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Ancient Origins articles related to General in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

The Uluru sacred site in Australia

The Sacred Site of Uluru has Seen its Last Climber

In the 1999 movie The Matrix , Agent Smith said that when trying to classify our species it came to him we are “A virus, a disease, a cancer of this planet, a plague” eating up all the natural...
Witches across the United States join together to put a spell on Donald Trump. Source: Asta / Adobe Stock.

Witches ‘Spell’ President Trump In Pre-Halloween Showdown

Thousands of self-declared ‘ witches ’ will cast a unified ‘ spell ’ on POTUS Donald Trump this weekend and “yes” this news piece is a work of non-fiction and not a joke. It would appear that in the...
A ceremony in the cult of Venezuelan goddess Maria Lionza. Self-harming rituals are practiced in this cult. Source: EJ George/YouTube Screenshot

Venezuelan Cult Still Practices Shocking Self-Harming Rituals

Every year thousands of Venezuelans hike into the mountains around Chivacoa and practice fire, blood, and smoke rituals as they pay homage to their indigenous goddess - Maria Lionza - who is still...
Provocative scenes from the medieval poem, ‘Roman de La Rose’, have been discovered. Source: Dmitry Pichugin / Adobe Stock.

Does This Explicit Medieval Poem Hold Dark Undertones?

Fragments from a popular sexually explicit medieval French book have been discovered describing what journalists are calling a “hot-encounter" and “ X-rated language ”, but is this text a much more...
The cave lion cub now known as ‘Sparta.’ Source: Siberian Times

Uniquely Preserved Cave Lion Cubs: Stunning Photos and Secrets Revealed

By Valeria Sukhova / Siberian Times At first, scientists believed they had found male cave lion cub siblings that were born 44,000 years ago and found ten meters (32.8 ft.) apart in Yakutia, but the...
Remote beach and rocky coastline on Sark Island. Source: allard1 / Adobe Stock.

Criminal Element Returns to Sark Island

Sark , the tiny Channel Island with a deeply criminal pirate history is once again “awash” with crooks, according to a police report. At a mere 2.10 square miles (5.44 square kilometers), with only...
Extinction Rebellion ‘Deface’ Protected English Landscape

Extinction Rebellion ‘Deface’ Protected English Landscape

Extinction Rebellion defaced a famous English White Horse weeks after schoolchildren helped restore the ancient monument. The material used was temporary, but the discontent could be lasting. The...
In the medieval England magic was a service industry. Source: Вероника Преображенс / Adobe Stock.

In Medieval England, Magic Was A Service Industry

Tabitha Stanmore / The Conversation Chances are that when you hear the words “ medieval magic ”, the image of a witch will spring to mind: wizened old crones huddled over a cauldron containing...
Magic mushrooms contain the chemical psilocybin which cause hallucinogens. Source: Martina / Adobe Stock.

Scientific Shamans Make E-coli Brew “Magic Mushroom” Hallucinogen

Scientists have successfully modified E. coli to create the powerful psychoactive chemical found in magic mushrooms that were consumed by most prehistoric tribes. In the new study published online...
Siberian Trash Dump Becomes A Medieval Fortress

Siberian Trash Dump Becomes A Medieval Fortress

Siberian rubbish dump staff have turned their workplace into a marvelous medieval tourist attraction. Garbage dumps and trash heaps are generally not regarded as potential tourist attractions and...
Gold coffin of Nedjemankh   Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / CC0

New York Met Returns Stolen Golden Coffin to Egypt

In New York, authorities, have announced the return of a stolen gold coffin to Egypt. The coffin was fraudulently sold to the New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Its repatriation is another...
The Amazon’s new record-breaking tree. Source: Tobias Jackson

A 400-Year-Old ‘Carbon Colossus’ Heralds Hope for Amazonia

At a staggering 88 meters tall, a 400-year-old tree found in the Brazilian Amazon has been declared the region’s largest tree. Researchers are now trying to figure out how it grew to such heights...
Satan – the lead character in the poem ‘Paradise Lost’. Source: Jesse-lee Lang / Adobe Stock

350 Year Old Code Found In Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’

Has an undergraduate student discovered a secret message in John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost ? Miranda Phaal, an undergraduate from Tufts University in Massachusetts, discovered what is being...
The Icelandic walrus began extinct at the arrival of the Norse. Source: Calvin / Adobe Stock.

