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Nathan Falde

Nathan Falde graduated from American Public University in 2010 with a Bachelors Degree in History, and has a long-standing fascination with ancient history, historical mysteries, mythology, astronomy and esoteric topics of all types. He is a full-time freelance writer from Wisconsin in the United States. Nathan is an avid reader with a wide variety of interests, which is reflected in his diverse writing portfolio. In addition to his work as a writer, Nathan has spent time teaching English as a second language in Colombia, where he now lives with his wife and son.


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Corinthian columns spotted by swimmer in Israel have led to discovery of Roman shipwreck. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

Marble Columns Spotted by Swimmer Reveal Bountiful Roman Shipwreck

While swimming in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel, Gideon Harris unexpectedly stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. Little did he know that this uneventful event would lead experts to...
The unearthing of the U shaped Miraflores stone temple in Huaral, Peru. Source: Global News/ YouTube Screenshot

Incredibly Ancient Temple Found in Peru with Mysterious Cross Symbol

While exploring in and around Lima, a team of Peruvian archaeologists from the National Major University of San Marcos (UNSM) uncovered the remains of a U-shaped stone temple that was somewhere...
Female figurines dating back to the Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture unearthed at Verteba Cave. Source: Mykhailo Sokhatskyi

Trypillian Culture Female Figurines Found at Ukraine’s “Pompeii”

A team of archaeologists from the Ukraine discovered five clay female figurines hidden inside a hole in a wall in Verteba Cave, in the Borshchiv Region of western Ukraine. Dating to the first...
A Neanderthal premolar tooth from the Almonda cave system, Portugal. Source: João Zilhão/University of Southampton

Tooth Enamel Reveals Differences Between Neanderthal and Human Survival Tactics

A team of archaeologists and earth scientists from the United Kingdom and Portugal have just completed a comparative study of Neanderthals who lived in western Europe approximately 100,000 years ago...
Elise, an 8-year-old student, found the Neolithic stone dagger while playing near her school in Norway.           Source: Vestland County Municipality

Eight-Year-Old Norwegian Girl Finds 3,700-Year-Old Stone Dagger at School

An eight-year-old girl from Vestland county in southwestern Norway was playing outside at her school when she found something unusual lying in a rocky section of the play yard. It was not a toy or...
Left; St Edward’s Crown, Right ; Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; Public Domain

Coronation of King Charles III Utilized Crown Jewels and Sacred Royal Regalia

Citizens of the United Kingdom will be witness to a rare and special moment on Saturday, May 6, when the former Prince Charles is official crowned as King Charles III. On display and in use at the...
Evidence from stone tools indicate earliest humans migrated to Europe in three waves. Source: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

New Study Claims Earliest Human Migrants Came to Europe in Three Waves

As recently as 2021, most scholars still believed that modern humans first arrived in Europe about 42,000 years ago. But a 2022 research project produced evidence of an earlier wave of migrants who...
Pierced deer tooth discovered from Denisova Cave in southern Siberia that yielded ancient human DNA. Source: © MPI f. Evolutionary Anthropology/Nature

Siberian Woman Identified from DNA Washed Off 20,000-Year-Old Deer Tooth!

Achieving an historic and groundbreaking first, an international team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany have successfully extracted intact...
The teaching of Darwinian evolution is under threat in India. Source: Andrea Izzotti / Adobe Stock

Outrage as India Deletes Darwinian Evolution from Textbooks

Never shy about courting controversy, the Hindu nationalist government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has removed references to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution from some school...
Viking ship burial mound discovered at Salhushaugen, Norway.          Source: Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger/Science Norway

1,200-Year-Old Viking Ship Burial Found in Supposedly Empty Mound

A large Viking burial mound found on the island of Karmøy off Norway’s western coast was long thought to be empty. Excavations that opened the Salhushaugen mound in 1906 were launched in the belief...
Oblique aerial view of the central camp, from the east. Possible rectilinear internal divisions are visible on the left side of the enclosure. Source: Antiquity Publications Ltd/ APAAME

Undocumented Roman Army Camps Indicate Military Manoeuvres in the Arabian Desert

Chalk one up for the all-seeing eye of Google Earth. Using this global aerial imaging program as a tool of discovery, last year archaeologists from the University of Oxford identified the ruins of...
Aerial view of Erakor Island, Vanuatu. Source: Martin Valigursky/Adobe Stock

Study Traces Epic Polynesian Migration to the Pacific Islands

Applying a form of highly technical analysis known as geochemical fingerprinting to centuries-old stone artifacts, a team of scientists from France, Germany and the island nation of Vanuatu were able...
200-year-old sculptures marked with blue crayon at Croome Court. Source: National Trust

Historic Croome Court Sculptures Marked Up By Crayon-Wielding Miscreants

On Saturday, April 8, tour guides at the historic Croome Court estate in Worcestershire were stunned to find crayon markings all over a statue and memorial plaque located on the court’s sprawling...
The Maya ruins at Copan in Honduras have stood the test of time. (bennytrapp / Adobe Stock)

Ancient Formula for Super-Durable Maya Plaster Finally Revealed

A team of scientists in Spain appear to have discovered the elusive formula for lime plaster and mortar used by the ancient Maya of Mexico and Central America. It seems that the incredibly durable...
Animal coffin EA36151, surmounted by a human-headed part-eel, part-cobra creature wearing a double crown, associated with the ancient Egyptian god Atum. Source: The Trustees of the British Museum/Nature

Hidden Contents of 6 Egyptian Animal Coffins Revealed After 2,000 Years

Researchers from the British Museum have just completed a landmark study of animal coffins retrieved from various Egyptian excavation sites and held in their Egyptian collection. In a new article...
Representational image representing a UFO flying over Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. Source: fergregory / Adobe Stock

UFO Author Will Lead Exploration of Rendlesham Forest Encounters Site

One of the most celebrated and debated UFO incidents of all time took place in Rendlesham Forest near Suffolk, England just after Christmas in 1980. United States Air Force personnel stationed at two...
