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radiocarbon dating

The pile field at the site of Dispilio. Almost 800 piles, mostly made of juniper and oak wood, were sampled and dendrochronologically measured.	Source: Dispilio Excavation Archive/Bern University

Cosmic Rays Date the Precise Year of 7000-year-old Settlement!

University of Bern Researchers at the University of Bern have for the first time been able to pin down a prehistoric settlement of early farmers in northern Greece dating back more than 7,000 years...
Karanis, Egypt. Source: Einsamer Schütze/CC BY-SA 4.0

New Revelation Ancient Greco-Roman Karanis Endured to 7th Century

New research has revolutionized our understanding of Karanis, an ancient Greco-Roman agricultural settlement nestled in the Fayum oasis of Egypt. Contrary to prior assumptions of abandonment in the...
Aerial image of the excavations that have redefined the timeline of the Kingdom of David and Solomon. 	Source: Tandy archaeological expedition to Tel Gezer/CC-BY 4.0

Archaeological Evidence of the Kingdoms of David and Solomon Corroborates Biblical Narrative

After much hemming and hawing, it seems that the Biblical kingdoms of Solomon and David did exist, as per groundbreaking new research that has been revealed in a new study. Fresh details of a...
A team of international archaeologists discovered life-sized wild camel carvings on a rock outcrop near the southern Nafud desert border in Saudi Arabia. Carvings are outlined in white to enhance visibility.         Source: Maria Guagnin, et al/Science

Carved Camels Ready for Copulation in Saudi Arabian Desert: Unknown Origin

An international team of archaeologists studying ancient rock art in Saudi Arabia is celebrating a new and surprising discovery. On a rock outcropping near the southern border of the Nafud desert ,...
View of the cave ‘Cueva de los Marmoles’ entrance from inside, where the manipulated human remains have been found. Source: J.C. Vera Rodríguez/ PLoS ONE

Manipulated Human Remains Found at Cave Site in Spain

The Iberian Peninsula witnessed a particular form of human burials in caves, which were later manipulated and modified, over thousands of years! In the southern Iberian Peninsula, this practice...
Archaeologists have found an ancient canoe in Lake Neuchâtel. This find holds significant importance in advancing our knowledge of the region's prehistory.	Source: Cantonal Archeology of Vaud

Huge and Extremely Ancient Intact Canoe Recovered From Swiss Lake

In 2021, using a small plane, a team of Swiss archaeologists surveyed Lake Neuchâtel and spotted an unusual geometric shape in the water. Now, a well-preserved and intact 2,500-year-old wooden canoe...
(a) Photograph of the cauldron and what is left today. (b) artistic reconstruction of the cauldron as it would have looked when in use. Source: Wilkin et al. / iScience

Savoring the Past: Bronze Age Cauldrons' Residues Unveil Caucasus Cuisine

An analysis of protein residues from the Caucasus region (the transcontinental region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea) from the Maykop period (3700-2900 BC), has revealed a menu of deer,...
Detail of the Austrian child mummy's face and left hand on the abdomen. Source: Frontiers in Medicine

Loved to Death? Autopsy Reveals Shocking Cause of Death for Mummified Child

As reported in the journal Frontiers of Medicine , a team of German scientists from the Academic Clinic Munich-Bogenhausen used medical procedures and historical research to identify a 17th century...
Footprint beds at Formby Point. Source: Jamie Woodward / University of Manchester

Footprints Exposed on a Merseyside Beach Reveal Irish Sea “Serengeti”

Hundreds of perfectly preserved human footprints, dated between 9,000 and 1,000 years old, have been exposed on Merseyside’s Formby Beach on the Irish Sea. And that’s not all. The ancient footprints...
Breakthrough research into alternative dating technology using the Temporal Population Structure (TPS) tool could provide more accurate dating of ancient remains. Source: / Adobe Stock

Successfully Dating a Mummy Just Got Easier. New Testing Revealed

It is no secret that in dating, timing is everything. When studying the past, whether finding coins, bones, or pathogens buried in a mound – the question of when they are from makes the difference...
Chicken domestication seems obvious today. For the longest time we have believed chickens were a domesticated food source since the dawn of civilization, but recent archaeological scientists have proven otherwise in a big way!		Source: Robert May/ Antiquity Publications Ltd

