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human evolution

A hunter returning with his kill (fotogurmespb / Adobe Stock)

Living Close To The Bone – A Day In The Life Of A Hunter-Gatherer

At the beginning of Herodotus’ Histories, the Athenian lawgiver Solon, one of the seven sages of ancient Greece, points out to his interlocutor Croesus, King of Lydia, that if a person lives to be 70...
Depiction of what the ancient 'Herto Man' may have looked like. His skull dates to 160,000 years ago. Source: Bradshaw Foundation

Herto Man: A 160,000-Year-Old Window into Homo Sapiens' Ancestry

The Herto Man is a common name for a group of prehistoric human remains that were discovered in 1997, in the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia, in the famed Bouri Formation that yielded many ancient fossils...
Image of an ancient skulls.  Source: Alexandra /Adobe Stock

Evaluating the Classification Split Between Neanderthals and Modern Humans (Video)

Exploring the enigmatic aspects of Neanderthal psychology reveals intriguing facets of their cognitive landscape. While understanding an extinct species' psyche is speculative, scholars offer...
Image of a human skull from three perspectives.	Source: Liliya/Adobe Stock

Modern Human Brains Have More Neurons Than Neanderthals (Video)

The emergence of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens, marked a pivotal moment in human evolution, challenging long-standing debates in paleoanthropology. Approximately 100,000 years ago, a...
Illustrative close up portrait of a Neanderthal child. Source: robert/Adobe Stock

What Was It Like to be a Neanderthal Child? (Video)

Neanderthal childhood, once shrouded in mystery, has gradually unfolded through the unearthing of fossilized remains. Recent archaeological revelations paint a vivid picture of the challenges and...
Very muscular looking AI generated Neanderthal. 	Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

The Dark Secrets of Neanderthals' Rapid Extinction (Video)

The abrupt vanishing act of Neanderthals , Europe's exclusive human metapopulation before Homo sapiens, raises perplexing questions about their mysterious and rapid extinction . A recent study sheds...
Portrait of Native American man. Researchers have found Aboriginal Australian ancestry in Native American peoples.  Source: Chinnachote / Adobe Stock

Native Americans Share Aboriginal Australian Ancestry (Video)

Recent DNA studies on the peopling of the Americas challenge established narratives, revealing a complex ancestry for Native Americans . The research identifies a surprising link between Native...
Right-handed evolution may have deep roots in our lineage. Source: YouTube Screenshot/PCS Eons

How Humans Became (Mostly) Right-Handed (Video)

The majority of Neanderthals , much like modern Homo sapiens, exhibited a strong preference for using their right hand , as evidenced by the accidental scratches on their teeth. This intriguing...
The Steinheim skull, discovered alongside elephant and rhinoceros bones, has been dated to between 250,000 and 350,000 years. Source: YouTube Screenshot/Highly Compelling

The Oldest Homo Sapiens Skull Ever Discovered (Video)

The Steinheim skull, found on 24 July 1933 near Steinheim an der Murr, Germany, is a perplexing artifact in paleoanthropology , challenges the established narrative of human evolution. Dating back to...
A new study challenges traditional beliefs about ancient human skin color diversity. Source: YouTubeScreenshot/Highly Compelling

Genetics Drive Ancient Human Skin Color Diversity, Study Says (Video)

A recent study published in the esteemed Journal Science challenges conventional beliefs about the evolution of skin color in ancient humans. Contrary to the notion that dark skin evolved in Africa...
Denisovan fossil, discovered in Laos' Annamite Mountains, redefines their story.  Source: ginettigino / Adobe Stock

Unexpected Denisovan Fossil Location Reveals More (Video)

In a surprising turn of events, Denisovan fossils have emerged in an unexpected location, challenging established notions of their habitat. Archaeologists recently uncovered a 160,000 to 130,000-year...
A recent study, outlining what archaeologists consider the oldest known footprints in the United States, is giving rise to new inquiries and overturning established beliefs. Source: YouTube Screenshot/PBS NewsHour

Footprints in New Mexico - The First Humans in North America? (Video)

