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 Wall fragment with Two Women Roman 1-75 CE Plaster and pigment fresco.

Scientists Amazed to Discover 2,000-Year-Old Face Cream Still Containing Last Finger Imprints

When archaeologists came across a tin containing an unknown 2000-year-old ointment they were both pleased and bemused. It was not discovered in a home as one might think, but rather near an ancient...
Images taken by Dr. John Dale in 1958 showing the intact saucer, the copper base with hieroglyphs and one of the copper sheets from the ‘booklet’ that contained a message from Ullo.

Miniature UFO Wreckage Discovered in Science Museum Archive?

Wreckage from a “miniature” UFO crash in North Yorkshire sixty years ago has been rediscovered in the archives of the Science Museum in London. Or has it? Known as Britain’s “answer to America’s...
Old books

A Masterful $2.5 Million Dollar Rare-Book Heist Stuns Community

In an unprecedented incident in 2017, a group of unknown thieves rappelled down into a specially secured warehouse in Feltham, Middlesex in the early hours of January 30 th and made off with 160 rare...
Fight with Cudgels, 1819-1823 by Francisco de Goya

New Study Reveals that London was the Most Violent Place in Medieval England

A new study suggests that medieval London was notorious for its excessive violence. The overall findings suggest that violence affected many parts of medieval London, although predictably it...
The Elizabeth Tower houses Big Ben.

Big Ben to be Silenced – But the Iconic Bell Will Chime Again!

The Victorian-era treasure known as Big Ben will be taking a four-year break from its hourly song starting at noon on Monday August 21. The bells making up the clock at the most photographed building...
Tower of London as viewed from across the River Thames.

Tower of London: A Palace, a Prison and a Place of Execution

The White Tower, most commonly known as the Tower of London, is situated on the north bank of the river Thames in central London and is one of the oldest, long-standing edifices in England. It is...
Removing the lid of Roman sarcophagus found in Borough Market, London

Ancient Roman Sarcophagus of Great Archaeological Value Discovered in Central London

A remarkably rare Roman sarcophagus has been discovered at an ancient burial site in the Borough area of London, England. The stone coffin, has been described by experts as “the find of a lifetime”,...
William Flinders Petrie: A Forgotten Father of Scientific Archaeology

William Flinders Petrie: A Forgotten Father of Scientific Archaeology

He was an archaeological genius whose sixth sense allowed him to accomplish an impressive number of excavations. Moreover, he created a chronological system for artifacts. The list of his...
A section of the Parthenon marbles

Controversy Reignites as British MPs Propose Finally Returning Ancient Parthenon Marbles to Greece

When the British Empire ruled much of the world, many artifacts and artworks, including reliefs and statues from the Parthenon in Athens known as the Elgin Marbles, were taken to Britain. For years...
Newly Discovered Ancient Roman Writing Tablets Provide Snapshots of Roman-Era London

Newly Discovered Ancient Roman Writing Tablets Provide Snapshots of Roman-Era London

Recently discovered ancient British Roman texts on wax-covered wood tablets with legal, correspondence, note-taking and accounting documents have been translated, and researchers are now releasing...
The True Origins of the Legend of Brutus of Troy and the London Stone

The True Origins of the Legend of Brutus of Troy and the London Stone

Until very recently, the London Stone was set into a shop wall in Cannon Street, nearly opposite the entrance to the railway station, but a few weeks ago it was removed and on 13 May this year [2016...
Romans, quaking in their Sandals After an Attack by Boudica, built a Massive Fort to Defend London

Romans, quaking in their Sandals After an Attack by Boudica, built a Massive Fort to Defend London

Around 60 AD Queen Boudica of the Iceni (a Celtic clan) attacked and razed London, a Roman city of ancient Britain. Now, researchers have just announced that in response to Boudica and her warriors’...
The London Stone, seen through its protective grille.

The Forgotten History of the London Stone, an Artifact Linked to Aeneas, King Arthur, and John Dee

The London Stone is a historic artifact that can be found on London’s Cannon Street. This mysterious relic is basically a block of limestone. This type of limestone does not occur naturally in or...
“Joan at the coronation of Charles VII”, painted in 1854 by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867). Louvre Museum.

Stolen Ring Owned by Joan of Arc Finally Returned to France

Joan of Arc, also known as the Maid of Orleans (or, in French, la Pucelle) was a military hero of the first half of the 15th century. This French saint, whose feast is celebrated on the anniversary...
A well with clean water from the river Fleet has been revealed under Australia House, the diplomatic mission on The Strand in London.

900-Year-Old Holy Well Found Under London Building Still has Drinkable Water

Around the world, to all people, springs of fresh water are special places. Officials recently announced that a spring well with clean, pure water that is fit to drink was discovered in the basement...
The remains of the woman with male DNA contained grave goods that make researchers think she had high status in her community. (Photo by Museum of London)

Person genetically a male but physically a female lived in London nearly 2,000 years ago

Scientists say that in a few births per thousand there are males born with female chromosomes and females born with a male chromosome. One such case came to light recently in London in the skeleton...
This skeleton was of a woman who was a first generation Londoner with northern European ancestry who was likely born in Britain. She was buried with grave goods that made researchers think she was of high status in her community.

Roman-Era London May Have Been as Ethnically Diverse as Today

London appears to have been just as ethnically diverse when it was founded by ancient Romans as it is now, when only 45 percent of its residents are Caucasian and people of various neighborhoods...
Boudicca led her people in a revolt against the Romans in Camulodunum, Londinium, and Verulamium.

Human bones in pot may reflect gruesome ritual conducted by army of Queen Boudicca

A 2,000-year-old cooking pot filled with cremated human bones has been found by the banks of the Walbrook river in London, in what was known in ancient times as Londinium, a thriving capital of a...
Britain’s A1 road - Ancient 10,000 years old

Archaeologists stunned to discover Britain’s A1 road is 10,000 years old

A team of archaeologists, who were working alongside the A1, the longest road in Britain, were shocked to discover evidence of a Mesolithic settlement which suggests the route may have been in use...
Stone Age Prehistoric Settlement

Prehistoric settlement discovered on planned site for US Embassy in London

A prehistoric campsite has been uncovered along the Thames River in an area set aside for the new US Embassy in London, according to a report in Live Science . Researchers have not yet been able to...
Fish trade in London

Researchers trace origin of global fish trade in medieval London

Researchers have uncovered the medieval tipping-point when local fishing could no longer support the demands of the burgeoning metropolis, and catches started to come in from as far away as Arctic...
Black Death at Tourinai

Study of Black Death skeletons reveals plague may have been airborne

An analysis carried out on 25 skeletons of plague victims discovered by railway engineers beneath London last year, has revealed that the Black Death was even more lethal than previously thought...
Trophy Skulls - Headhunters in London

Gruesome evidence of ancient Roman head hunters in London

A report in the Journal of Archaeological Science published earlier this year revealed grisly evidence of beheadings and brutality inflicted upon the Roman Empire’s gladiators, criminals and war...
Eagle eating serpent sculpture

Finest Romano-British sculpture ever found in London

Archaeologists have unearthed a breathtaking sculpture of an eagle devouring a serpent under London’s streets during preparations for the site’s redevelopment into a hotel. Reverend Professor Martin...
