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Representation of a female Viking magic practitioner

Vestiges of the Vikings: Magic Buried in a Viking Woman's Grave

Murky, elusive and undefined, the religion of the pre-Christian Vikings has long been subject to debate. Contemporary texts of their spiritual worship do not survive, and the later records that do...
The Sutton Hoo movie that will tell the story of the famous Anglo-Saxon treasure is due to come out on Netflix soon. Right: A replica of the Sutton Hoo helmet produced for the British Museum by the Royal Armouries. (CC BY-SA 2.5). Left: The original Sutton Hoo helmet. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

New Sutton Hoo Movie Rights the Wrongs of Archaeological Snobbery

The new Sutton Hoo movie, called The Dig, that is due to be released on Netflix is going to tell the real story behind one of Britain’s greatest archaeological discoveries. It dramatizes the...
The visibly arched portal of Cairn 2 in Maulbronn, Germany. Source: Author provided

Two of Europe’s Biggest Cairns are About to Be Buried in Trash

Two of the biggest European cairns are facing destruction in the World Heritage city of Maulbronn, Germany. If it happens, the prehistoric monuments would be lost and scientific investigation...
Main: Çatalhöyük after the first excavations by James Mellaart. Inset: Dr. Harabasz excavating some of bones.           Source: Omar Hoftun / CC BY-SA 3.0 &  Çatalhöyük Research Project / Jason Quinlan

Ancient Dead Buried In Their Homes In Çatalhöyük

In 2020, archaeologists researching in Turkey discovered ancient homes containing their owners’ bones. Inhabited between 7500 BC and 5700 BC, Çatalhöyük was an important Neolithic and Chalcolithic...
Storms In Scotland Unearth Viking Skeletons

Storms In Scotland Unearth Viking Skeletons

Fierce storms ravaging Orkney, an island group in the far north of Scotland famous for its Neolithic standing stone circles and burial tombs, have unearthed hundreds of ancient human bones in what is...
An iron currency ring and human skull found in the rare cave burial in Gabon, Africa. Source: NOT Engineers

Rare Cave Burial Might Resolve Africa’s Black Death Mystery

A team led by a geo-archaeologist and a speleologist have discovered a rare cave burial in Africa containing 30 skeletons, drilled cats’ teeth, and iron artifacts. The 14th-century underground burial...
The bizarre face of one of the Mont’e Prama Giants. Source: Author provided

The Mont’e Prama Giants: A Massive Archaeological Mystery

1974, Sinis region, Sardinia (Oristano): the plow of a farmer being blocked by a piece of stone marked the beginning of a series of excavations in the area of Mont'e Prama, near the village of Cabras...
A 3D impression of the Iron Age warrior grave.          Source: UCL / Sketchfab / ASE

2000-Year-Old Iron Age Warrior Grave Unearthed in England

Archaeologists in the United Kingdom have unearthed the grave of an Iron Age warrior. It has been described as a very rare find. A number of significant artifacts that are 2000 years old have been...
A burial pit full of grave goods. (Pierluigi Giorgi / © Antiquity Publications Ltd)

Pre-Roman Prince’s Tomb Packed With Treasures Found in Italy

In Italy, archaeologists have unearthed what they are calling a ‘prince’s tomb’, found using the latest non-invasive archaeological methods. The royal burial is believed to come from an enigmatic...
Stav Meir, holding the 1,500-year-old Byzantine inscription that he discovered near Caesarea.	Source: Karem Said/ Israel Antiquities Authority

13-year-old Israeli Boy Stumbles Upon Ancient Byzantine Inscription

Many important archaeological finds have been made by accident down the years. In Israel, a lucky boy came across a very important historic artifact while out searching for mushrooms. He found an...
One of the Roman slave skeletons alongside a pot found at the burial site in Somerset, England. Source: Wessex Archaeology

50 Roman Slaves Found Buried with ‘Care’ in England

A Roman slave burial ground has been found near what was once a great ancient villa in Britain. Many of the graves are very unusual, and they provide a glimpse into the impact of Rome on the local...
The vandalism caused to 3000-year-old rock carvings in Pangaion Hills.	Source: 	Greece High Definition

