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From the powerful civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley, to the fearsome yet sophisticated society of the Vikings, the ancient world was a surprising and challenging place. Here we feature some of the most seminal and influential events and people throughout history, that have helped shape the world we know today.

AI portrait of fearless powerful warrior Viking man with blood marks. Source: Asiri/Adobe Stock

The Vikings Had a Justice System Based On Blood Feuds (Video)

The Icelandic Vikings of the Middle Ages had a justice system centered on blood feuds , in stark contrast to modern legal proceedings. Unlike today's courtroom dramas with attorneys and evidence,...
Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s painting: The Triumph of Death, depicting the results of a pandemic. Source: Public Domain

The Most Destructive Pandemics and Epidemics in Human History (Video)

The history of humanity is marked by devastating pandemics and epidemics that have left indelible scars on societies. These widespread outbreaks, such as the Plague of Athens in 430 BC and the...
Astronomer Copernicus, or Conversations with God, by Jan Matejko.	Source: Public Domain

The Strange Story of the Grave of Copernicus

Darius von Guttner Sporzynski/The Conversation Nicholas Copernicus was the astronomer who, five centuries ago, explained that Earth revolves around the Sun, rather than vice versa. A true Renaissance...
Barbarian tribes.  Source: Salsabila Ariadina/Adobe Stock

Rethinking Barbarians: Were They Really Savages?

The term "barbarian" has long been associated with images of savagery and brutality, conjuring thoughts of uncivilized societies on the fringes of the ancient world. However, the question arises:...
Scene of cannibalism based on European accounts of expeditions to the Americas from America tertia pars by Theodor de Bry, circa 1592. Source: Public domain

8 Ancient Cultures Practicing Cannibalism Through the Ages

When we think of cannibalism today it usually conjures up images of characters like Hannibal Lecter. In reality, many cultures practiced cannibalism throughout history. Therefore, while it may be a...
AI illustration of a black pirate of the Caribbean. Source: frimufilms/Adobe Stock

The Real Black Pirates of the Caribbean (Video)

Beneath the surface of pirate history lies a neglected narrative – the existence of black pirates in the Caribbean . Contrary to popular belief, many Africans on pirate ships were not voluntary...
The Mesopotamian military represented here used weapons of war to achieve great success. Source: WILD HARE/Adobe Stock

Mesopotamian Military Mastery - The Ancient Reinvention of Warfare

Creating a great empire in ancient times was no simple task, and it usually involved a lot of warfare. Ancient Mesopotamia, called by many the cradle of civilization, was also the cradle of organized...
The Elusive Quest: The Search for Antony and Cleopatra's Lost Tomb

The Elusive Quest: The Search for Antony and Cleopatra's Lost Tomb

When it comes to ancient love stories, few couples have captured the imagination quite like Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Their passionate romance, set against the backdrop of the Roman Empire’s...
Chimney sweep in work clothes writes the year 2024 with sparklers. Source: Werner/Adobe Stock

Surprising New Year’s Day Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know (Video)

Unveiling the intricate tapestry of New Year's celebrations, a history often overshadowed by the commonplace revelry. Contrary to the universal January 1st celebration, the roots of this global...
Happy New Year Crown at Times Square New York.	Source: lazyllama/Adobe Stock

Auld Lang Syne - The New Year's Eve Song Explained (Video)

The ubiquitous New Year's Eve anthem, "Auld Lang Syne," holds a rich tapestry of cultural interpretations. Originating as a Scottish celebration song penned by poet Robert Burns in the 1700s, its...
Illustration of a Tudor rose. The Tudor rose symbolized unity under the Tudors, merging the white rose of York and red rose of Lancaster.  Source: Cassidy / Adobe Stock

Meet the Tudors - A Brief(ish) History of the Tudor Dynasty

Lasting from 1485 to 1603 AD, the Tudor period is one of the most important, and fascinating, periods of English history. It’s an era marked by political intrigue, cultural renaissance and major...
AI Illustration of Moses with the 10 Commandments Tablet. Source: Jim Vallee/Adobe Stock

Moses: Myth, Fiction or History?

