the Black Prince , the heir apparent to the English throne who died at the age of 45 in 1376, fell victim to chronic...
Representation of a medieval hall - The Temperate and the Intemperate: Miniature from Valerius Maximus, Faits et dits mémorables des romains, translation by Simon de Hesdin and Nicolas de Gonesse of Facta et dicta memorabilia, about 1475–1480. Source: Master of the Dresden Prayer Book /Getty

Medieval Great Halls Were at the Heart of the Festive Season

Giles Gasper /The Conversation The great hall is one of the most enduring images from the Middle Ages – and with good reason. Surviving written sources as well as archaeological and architectural...