What a Way to Start the Year! 3 Shocking Acts of Vandalism in First Week

The first week of January brings three shocking acts of vandalism on ancient monuments in Greece , England and Wales, and the ignorant vandals are accused of lacking education, knowledge and...
The vandalised burial mound, from Bronze Age Britain, churned up with tyre tracks shown in Wales, UK.         Source: Gwent Outdoor Centres

Mindless Vandals Churn Up Bronze Age Burial Site

For those who love and respect the past and our heritage, there is nothing more sickening than the mindless destruction of historic monuments. In Wales, United Kingdom, vandals have done appalling...
One of the skeletons in the stone coffin structure unearthed at the Roman burial site in Somerset.       Source: Wessex Archaeology

Builders Unearth 50 Skeletons from a Roman Burial in Britain

Construction workers in Britain have unearthed a large Roman-era cemetery. The burials are of an unusual type and show dramatic changes in the funerary customs of locals in the 1st century AD. This...
Huge Hoard of 1000-year-old Yotvingian Weapons Unearthed in Poland

Huge Hoard of 1000-year-old Yotvingian Weapons Unearthed in Poland

Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of ancient weapons at a cemetery site in the Suwałki region of eastern Poland . Dating back around 1,000 years, archaeologists have recovered over 500 swords,...
A tattooed skull in one of the newly unearthed Moche burials. Source: CEN/Proyecto Especial Naylamp Lambayeque

Bizarre Moche Burials Include Mutilation and Skull Tattoos

Eleven 1000-year-old graves containing skeletons from the Moche civilization have been found in Peru. Some have been mutilated with their feet removed and tattoos imprinted on their skulls. Two...
Amazon warrior. Source: Andrey Kiselev / Adobe Stock.

Amazon Warrior Discovered in Ancient Armenian Grave

The rare grave of an injured female Amazon warrior has been discovered in the highlands of Armenia. The Kingdom of Urartu flourished in Armenia from the 9th to the 6th centuries BC and this “uncommon...
Bronze swine figurine found at Titelberg.      Source: Wuyts, A / CC BY 2.0

Titelberg, Home of the Influential Treveri Celts

The Duchy of Luxembourg has a remarkable archaeological site dating from the Celtic period. It was inhabited for over 700 years and is one of the first known urban settlements in Europe. Titelberg,...
Anglo-Saxon Grave of high-status female found with grave goods.     Source: Canterbury Trust

Anglo-Saxon Grave Found Holding Royal Treasures

Archaeologists in Britain have found the grave of an Anglo-Saxon woman. The burial contained some precious grave goods and is helping historians to better understand one of the most important centers...
Wu zhu bronze coins found in Liu He’s tomb. Source:

Liu He and the Tomb of Two Million Coins

Archaeology is always full of surprises. When an excavation is started, the team never knows what the next artifact will be to see the light of day. Many times a find is mundane – pottery shards,...
The barbarian warrior woman (Image: North Caucasus united archaeolog)

2,000-Year-Old Warrior Woman Discovered with Rare Gems

An ancient warrior woman has been found in the Russian republic of Kabardino-Balkaria wearing rare Roman jewelry. Believed to have been related to a warrior or chieftain, the ancient woman was...
Ulpiana, the archaeological site in Kosovo.

Ulpiana, A Wealthy Ancient City Destroyed by Greed

Kosovo is a relatively new nation, having declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, but its territory certainly has a rich history. The remarkable Roman and Byzantine site of Ulpiana, which was...
Representational image of a Viking warrior woman (DPVUE Images / Adobe Stock)

Was This Wounded Female Viking Really A Warrior?

The wounded face of a female Viking warrior found buried with weaponry has been reconstructed. The warrior’s skeleton was excavated in a Viking graveyard in Solør, Norway, and was found to have been...
Reconstruction of the British burial goods known as the Folkton drums in the grave. Source: Rose Ferraby

British Burial Goods Inspire Poet Laureate’s Imaginarium

This Halloween , former Children's Laureate Michael Rosen is celebrating ancient British burial goods with poetry. Michael Rosen is an English poet, children's novelist, and the author of 140 books,...