In the arid expanses of New Mexico's White Sands National Monument, a groundbreaking discovery challenges established notions of human history in North America. Archaeologists, led by David Bustos...
Human evolution was shaped as prehistoric humans interbred with other homininsSource: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

Human Evolution and Interbreeding: When We Met Other Human Species (Video)

Our existence as Homo sapiens is a solitary chapter in the intricate narrative of hominin evolution . Long before we stood as the sole representatives of our lineage, our ancestors engaged with other...
An early human extinction event wiped out Homo erectus, dating back 900,000 years ago.  Source: emilio100/Adobe Stock

99% of Ancient Human Population Wiped Out 900,000 Years Ago (Video)

Today, our planet teems with over 8 billion human beings, a staggering contrast to the world 800,000 to 900,000 years ago. Recent scientific revelations illuminate a pivotal juncture in human...
How Neanderthals Survived the Ice Age (Video)

How Neanderthals Survived the Ice Age (Video)

In a prehistoric drama over 300,000 years ago, early Neanderthals navigated the challenges of northern Europe during the Ice Age , utilizing bear skins as a crucial adaptation to the harsh climate...
Homo sapiens in Africa. Source: Alan / Adobe Stock.

Why Did Homo Sapiens Take So Long to Leave Africa? (Video)

The lingering question of why modern humans took considerable time to migrate from Africa finds new dimensions in recent discoveries. Contrary to the conventional narrative, the roots of our species...
Portrait of Neanderthal man. Source: iridescentstreet / Adobe Stock.

Evolutionary Genetics and the Neanderthal Inside Us (Video)

Utilizing advanced techniques, scientists have delved into the genetic code of our Neanderthal ancestors. Extracting DNA from 400,000-year-old Neanderthal bones in Spain, they've achieved a high-...
Human ancestors overlooking a bleak, ice-covered landscape. Source: Dr_Microbe / Adobe Stock

Near-Extinction of Our Human Ancestors Revealed by Genetic Research

Approximately one million years ago, the Earth was populated by a few hundred thousand or so ancient human ancestors. But about 900,000 years ago there was a sudden and dramatic crash in this...
Human evolution

A Crash Course In Human Evolution (Video)

Human evolution spans millions of years, shaping our species into what we are today. Our closest relatives, chimpanzees, share similarities with us, yet distinct differences exist. Around seven...
Homo Naledi. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Scientists Against Myths.

Homo Naledi: A Mysterious Extinct Human Species (Video)

Homo naledi , the mysterious extinct human species, has captivated the world since its discovery in 2013. The recent animated film on YouTube by and "Sergey Krivoplyasov's 3d-project...
Human evolution. Source: pict rider / Adobe Stock.

The Incredible Odyssey of Mankind: Ape to Human in a Million Years (Video)

In this fascinating video, the evolution from ape to man is traced, beginning with the Proconsul, a fruit-eating creature that lived in African trees about 20 million years ago. As the African jungle...
Representational image of human cooperation thought to have sparked the Neolithic Revolution. Source: Freve / Adobe Stock

Israeli Researchers Say Human Cooperation Sparked Neolithic Revolution

A new study by a pair of Israeli researchers published in the Royal Society journal Philosophical Transactions B puts forward a fresh and innovative theory about the causes of the Neolithic...
By observing chimpanzees in Tanzania, researchers concluded that humans evolved to being bipedal while they still lived in trees.       Source: Left; Mari_art / Adobe Stock; Right; Sam D'Cruz / Adobe Stock

The Evolutionary Leap to Bipedalism Took Place in Trees

Conventional wisdom says that ancient humans made the transition from walking on four legs to walking on two because they needed to travel more efficiently across open savanna land in Africa. But...
Artist rendering of the so-called “new human ancestor”, Homo bodoensis. Source: Ettore Mazza / University of Winnipeg

Homo bodoensis: Has A New Human Ancestor Just Been Discovered?

A team of scientists claim that they have identified a new “ancient human ancestor” in Africa, which is causing quite a stir. The so-called Homo bodoensis lived in Africa during the Middle...
