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middle ages

This scene shows an"epicier" (grocer or seller of spices) talking with a client.	Source: Lawrence OP/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

What Was ‘Middle Class’ in Medieval in England (Video)

In medieval England, societal structure was rigidly defined, determining everything from one's occupation to their social status and privileges. While the majority of the population consisted of...
A group in traditional medieval attire engaged in a medieval circle dance.   Source: JackF /Adobe Stock

The Multifunctional Merriment of Medieval Dance

In the often violent and gloomy medieval life, dance triumphantly emerged as a vibrant expression of joy, celebration, and social interaction. From the grand halls of noble courts to the humble...
Karanis, Egypt. Source: Einsamer Schütze/CC BY-SA 4.0

New Revelation Ancient Greco-Roman Karanis Endured to 7th Century

New research has revolutionized our understanding of Karanis, an ancient Greco-Roman agricultural settlement nestled in the Fayum oasis of Egypt. Contrary to prior assumptions of abandonment in the...
The footprint of the medieval windmill found in England.	Source: MOLA

Medieval Windmill Site Complete With Moat Uncovered In England

The report of the unusual find of a medieval windmill surrounded by a moat has just come from Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA). So what have they learned from the site, and why would a windmill...
Red squirrels may have been spreading deadly leprosy amongst the population of medieval England. Source: Fraser by Peter Trimming / CC BY-SA 2.0

Did Red Squirrels Spread Leprosy in Medieval England?

In a scientific first, an international team of researchers from the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States has found evidence to suggest that at least one species of animal was passing...
Archeologists and historians examining petroglyphs in the Zhambyl Region. Source:  Department of Internal Policy of the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region

4,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Discovered on Rock Outcropping in Kazakhstan

While laboring in southern Kazakhstan in the Karatau Mountains as part of a crew involved in an environmental restoration campaign, a group of volunteers were shocked but delighted to discover a set...
Initial stage dry stone structure of Roman ruins found at Chamboret, France.	Source: Inrap

Roman Ruins and Evidence of Neolithic Settlement Unearthed from France

Archaeologists in France have recently uncovered a fascinating site offering a glimpse into multiple layers of history. Nestled near the village of Chamborêt, approximately 12 miles (19.3 km) north...
Women spinning and socializing. From Augustine’s La Cité de Dieu. Source: Museum Meermanno/The Conversation

The Hidden Healers: Women's Secret Medieval Health Networks

Pragya Agarwal /The Conversation In the medieval period, medical science was still dominated by the ancient writings of Hippocrates from the fifth century and Galen of Pergamon from the second...
Interior detail from the Florence Cathedral, Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy. Source: EnginKorkmaz/Adobe Stock

Everything You Need to Know About the Renaissance Period (Video)

The Renaissance , arising from the tumultuous aftermath of the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages, was a transformative period in European history characterized by unprecedented social, cultural, and...
The medieval soldier’s remains were found in Lake Asveja, Lithuania

Remains of Medieval Soldier Uncovered at Bottom of Lithuanian Lake

In the depths of Lithuania's Lake Asveja, divers and archaeologists uncovered the remains of a medieval soldier, a discovery of profound historical significance. This unexpected revelation provided...
Dogs being taken care of in an image from Livre de la Chasse (Book of the Hunt).  Source: The Morgan Library and Museum/Faksimile Verlag Luzern

Dogs in the Middle Ages: What Medieval Writing Tells Us About Our Ancestors’ Pets

Emily Savage /The Conversation In the Middle Ages, most dogs had jobs. In his book De Canibus , the 16th-century English physician and scholar John Caius described a hierarchy of dogs, which he...
Various shots of the mosaic now confirmed dated to the 5th century at Chedworth Roman Villa. Source: Stephen Haywood/Ian Shaw/ © National Trust Images

Roman Mosaic Date Brightens Up Britain’s Dark Ages in More Ways Than One

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it’s popularly believed that its fall to ‘barbaric’ forces by the beginning of the 5th century, plunged all of Europe into a ‘Dark Age’, where towns and villas...
AI Panoramic view of the castle during the Dark Ages. Source: DIGITALSHAPE/Adobe Stock

