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Ben Bulben, Sligo County, Ireland.

Ben Bulben: An Irish Site that Inspires the Imagination

The name Ben Bulben, also spelt as Benbulbin or Benbulben, is said to be an anglicized version of the Irish Binn-Gulbain, meaning ‘Gulban’s Peak.’ This jaw-shaped rock formation (the word ‘gulban’...
The dolmen tomb at Killaclohane in County Kerry

6,000-year-old cremated remains discovered in megalithic tomb in Ireland

The remains of two apparently prominent people who were among some of the first farmers who settled in Southwest Ireland have been unearthed at a prehistoric stone dolmen monument in County Kerry...
Leprechaun hat

Leprechauns: The Little People of Irish Folklore

The Leprechaun is a much-loved and sometimes feared magical creature of Irish folk legend. Short in stature and with a long-beard and pot of gold, leprechauns were once believed to pervade the Irish...
A 15th century depiction of Scota’s voyage from Egypt.

Scota: Mother of Scotland and Daughter of a Pharaoh

During the 1440s, a Scottish chronicler, Walter Bower, sought to trace the history of the Scottish people from the earliest times. The result of his endeavour was the creation of a compendium of...
Small grave at the Children’s Fort in Tullycrine, Ireland

The Graveyard of the Lost: Why Hundreds of Children were Buried in an Old Irish Ring Fort

Inside the ring fort at Tullycrine in West Clare, Ireland, visitors can see the graves of hundreds of children dating from a period in Irish history when those who had not been baptized were banned...
Cerridwen: Mother, Magician, and Crone from Old Welsh Mythology

Cerridwen: Mother, Magician, and Crone from Old Welsh Mythology

An enchantress from Welsh mythology, Cerridwen is regarded as a woman of incredible power and magic. She pervades Welsh and Irish culture as an emblem of wisdom and rebirth, remaining today as a...
A gold lunula from County Wicklow. The piece, dating from 2400 BC to 2000 BC, is in the  British Museum. Note the decorations etched into the ends or horns of the lunula.

Ancient Trade Route reveals Prehistoric Inhabitants of Ireland preferred Exotic Gold

A new study using scientific methods to examine where Irish gold came from has found that there may have been trade between Ireland and southwest England about 4,500 years ago. Scientists speculate...

Was Dracula Story inspired by Abhartach, the Bloodsucking Chieftain of Ireland?

Tales of vampires and other similar blood-sucking creatures have been told in various societies across the world. The most famous of these tales is the story of Dracula, written by Bram Stoker, and...
1,000-year-old underground passage discovered in the Caha Mountains of Ireland

1,000-year-old underground passage discovered in the Caha Mountains of Ireland

Workers operating an excavator during a road-widening project in the Caha mountain range in County Cork made a surprising discovery, when they accidentally made an opening in the earth that exposed...
Vilas and rusalkas were dangerous female spirits, souls of young women who had died prematurely

Songs and Shrouds: The Mythical Banshee and the Bean Nighe as Harbingers

The Irish banshee and the Scottish bean nighe tread the darkest of nights as omens from another world, that of the unknown beyond. Though similar at first glance, they were regarded as quite...
The Dunmore Cave of Ireland

The Dark Reputation of the Dunmore Cave of Ireland

Caves play an important role in the story of humanity. In addition to providing shelter for our earliest ancestors, caves were also often considered to be mystical and magical realms. For some...
Ossian (Oisín) on the Bank of the Lora, Invoking the Gods to the Strains of a Harp, 1801.

The Legend of Oisín and the Fabled Island of Tír na nÓg - A Tale of Paradise, Love, and Loss

The fabled paradise island of Tír na nÓg is said to be located off of the west coast of Ireland. Tír na nÓg is known as the land of perpetual youth. It is also named the Island of the Living, the...
View of Dunluce Castle, County Antrim, Ireland

Scientists find 15th century town near historic Irish castle

Archaeologists have excavated a home in what may have been the site of a small 15 th century town near a historic Irish castle that was later the ground for a battle between the MacDonnell family and...
A painting depicting the Irish potato famine

Bones of Children Found on Canadian Beach Reveal Tragedy of Irish Famine

Bones belonging to children have been discovered on a beach in Canada, their condition underscoring the desperate circumstances many Irish people fled during the Irish Hunger of the 1840s. The bones...
The Irish Legend of Cu Chulainn

The Irish Story and Legend of Cú Chulainn

Cú Chulainn is one of the most famous Irish mythological heroes. He appears in the stories of the Ulster Cycle, and Scottish and Manx folklore. He was said to be the son of Deichtine and the god Lugh...
Ancient bog body found in Ireland

Ancient bog body found in Ireland may be Iron Age sacrifice

Archaeologists in Ireland made an amazing discovery this week when they unearthed another ancient bog body in County Meath, adding to the collection of ancient human remains, some incredibly well-...
Spanish Armada

In Search of the San Marcos of the Spanish Armada

On the afternoon of September 20, 1588, the San Marcos – one of the jewels in the crown of the Spanish Armada – sank after hitting rocks close to Mutton Island, off the coast of Ireland. Four men out...
Irish Viking king Olaf Guthfrithsson

Archaeologists believe they have found Irish Viking king Olaf Guthfrithsson

Archaeologists found a set of ancient remains during an archaeological dig in East Lothian, Scotland, which is believed to be the Irish Viking king Olaf Guthfrithsson, according to a report on STV...
Blarney Stone

Myth and mystery of the Blarney Stone has been shattered by new research

The Blarney Stone is a block of stone which was built into the battlements of Blarney Castle in 1446 AD. The legendary stone is shrouded in myth and mystery and according to tradition, kissing the...
Irish Cave

Stone Age bones found in Irish cave may reveal prehistoric practice of excarnation

An archaeologist made a chance finding while investigating the Knocknarea cave in Ireland and caught a glimpse of a sliver of bone, leading to the discovery of numerous bones belonging to a Stone Age...
Caherconnell in Ireland

Burials uncovered in Ireland reflect fusion of Paganism and Christianity

Excavations at Caherconnell in County Clare, Ireland, have uncovered ancient burials that reflect a fusion of Pagan practices with Christianity . Although it was initially believed that Christianity...
Neolithic Ireland - Newgrange
Newgrange and the Boyne Valley monuments
