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Peter’s Tomb: A Mystery That Stretches From Rome To Jerusalem And Back

Peter’s Tomb: A Mystery That Stretches From Rome To Jerusalem And Back

On December 24, 1950, the words of Pope Pius XII resounded throughout the world in his Christmas radio message when he said: “(...) The tomb of the Prince of the Apostles has been found! ” The Prince...
King Richard I portrait detail

Unmasking King Richard I: Does the Lionhearted King of England Have a Better Reputation Than He Deserves?

Cruel. Courageous. Scheming. Chivalrous. These are just some of the contradictory words that have been used to describe King Richard I, a ruler with a ‘Lion heart.’ But lions are not always majestic...
Another “Cursed” Roman Ballista Ball Is Returned in Israel

Another “Cursed” Roman Ballista Ball Is Returned in Israel

Ancient curses are most popularly associated with Egyptian mummies, their tombs, and their grave goods. In reality, however, people may associate ancient curses with just about anything, including...
Who Is The 2,000-Year-Old Jewish Seal Ring Deity?

Who Is The 2,000-Year-Old Jewish Seal Ring Deity?

A 2,000-year-old jasper seal ring has been discovered in the foundations of Jerusalem's Western Wall during the Tzurim Valley National Park sifting project at the Biblical City of David . The ancient...
More Hope and Controversy Over Crucifixion Nails Linked to Jesus

More Hope and Controversy Over Crucifixion Nails Linked to Jesus

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is probably the central event in the Christian religion . Some researchers now believe that they may have found the crucifixion nails that were used in the death of...
The ancient two-shekel weight, recently found near the Western Wall in Jerusalem, next to a modern Israeli two-shekel coin.  Source: Shai Halevi / Israel Antiquities Authority

Two-Shekel Weight Found In Jerusalem Tells Us About Ancient Economy

Small objects from the distant past can tell us so much about ancient societies and daily life in those cultures. A two-shekel weight from the Biblical period recently found in Jerusalem is one of...
Silhouette Jesus in the sunset. Source: artphotoclub / Adobe Stock

Messiah on Temple Mount: Are We Nearing the End of Time?

“All the great rabbis of this generation are saying that the Messiah is about to reveal himself. All the signs the prophets gave, all the signs predicted in the Gemara, the Mishnah, the Midrash,...
Director of the Jerusalem Promenade excavation Yaakov Billig with the unearthed capitals that likely were part of a First Temple Period palace.            Source: Yoli Shwartz / Israel Antiquities Authority

First Temple Period Palace Discovered Under The Heart Of Old Jerusalem

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have announced the discovery of several dozen stone artifacts that date back to the First Temple Period, over 2500 years ago. They were found in a historic part...
The Garden Tomb, rock tomb in Jerusalem, Israel      Source: valenizi / Adobe Stock

Could the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem be the Site of Jesus’ Resurrection?

Jerusalem is an ancient city, founded as the City of David in 1010 BC, but there is evidence of settlements going back to 4500 BC. It has been conquered more than 40 times by various nations,...
The magi or three kings who followed the Star of Bethlehem to find the new-born Jesus. Source: Pawel Horazy / Adobe Stock

Did Augustus' Royal Coins Lead the Magi from Parthia to Bethlehem?

One of the great mysteries of the New Testament is the Star of Bethlehem and the magi (the three kings or wise men) who “followed” the star to pay their respects to the newborn Jesus . Most...
Aerial image of the Kingdom of Judah excavation, a 2,700-year-old administrative complex in Jerusalem.        Source: Yaniv Berman / Israel Antiquities Authority

Center of Ancient Kingdom of Judah Found in Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, archaeologists have made an important discovery that is providing new insights into the biblical Kingdom of Judah . They have found what they believe is an administrative center...
Gobekli Tepe or the “Pot-Bellied Hill”: The site where paradigms were shifted, dogma was broken and our understanding of human history changed forever. Source: mehmet / Adobe Stock

Can Gobekli Tepe Reveal Prehistoric Masonic Secrets?

