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Archaeologists were astounded when they discovered a mutilated mummy within a humble burial chamber in Luxor's 'Valley of the Kings.	Source: YouTube Screenshot/Smithsonian Channel

Archaeologists Aghast at the Discovery of a Mutilated Mummy in Egypt (Video)

Within a humble tomb designated as KV64 nestled in Luxor's revered 'Valley of the Kings,' archaeologists made a disconcerting discovery. Beneath the unassuming exterior and a small coffin lay an...
Tutankhamun’s chair. Source: Alfredo / Adobe Stock.

Was King Tut's Tomb Built for a Woman? (Video)

The mystery surrounding King Tut's tomb deepens with the revelation of intriguing design elements. Notably, the unusual right-hand turn upon entering the tomb challenges traditional expectations. In...
Ancient Egyptian woman. Source: Denis / Adobe Stock.

What Hieroglyphics Say About the Women of Ancient Egypt (Video)

In the midst of Karnak's grandeur and prosperity, there's a revelation that challenges conventional wisdom. Images etched on tomb walls unveil a remarkable narrative of female influence in ancient...
King Tut’s tomb was prepared in a rush. Source: Jaroslav Moravcik / Adobe Stock.

Why Was Tutankhamun’s Tomb Prepared in Such a Hurry? (Video)

King Tutankhamun's burial , typically a carefully orchestrated affair, deviates intriguingly from the norm. Anomalies emerge in the form of mysterious black mold patches adorning the tomb's walls, a...
Ancient Egypt funeral of a pharaoh. Source: Robert / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Egypt’s Mystifying Burial Practices (Video)

Unveiling the mysteries of ancient burial practices, the Valley of the Kings stands as an enigmatic testament to Egypt's rich history. Unlike the iconic pyramids , the tombs here delve deep...
One of the Ram in a Thicket statues. Source: British Museum / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Ram in a Thicket: A Mesopotamian Legacy from the Ancient City of Ur

The treasures of ancient cultures are a source of never ending inspiration. It is such a wonder to see the magnificence of the art that was created in the dawn of civilization, so long before our...
Mummy of Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao (Public Domain)

Why Was This Pharaoh’s Face Mutilated? (Video)

The mystery surrounding the mutilated face of Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao has puzzled historians and Egyptologists for centuries. Discovered in a hidden network of tunnels, Seqenenre Tao burial alongside...
The Mixtec tomb has revealed information about funerary rituals 1,500 years ago. Source: INAH

Warrior-Trader Mixtec Tomb Unearthed in Mexican Town Square

Archaeologists have unearthed a rare twin-chambered stone Mixtec tomb in central Mexico. This discovery is only the third of its kind in the region. What sets this tomb apart from the other two is...
Griffin warrior carved stone. Credit: J. Vanderpool, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati.

Was The Griffin Warrior’s Treasure Looted from Other Cultures? (Video)

Approximately three and a half thousand years ago, a man was interred on a Greek hillside near Pylos, surrounded by an astonishing array of riches . What's intriguing is that many of these treasures...
Fresco in Tomb of Cerberus discovered near Naples. Source: Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’Area Metropolitana di Napoli

Unearthed 'Tomb of Cerberus' Features Pristine Frescoes from Ancient Roman Era

In a historic revelation, archaeologists have discovered a sealed chamber tomb featuring a captivating fresco of Cerberus, the renowned three-headed dog from Ancient Greek mythology said to guard the...
Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of ancient wine jars in Queen Merneith’s tomb. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

5,000-Year-Old Wine Jars Unearthed at Queen Merneith's Tomb

An important discovery at Umm Al-Qaab in Abydos, promises to add to the story of Queen Merneith, an Egyptian consort and regent, who could have also been the first or second queen of Egypt. A joint...
Zhou Dynasty Emperor’s tomb was uncovered in China, belonging to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Source: CASS

Stacked 1,400-Year-Old Zhou Dynasty Emperor’s Tomb Uncovered in China

Archaeologists in Shaanxi Province, northwest China, have discovered the tomb of Emperor Xiaomin (birth name Yuwen Jue), the founding emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581). Emperor Xiaomin's...
Image of several members of the Terracotta Army in Xian. Source: lapas77 / Adobe Stock

