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Figurines discovered in recently-unearthed tomb in Mexico.

Ancient Intact Tomb Unearthed in Mexico with Skulls, Bones, and Shaman Figurine to Protect the Deceased

Archaeologists have unearthed a 1,700-year-old intact tomb in Mexico where they found the skulls and other bones of twelve male adults, as well as pre-Columbian figurines and statues. Each of the...
New Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered: Archaeologists Excited to Unearth Two New Fragments in the Cave of Skulls

New Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered: Archaeologists Excited to Unearth Two New Fragments in the Cave of Skulls

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a set of nearly 1,000 manuscripts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and ancient Greek, which contain some of the oldest known versions of the Hebrew Bible and are said to be one of the...
Remains of Ancient Maltese Islanders Discovered in Catacombs Beneath a School

Remains of Ancient Maltese Islanders Discovered in Catacombs Beneath a School

The discovery of some 2,000-year-old tombs from the Roman era in Malta have archaeologists buzzing. They say the bones are so old they can’t be called by the name “Maltese,” but the deceased were...
Terrifying Mesoamerican Skull Racks Were Erected to Deter Enemies

Terrifying Mesoamerican Skull Racks Were Erected to Deter Enemies

A skull rack, known also as Tzompantli in the Nahuatl language, is an object documented to have been used in several Mesoamerican civilizations, including the Aztecs, the Toltecs, and the Mayas...
The Windover Bog Bodies, Among the Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever Unearthed in the United States

The Windover Bog Bodies, Among the Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever Unearthed in the United States

It was only after the bones were declared very old and not the product of a mass murder that the 167 bodies found in a pond in Windover, Florida began to stir up excitement in the archeological world...
Ancient horse burial in Gonur Depe.

Ancient Horse Burials of the Bronze Age: Folklore and Superstition

Horses have long been an important aspect in both western and eastern cultures. They are considered common in Indo-European traditions, with Chinese and Turkish traditions providing the most well-...
Neptune Carving

Ring of Skulls: Ancient and Modern Sacrifices to the Water Gods

The macabre discovery of a ring of children’s skulls buried in the earth around lakes in Germany and Switzerland has revealed an age-old tradition of making offerings and sacrifices to the water gods...
Illustration showing an Aztec skull rack.

New Research Shows that Gruesome Aztec Sacrifices included Locals of all Ages Too

A new study says the people sacrificed centuries ago by the Mexica (Aztec) at Tenochtitlan weren’t all prisoners of war killed just a short while after they were captured. Some of them, including...
Skeletons unearthed at a 3,000-year-old cemetery in Vanuatu.

Ancient Skulls Give Insights into Origins of Polynesians

Due to an analysis of the oldest-known cemetery in the South Pacific, the long-standing debate over the origins and ancestry of Polynesians may finally be resolved. A group of scientists, who studied...
Main: A cenote in Tulum, Mexico. Inset: Ancient skull found in Tulum cenote.

10,000-year-old human remains found in underwater cave in Mexico shed light on ancient migrations

In May last year, archaeologists made the exciting announcement that a complete Ice Age skeleton had been found in an underwater cave in Tulum, Mexico. Since then, more than eight well-preserved...
Newly discovered skulls at the Templo Mayor complex in Mexico.

Archaeologists unearth Aztec human skull trophy rack in Mexico temple

A trophy rack of human skulls that had once belonged to victims of human sacrifice has been discovered by archaeologists from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History at the Templo...
Profound cranial injuries on the frontal skull bone of a child approximately 8 years old. Other such injuries are evidence of a prehistoric massacre or torture at a mass grave at Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten, near Frankfurt, Germany.

Archaeologists discover evidence of prehistoric massacre: Broken bones, smashed skulls

Archaeologists from the University of Mainz in Germany have discovered a mass grave at Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten, near Frankfurt. The discovery may be evidence of an ancient massacre and dates to...
The Votive Pyramid of the archeological zone of La Quemada, Mexico

La Quemada civilization in Mexico ate their enemies and displayed their bones

A new study that analyzed human bones found at the La Quemada archaeological site in Mexico, has revealed that the ancient people that inhabited the site 1,500 years ago ate their enemies and hung up...
Boudicca led her people in a revolt against the Romans in Camulodunum, Londinium, and Verulamium.

Human bones in pot may reflect gruesome ritual conducted by army of Queen Boudicca

A 2,000-year-old cooking pot filled with cremated human bones has been found by the banks of the Walbrook river in London, in what was known in ancient times as Londinium, a thriving capital of a...
3,300-year-old Egyptian woman with hair extensions discovered in Armana

3,300-year-old Egyptian woman with hair extensions discovered in Armana

Archaeologists carrying out excavations at Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, the capital city built by Pharaoh Akhenaten in c. 1330 BC, have found a number of human remains containing well-preserved elaborate...
Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite

Ring of Skulls: Ancient and Modern Sacrifices to the Water Gods

Liz Leafloor | Mysteriorum The macabre discovery of a ring of children’s skulls buried in the earth around lakes in Germany and Switzerland has revealed an age-old tradition of making offerings and...
Ancient child skulls  gifts for Bronze Age lake gods

Ancient child skulls may have been gifts for Bronze Age lake gods

A new study published in the journal Antiquity has revealed that a number of Bronze Age child skulls discovered around the perimeter of ancient settlements in Switzerland and Germany show signs of...
Neanderthal skull at Atapuerca - Spain

Ancient skulls belong to unknown species that preceded the Neanderthals

A new analysis of ancient skulls retrieved from a deep bone pit in the Atapuerca Mountains of northern Spain, suggests they belong to an unknown species that has characteristics of Neanderthals, as...
Hopewell Skull

Hopewell skulls pose a mystery

The Hopewell culture describes a widely dispersed set of related Native American populations that flourished along The Ohio River Valley from 200 BC to 500 AD. The culture is characterised by its...
Sacrificial Altar in China

Sacrificial altar uncovered in ancient Neolithic city in China

Archaeologists have uncovered a number of altar relics , including jade artefacts and pits for offerings, at the Shimao ruins, a Neolithic city in China. The findings suggest a religious culture at...
Artistic representations of the Paracas people. Credit: Marcia K. Moore

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results

Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Inca Region, on the south coast of Peru. It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928...
Elongated skull in Mayan cave

Elongated skulls and a mythical underwater Mayan cave

A flooded sinkhole in southern Mexico that terrifies local villagers was recently explored by underwater archaeologists , who found the submerged cavern littered with elongated skulls and human bones...