Norse Settlers Wiped Out Icelandic Walrus 1100 Years Ago

An international collaboration of scientists in Iceland , Denmark , and the Netherlands has for the first time used ancient DNA analyses and C14-dating to demonstrate the past existence of a unique...
Giovanni Lanfranco’s Norandino and Lucina Discovered by the Ogre, 1624. In many societies giants were long part of received wisdom. Source: Amcaja / Public Domain.

Giants: Why We Needed Them

Think of any sizeable water gap. It might be that between you and the island many kilometers off the coast, a place like Kangaroo Island (South Australia) or Sri Lanka as viewed from nearby India. It...
The Tai Hang fire dragon dance is performed in Hong Kong during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Source: Hong Kong Tourism Board.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Explore the Legends and the Myths

Nearly everyone has heard of the Chinese New Year festival, but there is another festival that is very important in China and East Asia. This is the Mid-Autumn Festival , which is an enormous party...
The Harvest Moon. Source: klagyivik / Adobe Stock.

Rare Harvest Moon Occurs on Friday 13th

This year, the Harvest Moon rises today, Friday the 13th September. But why was this particular moon so special to ancient cultures? The brilliant Harvest Moon will appear tonight and will reach its...
The Apennines in central Italy are part of the shaved-off remnants of the ancient continent of Greater Adria. (Travel Wild / Adobe Stock)

Ancient Continent Discovered Hiding Beneath Europe

A mega-continent has been discovered that slid beneath Europe hundreds of millions of years ago. While today we experience extreme weather patterns and the effects of the changing climate there has...
Milking a cow. Credit: stanislavss / Adobe Stock

Humans Have Been Drinking Animal Milk for At Least 6,000 Years

Researchers have found the earliest direct evidence of milk consumption anywhere in the world in the teeth of prehistoric British farmers . The research team, led by archaeologists at the University...
Cave stalactites and stalagmites. Credit: Santi Rodríguez / Adobe Stock

Ancient Cave Crystals Reveal Sea Levels Were 50 Feet Higher in Warmer Climate

Scientist studying ancient crystals in a Spanish cave have discovered disconcerting evidence that shows just how high sea levels can rise in a warmer climate. 4.4 million years ago, one of your...
: The blaze at the medieval church in Wimbotsham. Source: Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service / Facebook.

12th Century Church Gutted by Fire Leaving Locals Devastated

A fire has badly damaged a historic church in England that dates back to medieval times. The 12 th century church was almost gutted by the fire and its ornate interior destroyed. The local community...
Modern Scots Share DNA With Dark Age Picts. Source: Peter Atkins / Adobe Stock.

Modern Scots Share DNA With Dark Age Picts

Scientists reveal modern Scots have strong genetic links with their Dark Age ancestors. “ We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns” (We are all Jock Tamson’s children) is an old Scottish phrase meaning all...
The oldest prison in England is now open for visitors to spend the night. Source: alswart / Adobe Stock

Brave Enough To Spend A Night in England’s Most Haunted Prison?

The UK’s oldest prison is offering ghostly experiences to supernatural enthusiasts. A 2015 poll revealed that 45% of Americans either believe in ghosts or that under certain conditions the human...
Harry Potter books have been banned by a Catholic school library. Source: vlakhov Valeriy / Adobe Stock.

Catholic Teachers Banned ‘Evil’ Harry Potter Books

Harry Potter books were removed from a private Catholic school in Nashville in 2019 because they include actual “ curses and spells ”, according to staff at the school. In a report in the US daily,...