Finders of the Terracotta Army Think They Are Cursed

Archaeology lovers around the world have undoubtedly heard of the famed Terracotta Army which was discovered in the 1970s in Xian, in northwest China, and attracts millions of visitors each year. But...
Archaeologist excavating the skeletal remains of a priest discovered within the Pacopampa tomb in Peru. Source: Peru’s Ministry of Culture

3,000-Year-Old Pacopampa Tomb Reveals Religious Rites of Ancient Peru

A team of archaeologists from Peru and Japan have discovered a circular grave in northern Peru that is approximately 3,000 years old, and maybe even older. The Pacopampa tomb and burial site...
Capstones at the Bryher burial site in the Isles of Scilly, where the tomb of the female warrior was discovered. Source: Isles of Scilly Museum Association

Curious 2,000-Year-Old Isles of Scilly Burial Mystery Solved

On one of the small and lightly populated Isles of Scilly off the coast of Cornwall in southwestern England, archaeologists uncovered a unique stone-lined burial chamber in 1999. The grave goods...
Is the terracotta army created to protect the Chinese emperor imbued with a deadly curse? Source: lapas77 / Adobe Stock

Qin Shi Huang and his Terracotta Army Are Guarded by a Deadly Curse

Archaeology lovers around the world have undoubtedly heard of the famed Terracotta Army which was discovered in the 1970s in Xian, in northwest China, which attracts millions of visitors each year...
The Hellfire Club building on Montpelier Hill, Dublin.  Source: © William Alexander

Exploring the Enigma of the Hellfire Club: Dublin's Haunted Secret

Mystical and occult places in the world have always attracted intrigued explorers and lovers of the odd and quirky. Often enough, such places are all around us, nestled in their enigma without us...
The two burial chambers found near Kibbutz Tlalim in Israel. Source: Emil Aladjem / Israel Antiquities Authority

Negev Desert Tombs Linked to Ancient Trafficking of Sacred Prostitutes

While exploring in the remote Negev Desert in southern Israel in 2021, archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) stumbled upon something quite unexpected. Right along the route of a...
Detail of a bull diadem unearthed in elite tomb in Cyprus. Source: P. M. Fischer / Public domain

Swedish Expedition Strikes Gold Within Royal Tombs in Cyprus

An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg has announced the finding of underground tombs in Cyprus. Initially, the Swedish archaeologists identified a set of mysterious chambers...
Visigoths. Source: Warrenpeace21 / Adobe Stock.

The Murder Hunt that Unearthed a Long-Lost Visigoth Settlement (Video)

In a twist of fate, a murder hunt led to the remarkable discovery of a long-lost settlement. Lourdes and Rosario Malón, victims of General Franco's brutal regime in 1936, were the focus of Mariano's...
Kofun keyhole tomb in Japan. Source: TM / Adobe Stock.

Unlocking Japan's Keyhole Tombs: Ancient Secrets (Video)

A sense of intrigue and mystery surrounds the enigmatic keyhole-shaped kofun tombs of Japan. These captivating monuments, exemplified by the renowned Mozu Tombs in Sakai city, Osaka, have recently...
Decoration inside one of the tombs recently unearthed in Saqqara, Egypt. Source: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Tombs, Treasures, and Animal Mummies Unearthed in Saqqara Necropolis

Archaeologists in Egypt have announced the completion of their 6th excavation season at the Saqqara necropolis. Not only did they find human tombs filled with artifacts and painted hieroglyphs, but...
The discovery of remnants of an ancient Roman perfume in a tomb in Spain could be the first time a perfume from Roman times has been identified. Source: sderbane / Adobe Stock

The Scent of Patchouli Perfume Filled the Air in the Roman Empire

After analyzing chemical traces found in a small vessel recovered from an ancient Roman site in the city of Carmona, Spain, a team of researchers from the University of Cordoba has identified...
The Draa Abul Nagaa tomb being investigated. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities

Ancient Marvels Revealed: Exploring Draa Abul Nagaa's Hidden Tomb (360° Video)

In a remarkable archaeological find, the ancient tomb of Draa Abul Nagaa, dating back 3,500 years, has been unearthed in Egypt. This significant discovery provides valuable insights into the lives...