Our journey begins with the Freemasons . This late sixteenth century group occupies a strange, almost mythical place in modern popular culture and, while evoking many conspiracies, the self-...
Stamp seal found in the excavation of a parking lot in Jerusalem depicts a person believed to be a king sitting on a chair, with columns which probably represent the Babylonian gods Nabu and Marduk. The finds may provide clues as to the resettlement of the city by the Jews after the Babylonian Exile. Source: (Shai Halevy / Israel Antiquities Authority)

Seals Tell of Jewish Return to Jerusalem After Babylonian Exile

In Jerusalem, the discovery of two homemade seals may provide unprecedented insights into an extremely critical period in Jewish history and the Bible . The artifact is showing that the city remained...
Scientists Settle Wilson’s Arch Debate Pinpointing Temple Mount Origin

Scientists Settle Wilson’s Arch Debate Pinpointing Temple Mount Origin

Historians and archaeologists have long argued about when exactly “Wilson’s Arch” in Jerusalem was built, with their estimates varying by 700 years. But now, a new cuttng-edge C14 testing method...
Do Akhenaten’s Links With Shavuot Shed New Light on Moses? – Part 2

Do Akhenaten’s Links With Shavuot Shed New Light on Moses? – Part 2

Buried beneath the themes of first fruits and wheat offerings lie deeper connections between Shavuot and Akhenaten. These are suggestive and persuasive and go far beyond delicious foods and...
The origins of the Jewish festival Shavuot’s traditions are obscure. But what if they could be linked to Pharaoh Akhenaten, offering a new view on Moses? Pictures: Representation of Moses’ famous crossing of the sea. 	Source: Vlastimil Šesták / Adobe stock

An Akhenaten Connection to the Harvest Festival of Shavuot - Part 1

The Jewish festival of Shavuot is taking place around the world. It is an ancient celebration of the spring harvest of grains and first fruits. It is the year’s first wheat harvest, and Jews around...
Excavating subterranean chambers at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, Israel. Source: IAA

Puzzling Subterranean Chambers Discovered at Jerusalem's Western Wall

Three 2,000-year-old subterranean chambers have been found by students excavating at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The actual purpose of these underground rooms is perplexing archaeologists...
Bar-Kokhba Rebellion coin inscribed with the words "Return to Israel" with a cluster of grapes in the center. Source: (Koby Harati/City of David/Israel Antiquities Authority)

Ancient Coin of Jewish Bar-Kokhba Rebellion Against Rome Unearthed

In Jerusalem, archaeologists have unearthed a very rare find. They have revealed a coin that was issued by Jewish rebels against Roman rule from the 2 nd century AD. It was minted by the last Jewish...
Various Roman catapult (ballista) rocks found along the Pilgrim's Road in the City of David, Jerusalem.           Source: Clara Amit / IAA

Man Fearing Coronavirus Apocalypse Returns Stolen Ballista

The COVID-19 or coronavirus outbreak has shaken many around the world. In Israel, a man with a guilty conscience, who fears the virus could result in the end of the world, gave back a Roman catapult...
Main: The Tel Motza Iron Age temple excavation site in Jerusalem.    Source: Skyview / Israel Antiquities Authority.     Inset: Ancient figurines of people found at Tel Motza.        Source: Clara Amit / Israel Antiquities Authority

Iron Age Temple Uncovered in Jerusalem Challenges Biblical Claim

The famous Temple of Solomon might not have been the first or only temple in the Holy Land. Dating to around 900 BC, an Iron Age temple located near Jerusalem negates the long-held idea the ancient...
Kosher Female Figurines in Judah During The Biblical Period?

Kosher Female Figurines in Judah During The Biblical Period?

Israeli archeologist Dr. Aaron Greener asks “what are clay female figurines doing in Judah during the biblical period?” My non-archeologist answer is; they represent kosher (suitable for religious...
Medieval crusader

The Crusades Beyond the Battlefield

The Crusades were a series of holy wars between the Christians of Western Europe and the Muslims of the Middle East. Traditionally, there were nine major Crusades, which took place between the 11th...
Archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Ari Levi, holds up the rare 2,000-year-old measuring table unearthed at the excavation site of the ‘ancient Jerusalem market’.	Source: 	Ari Levi / Israel Antiquities Authority

Rare Measuring Table Reveals Temple Mount Market

A rare 2,000-year-old measuring table used for calibrating wine and olive oil vessels has been found in Jerusalem , leading experts to tentatively conclude they have found the site of a key ancient...
Stone table where the Ark of the Covenant may have once sat.  Source: Dr. Zvi Lederman

Possible Home of the Ark of the Covenant Exposed in Israel

Archaeologists in Israel may have uncovered a link to the lost Ark of the Covenant, which has been the subject of so many books and movies. They have possibly uncovered a temple with a stone where...
