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With the death of Cleopatra, the Hellenistic period was officially over. (Public domain)

Alexander's Legacy: The Hellenistic Period and the Dawn of a New Era

The Hellenistic period was a time of great change and excitement in the ancient world. Spanning from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC to the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC, this era saw...
The trebuchet at Warwick Castle. Source: Muna/ Carpenter Oak

Trebuchet Dubbed ‘Britain's Biggest Siege Machine’ Takes Center Stage at Warwick Castle

At the famous Warwick Castle in Warwickshire, England, visitors will soon have the opportunity to see a gigantic medieval war weapon in action. This elaborate wooden contraption is a catapult-style...
Siege weapon in action. Source: Smulsky / Adobe Stock.

15 of Ancient History’s Most Ingenious Siege Weapons (Video)

Warfare has been a constant throughout human history, and with it, the development of increasingly sophisticated weaponry to overcome defensive fortifications. The ancient world was no exception, and...
Recreation of the Trojan War. Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock

15 of the Biggest Battles of Ancient History (Video)

Warfare has unfortunately been a recurring part of human history, with conflicts arising from territorial disputes, cultural differences, and the drive for power. While the 20th century saw several...
A Byzantine ship using Greek fire against an enemy ship. Source: Public Domain

A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire

In the shadowy world of ancient warfare, one weapon stood out as a true marvel: Greek fire. In the 7th century AD, the Byzantine Empire harnessed the power of fire with the creation of Greek fire, a...
Ancient warfare tactics were no less brutal than today’s and some were quite innovative. Source: Arhun / Adobe Stock

6 Shockingly Successful Ancient Warfare Tactics

As long as humans have walked the Earth, they’ve been finding reasons to kill each other. Over time, we’ve gotten pretty good at it. It should come as no surprise then that over the years armies have...
View of the Turtle Ship at Hallyeo National Marine Park in Tongyeong, South Korea. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

The Turtle Ship: A Contender for the World’s First Armored Battleship

As a species, humanity has always been shockingly gifted at finding new ways to kill one another. As wars have raged over the millennia, armaments have had to evolve. This has led to some genuinely...
Leonardo da Vinci’s weapons included a tank and a scythed chariot, drawings shown here. Source: janaka Dharmasena / Adobe Stock

Da Vinci’s Deadly Designs: The Wildest Weapons of the Renaissance Man

Although Leonardo da Vinci is predominantly remembered as a great artist, he was also a remarkable scientist and inventor. Many of his inventions were weird, some were wonderful, and more than a few...
While the term freelancer was coined in the 19th century, freelancing mercenaries have been a reality of warfare throughout history. In the image, tournament lancers from the Album of Tournaments and Parades in Nuremberg. Source: Met Museum / Public domain

The Word ‘Freelancer’ Originates with Medieval Mercenaries

Even though the word freelancer often feels omnipresent, very few know its etymology. In fact, freelancers have been around for a long time. The word freelancer has been traced back to Sir Walter...
Prescription drugs to combat stress and stay awake. Source: Victor Moussa / Adobe Stock

Drugs in War: A Long, Troubled History

When we hear the two words, “drugs” and “war,” used in the same sentence, we might think of the “War on Drugs” but what about drugs during war or drugs after war? Addictive drugs and armed warfare...
One of the skeletons believed to have died during an ancient poison gas attack

1,700-Year-Old Evidence of Chemical Warfare

One of the distinguishing features of the First World War was the widespread use of chemical weapons. Chemical gases of various lethality, including mustard gas, phosgene and tear gas, were used to...
Reproduction horse armor and linen pierced by an arrow point. Source: Jones et. al. / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Knights and Armored Steeds: Was Horse Armor Effective in Battle?