Why the Dark Ages Weren't Really All That Dark

For hundreds of years, a period often referred to as ‘the Dark Ages’, covering the 5th to the 10th centuries, was looked down upon by historians, especially during the Renaissance and Enlightenment...
A meat and vegetable stew in a black cauldron cooking over an open fire. Source: Sunshower Shots/Adobe Stock

What Exactly Was Medieval Cuisine Like? (Video)

In the heart of Farleigh Hungerford's medieval castle , Chef Steve Ruddell revives ancient recipes, unveiling the rich tapestry of medieval cuisine . His gastronomic journey commences with a...
A volvelle from a 14th century English manuscript is on display at the J. Paul Getty Museum. 	Source: The J. Paul Getty Museum/Getty

The Volvelle: The Medieval Equivalent of a Smartphone App?

Did you know that the ancestor of smartphone apps can be traced back to the Middle Ages? The volvelle, a paper-based interactive device, had a multifaceted role during its historical use. It...
Circles are also very common and in many cases were made to ward off evil. Source: Lincolnshire Medieval Graffiti Project

Mysteries of Medieval Graffiti in England Investigated

The Lincoln Medieval Graffiti Project was founded in England back in 2013 to record the plethora of medieval graffiti found in churches throughout the county. According to the BBC , the strange...
Viano Castle opening, viewed at night.  Source: Marcello Assandri

Vejano Castle Opened Up For the First Time in 414 Years

Today, after 414 years, the castle of Vejano (once Viano), Italy opened its heavy doors to experts coming from seven countries. Prince Landolfo di Napoli Rampolli, whose family has owned the castle...
All video courtesy of Marcello Assandri.

Huge Lost Medieval and Renaissance Castle Complex Discovered in Italy

A large medieval or Renaissance castle has been discovered amongst the foliage of a hill in Lazio, Italy. The discovery was made after investigations based on satellite imaging, which clearly...
Left, Santacroce tower, Rome Right, Marcello Assandri at Castel S Angelo, Rome. Source: Marcello Assandri

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Renaissance Castles 4: Borgia Strongholds of Rome

Rome was the adopted hometown of the Borgia; they were originally from the Catalan region of Spain. The Roman branch of the Santacroce family had lived in Rome for a few centuries. In this episode,...
Left; Vejano Castle, Vejano, Italy, street view of tower and entry bridge. Right, the triangular Vejano castle from above. Source: Left; Croberto68/ CC BY-SA 3.0, Right; Google Earth

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Castles 3: Rites and Recreation in the Renaissance

How did people unwind in the Renaissance? Well, spa baths were still popular since the days of the Roman Republic, but also competitions, and of course, who doesn’t love a good feast? All of these...
Bracciano Castle, Lazio, Italy.	Source: franco lucato/Adobe Stock /Adobe Stock

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Renaissance Castles: Bracciano Castle, the Orsini HQ

The current castle at Bracciano - Orsini-Odescalchi Castle - was built by Napoleone Orsini and his son Virginio starting in 1470. It is one the best maintained castles in Italy and host to numerous...
Marcello at the site of Alteto Castle, near Vejano, Lazio, Italy. Source: Marcello Assandri

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Renaissance Castles: The Borgia and Orsini Affair

Having a home in the fascinating historic town of Vejano, north of Rome, fueled Marcello Assandri’s curiosity about the history of the area. He has scoured the National State Italian Archive, the...
Longsword fighting. Source: Cyberguru / CC by SA 4.0.

Longsword Fighting, A Once-Forgotten Martial Art Resurfaces (Video)

In recent years Longsword fighting, a once-forgotten martial art has experienced a modern resurgence across the USA. Referred to as German longsword, it traces its roots to the late Middle Ages , but...
A perpetual stew or hunter’s stew, in a cauldron over an open fire. Source: shaiith/Adobe Stock

What is this Ancient Perpetual Stew Being Served in a Brooklyn Park?

Most folk have experienced the holistic satisfaction that comes after a good old bowl of stew, on a cold winter’s nights. However, this story tips traditional stew conventions on their head, as it’s...