In the early days of biblical archaeology there was a lot of optimism that the new science could verify the existence of Moses by proving that there was indeed a great migration of people from Egypt...
Archaeologists excavating skeletal remains at Çatalhöyük in Turkey. Source: Anadolu Agency

Evidence of 8,500-Year-Old Head Surgery Excavated at Çatalhöyük

During ongoing excavations at the 9,000-year-old extinct Anatolian city of Çatalhöyük in central Turkey, a team of archaeologists discovered something remarkable. While examining the skeleton of a...
A shrunken head of Jivaro on display.  Source: Tylwyth Eldar / CC BY-SA 4.0

Jivaro's Macabre Mastery: The Enigmatic Shrunken Heads of Jivaro

Headhunting is a practice that has been carried out by numerous cultures throughout the world. For instance, during the Qin Dynasty in ancient China, it is claimed that soldiers collected the heads...
Close-up representation of an armed pirate captain in a frock coat and a vest with a sword, dagger and a hook, smoking a pipe. Source: sharpner/Adobe Stock

Pirate Potheads? Drug Use and the Golden Age of Piracy (Video)

In the Golden Age of Piracy , pirates embraced a ritualistic affair with tobacco alongside their famed rum-filled punch bowls. Amid the dangers and monotony of 17th-century life, tobacco became a...
AI image of a female pharaoh in a mask and desert with pyramids. Source: MiaStendal

The Pharoah Who Made Her Mark: Sobekneferu's Legacy (Video)

Sobekneferu , often overshadowed by her more famous successors, left an indelible mark as Egypt's first official female pharaoh. Rising to power during the declining years of the Middle Kingdom , she...
AI Panoramic view of the castle during the Dark Ages. Source: DIGITALSHAPE/Adobe Stock

Why the Dark Ages Weren't Really All That Dark

For hundreds of years, a period often referred to as ‘the Dark Ages’, covering the 5th to the 10th centuries, was looked down upon by historians, especially during the Renaissance and Enlightenment...
Ancient Christmas customs still held today. A door decorated with a Christmas wreath. (CC0) Snowy holly. (liz west/CC BY 2.0) Mistletoe. (CC0) A Yuletide fireplace. (Randy Robertson/CC BY 2.0)

Mistletoe, Holly, and Yuletide Cheer: Weaving Nature into Ancient Christmas Customs

It is estimated 2 billion people celebrate Christmas each year. Although the popular holiday is linked to Christianity and the birth of Jesus Christ, people all over the world, Christians or not,...
Father Christmas enjoying the Christmas tradition. Date: circa 1860. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock

Favorite Christmas Traditions PLUS Those You May Never Have Heard About

Every year as December rolls in, some 2 billion people start to feel the Christmas cheer. While the celebration is now primarily a Christian one honoring the birth of Jesus, its traditions merge with...
A nativity scene showing the scene of Jesus’ birth, now taken to be December 25th. 	Source: itsajoop/Adobe Stock

Celebrating Christmas on December 25 Began As Early As the Second Century AD

By Martinus Ariya Seta /The Conversation Many people, including Christians, believe the origin of the date of Christmas is related to the pagan feasts to worship the solar god Sol Invictus , Saturn’s...
AI representation of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg in 1517.           Source: Nevio/ Adobe Stock

Why did the Protestant Reformation Happen? (Video)

​ The Protestant Reformation, often attributed solely to Martin Luther's 95 theses, was a multifaceted movement with roots deeply embedded in the challenges faced by Western Christianity. Luther's...
Gladiator mosaic at a Roman villa in Nennig, Germany. Source: Carole Raddato / CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

Spartacus: The Rebel Gladiator and His Final Last Stand – Part 2

(Read Part 1) Led by the Roman gladiator Spartacus, the Third Servile War stretched on from 73 to 71 BC, an attempt by thousands of Roman slaves to escape the gladiatorial ring. As a Thracian, forced...
Photo of a statue of Spartacus by Denis Foyatier, on display at the Louvre, combined with a 4th-century mosaic depicting gladiators. Source: Public domain

Spartacus: Gladiator and Leader of Slaves Against the Romans – Part 1

The Thracian born Roman gladiator known as Spartacus is now considered the stuff of legend. To this day, books, movies and TV shows have been created to highlight the strength of this heroic rebel...
Pile of gold bullion coins and bars. Argor Heraeus, Münze Österreich, Royal Canadian Mint, U.S. Mint, Australian Mint of Perth, panda and Krugerrand.      Source: Zlaťá

The Human Fascination With Gold Throughout History

Gold and humans have a very special relationship, and humans still think that gold is one of the most valuable materials on the planet. In this article, you can find an overview of the history of...