Before Chicken Domestication, The 'Exotic' Birds Were Revered, Not Eaten

Remarkable and extensive new research has shed light on one of the true mysteries of animal domestication. This breakthrough research has revealed important new information about chicken...
Beads found in at the medieval Ribe, Denmark Viking center, which was the basis for a new radiocarbon dating model applied to Viking Age trade. 	Source: The Museum of Southwest Jutland / Nature

Long-Distance Trade Revealed at Medieval Danish Viking Center

Revolutionary new advances in radiocarbon dating techniques have enabled scientists to more precisely determine the chronology and dynamics of Viking Age trade networks based on a medieval Danish...
Dorsal and ventral views of the mammoth ivory pendant discovered in Stajnia Cave in southern Poland in 2010. Scale bar is 1 cm (0.4 inches).	Source: © Antonino Vazzana - BONES Lab / Nature

40,000-BC Ivory Pendant is the Oldest Eurasian Jewelry, Says Study

A skillfully decorated mammoth ivory pendant found in Stajnia Cave in southern Poland in 2010 has been radiocarbon dated to approximately 40,000 BC, as is detailed in a new study published in the...
Greta’s skull was for the longest time viewed as the oldest British skull until it was carbon dated and proven to be a medieval skull. Source: David Adkins / DerbyShireLive

‘Oldest’ British Skull Revealed to be Decapitated Woman from Norman Conquest

Lost for years, the “oldest British skull” ever to be found was finally traced and shockingly exposed as a fraud! Radiocarbon dating of Greta, the skull unearthed by workers at what were then the...
Giant Water Tank In Italy Linked to Prehistoric Ritual Practices

Giant Water Tank In Italy Linked to Prehistoric Ritual Practices

Scientists applying a precise form of radiocarbon dating technology have successfully dated an important and mysterious below-ground monument located in northern Italy. The prehistoric water tank is...
New Evidence Suggests Humans Lived in the Americas 30,000 Years Ago

New Evidence Suggests Humans Lived in the Americas 30,000 Years Ago

An anthropologist from Iowa State University has found evidence in Mexico that humans lived in the Americas as far back as 33,000 years ago. This is 20,000 years earlier than the accepted date of...
Valuable Gold Ornament Found in Early Bronze Age Burial, Germany

Valuable Gold Ornament Found in Early Bronze Age Burial, Germany

Archaeologists digging in the state of Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany recovered a most uncommon item. Inside a 3,800-year-old grave, dating to the Early Bronze Age, they found a small,...
Ancient Alphabetic Script Found in Israel Fills Gap in Historic Record

Ancient Alphabetic Script Found in Israel Fills Gap in Historic Record

A team of Austrian and Israeli archaeologists working the fertile ground of the famed Tel Lachish site in central Israel made a discovery that has altered existing theories about how the first...
Amazonian Mummified Parrots Discovered in the Atacama Desert

Amazonian Mummified Parrots Discovered in the Atacama Desert

Researchers have made the curious discovery of mummified parrots in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile . Between 1000 and 1460 BC, parrots and macaws were transported over 300 miles to one of the...
Copper tools from the Old Copper Culture of the Great Lakes region.		Source: Michelle Bebber / Kent State University Eren Laboratory

Native North Americans Were Making Copper Tools in 7,500 BC

Refinements in radiocarbon dating technology have caused archaeologists, anthropologists, and ancient historians to modify their beliefs about the timeline of copper tools and the metalworking of the...
This skull from a teen boy, found at the Croatian massacre site, clearly shows blunt force injuries in two locations.

6,200-Year-Old Croatian Massacre Solved With Genetic DNA Study

Archaeologists called to a home construction site in the village of Potočani in eastern Croatia in 2007 made a gruesome discovery . They found evidence of a massacre site that included the scattered...
New Testing Indicates European Neanderthals Vanished Earlier

New Testing Indicates European Neanderthals Vanished Earlier

In a game-changing Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article , a multinational team of archaeologists and paleoanthropologists have produced persuasive evidence that shows northern...
Pre-Columbian Explorers Settled the Bahamas Earlier Than Thought

Pre-Columbian Explorers Settled the Bahamas Earlier Than Thought

New evidence suggests that the Bahamas were settled earlier than previously thought. But that’s not all. It appears that the first explorers to arrive on the islands transformed the entire landscape...
The discovery of a long-forgotten woolly mammoth bone may prove that humans and woolly mammoths coexisted in the northeastern United States.

First Humans in New England May Have Met and Hunted Woolly Mammoths

Did humans and woolly mammoths share the same territory near the end of the last Ice Age in what is now the Northeastern United States? A new study from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire,...