Nothing recalls the medieval era in Europe better than the image of a gallant knight in shining armor mounted on a fully barded—or armored—steed. But how effective was such mail horse armor in...
The Sintashta culture has been remembered for inventing war chariots. Source: Dark Heritage

Unravelling the Sintashta Culture: War Masters of the Eurasian Steppe

Understanding the mysterious origins of the Indo-Europeans, the emergence of the Indo-Iranian languages, and the earliest identities of associated peoples remain some of the burning questions in...
Are our conceptions of war and peace more civilized in modern times? The Apotheosis of War, by Vasily Vereshchagin. Source: Public domain

War and Peace in Pre-Modern Europe: Have We Really Bypassed Brutality?

When pondering themes of war and peace, there is a general perception among modern people of the Western world that the time we live in is decidedly more civilized and peaceful than any other era of...
Medieval gunpowder recipes were far from perfected and led to many explosive accidents. Source: photosampler / Adobe Stock

Medieval Gunpowder Recipes Blasted In New Experiment

Researchers have recreated and exploded a series of medieval gunpowder recipes. A new paper shows that through trial and error so-called ‘black powder’ was developed, with some economic setbacks...
The Roman Army employed whistling stones as an effective terror weapon. Source: James Steidl / Adobe Stock.

Whistling Sling Stones: Psychological Warfare and the Roman Army

1800 years ago, Roman troops carried a very unusual kind of missile weapon for defeating their enemies. Those weapons were “whistling” sling bullets, and new research suggests these were employed as...
Medieval wooden catapult

Catapult: The Long-Reaching History of a Prominent Medieval Siege Engine

One of the most iconic images of the European Middle Ages is the castle. This defensive structure was often heavily fortified and provided its inhabitants with much-needed safety. It was usually...
A Roman legion and its general.

The Roman Legions: The Organized Military Force Of The Roman Empire

There is no doubt that the magnificent and long history of Rome was to a large extent dependent on its strong and highly developed army . From its earliest emergence, through the Roman Kingdom,...
The Sarmatians and Scythians were skillful at horseback warfare and fierce adversaries of the Romans and Greeks alike

The Fierce Warriors of the Steppes: Who Were the Sarmatians?

The world of classical antiquity was filled with various tribes, cultures, and diverse peoples that dictated the unfolding events that shaped the world as we know it today. New and emerging cultures...
A Deadly Formula - Why Viking Weapons and Armor Were So Effective

A Deadly Formula - Why Viking Weapons and Armor Were So Effective

Nothing continues to be so inspiring and thrilling from early medieval history such as the Viking Age. This exciting historical period turned the nations of Europe upside down, and ushered in a new,...
Ancient Indian warfare has so many epic tales of battles throughout the ages, from the Indus Valley to the Chola Empire and conflicts with Alexander the Great. Pictured: depiction of the Battle at Lanka, from the epic Ramayana. Source: Sahibdin / Public domain

The Art of Indian Warfare: From the Indus Valley to the Chola Empire

As Indians, we have always been brought up on folk tales, several mythological stories with lots of battles fought with wondrous weapons. We have listened to the tales of the great Kurukshetra War...
Sword fight. Credit: Oleksandr / Adobe Stock

Experiment Reveals Secrets to Brutal Bronze Age Warfare

Experimental archaeology is a relatively new field and it is allowing experts to test their hypotheses about the past in a new hands-on way. A fascinating recent experiment has solved the mystery as...
Giant wooden stakes from the Battle of Bach Dang found in northern Vietnam.          Source: vnexpress

Iron Tipped Stakes Detail Guerrilla Warfare of Bach Dang

Newly-discovered ´massive´ and ancient wooden stakes are adding to archaeologists knowledge of the famous Battle of Bạch Dang , when Vietnam repelled the Mongol war fleet by luring ships into a booby...
Photograph of the assemblage. Credit: Uhlig et al., (2019), photograph by V. Minkus / Antiquity Publications Ltd.

Relics of Fallen Warriors in Germany Reveal Secrets of Bronze Age Battle

Archaeologists in Germany have made an exciting breakthrough regarding a Bronze Age battle , one of the oldest known in Europe. Divers retrieved more than 30 objects from a river, including weapons...
