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Left: Hohenzollern Castle in the Swabian Alps - Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. (Leonid Andronov / Adobe stock). Right: Crest of the House of Hohenzollern. (Public domain)

The House of Hohenzollern – The Rise and Fall of German Emperors

In the history of the European Middle Ages, noble families and powerful feudal lords always played a very important role. The wealthier, influential aristocratic families rose to great heights and...
Nazareth Inscription.

New Evidence Throws Doubt On Nazareth Inscription’s Ties To Jesus

During the 1930s, a stone tablet was sent from Nazareth to the Louvre Museum in Paris, which became the focus of religious scholars and biblical archaeologists after its inscription was translated...
Spring Goddess

The Ancient Pagan Origins of Easter

Easter is a festival and holiday celebrated by millions of people around the world who honor the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred three days...
There is much debate between scholars to Jesus’ crucifixion date, but there is no real consensus. Is there anyway of us knowing the truth? Left: portrait of Sir Isaac Newton. (Public domain).     Right: representation of Jesus’ crucifixion. (Kovalenko I / Adobe stock)

Sir Isaac Newton’s Astronomical Dating of Christ's Crucifixion

Whether he existed as a physical person, or as some believe, was merely an archetype from Jewish mysticism, Jesus has taken the world by storm and according to the Complete Pilgrim , very rough...
Medieval soldier at war. Credit: Andrey Kiselev / Adobe Stock

The Battle of Tours - A Decisive Fight for Europe’s Future

The early medieval world of our ancestors was built upon struggles and decisive battles. The emerging nations united the broken tribes, expanded their borders, conquered their enemies, and often...
On March 29th ancient people sharpened their swords and went to battle under the power of their resurrected sun gods. Source: Oleksandr /Adobe Stock

March 29: When Viking and Christian Sun Gods Drew Swords

Easter corresponds with the first Sunday following the full moon after the March equinox and as such the holy day occurs on different dates around the Christian world. However, the story of the...
Mosaic of the baptism of Jesus Christ by Saint John the Baptist in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016. Source: Adam Ján Figeľ / Adobe stock

Jewish Prophet and Christian Saint – Who Was John the Baptist?

John the Baptist was a Jewish preacher and prophet who is believed to have been a forerunner to Jesus Christ . In the Book of Matthew in the Greek New Testament, John is depicted as another Elijah...
Reconstruction of Bek’s Chapel in Auckland Castle. (Andy Gammon / The Auckland Project)

Lost Medieval Chapel Unearthed 370 Years After Destruction

The mysterious 14th century Bek’s Chapel that was lost at the beginning of the English Civil War has been rediscovered and excavated at Auckland Castle in England. The grand, two-leveled religious...
Stav Meir, holding the 1,500-year-old Byzantine inscription that he discovered near Caesarea.	Source: Karem Said/ Israel Antiquities Authority

13-year-old Israeli Boy Stumbles Upon Ancient Byzantine Inscription

Many important archaeological finds have been made by accident down the years. In Israel, a lucky boy came across a very important historic artifact while out searching for mushrooms. He found an...
Representation of the Albigensian Crusades against the Cathars. Source: Yelkrokoyade / Public Domain.

The Fall of Spirituality: The Blood-Soaked History of the Cathars

The history of Christianity has always been filled with struggle. When the Middle Ages brought a rise in devoted, unique Christian teachings, the Church responded by declaring them heretics. And the...
Medieval crusader

The Crusades Beyond the Battlefield

The Crusades were a series of holy wars between the Christians of Western Europe and the Muslims of the Middle East. Traditionally, there were nine major Crusades, which took place between the 11th...
Viking holding Christian cross. Credit: Warpedgalerie / Adobe Stock

Vikings Didn’t Just Murder Monks and Pillage Monasteries – They Helped Spread Christianity Too

Vikings are often seen as heathen marauders mercilessly targeting Christian churches and killing defenceless monks. But this is only part of their story. The Vikings played a key role in spreading...
The Magi with baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Source: Henry Siddons Mowbray / Public domain

Was the Magi’s Mission History or Myth?

In just twelve short verses the Gospel of Matthew records the visit of the mysterious Magi to pay homage to the baby Jesus. The allure of mystical wizards from exotic lands captured the imagination...
Longinus piercing Christ’s side with the Holy Lance    Source: Gerrit De La Vallé / Public domain

Piercing the Veil: Uncovering the Secrets of The Holy Lance

Christianity, as one of the world’s most prominent and widely practiced religions, brings along a whole string of myths, stories, historical occurrences, and relics. From saints and their remains, to...
The Book of Kells: An Immortal Cultural Heritage of the Gaels

The Book of Kells: An Immortal Cultural Heritage of the Gaels

Over the centuries, from its earliest beginnings, Christianity was the inspiration for some truly stunning art. From early frescoes, to illuminated manuscripts , magnificent churches and abbeys,...
Sunrise, Old Orhei monastery, Republic of Moldova   Source: Calin Stan/Adobe Stock

The Little-Known Treasure of Beautiful Moldova - Old Orhei

Moldova may be the least visited country in Europe , but it has the largest wine cellar in the world, and a history that stretches back for millennia. Because of its incredible past, it has been home...
An exceptionally well-preserved mummified body of a woman in traditional Yakut clothes with a copper cross on her chest was found in summer 2019. Picture: Elena Solovyeva

Mummified Woman with Christian Cross Dashes Hopes of Finding Russian Fortress

By The Siberian Times reporter An exceptionally well-preserved mummified body of a woman in traditional Yakut clothes with a copper cross on her chest has been found on Lena River sand bank and ‘...
On November 2nd, All Souls' Day the Irish traditionally believed that the souls of the dead would return to their family and speak to their descendants.     Source: nasir khan / CC BY-SA 2.0

All Souls’ Day: Trapped Spirits And Soul Cakes

All Souls’ Day on November 2 is an important holy day for Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholics, but do you know why? Just when Halloween has passed and the vampire and ghost costumes get tucked away...
Altar of Mount Ebal. Source: Hoshvilim / CC BY-SA 4.0

Is Mount Ebal the ‘Real’ Home of God?

A controversial researcher claims Jerusalem’s place “where God will choose to dwell” was not the famous Temple on Mount Moriah. The Temple in Jerusalem , also known as Mount Moriah , is traditionally...
Ancient roman theater in Ohrid in Macedonia           Source: Frankix / Adobe Stock

The Theatre of Ohrid, Where the Greeks Played and the Romans Slayed

The Ancient Greeks are known for their incredible, long-lasting innovations such as the water mill, the alarm clock, the Olympics , and the theatre! They built a great many theatres in the lands they...
Christian group burns ‘satanic objects’ in bonfire. Credit: Andris / Adobe Stock

Christian Missionary Demands Australian Aboriginals Burn ‘Satanic’ Cultural Relics

A group of extreme Christian missionaries is causing irreversible trouble in outback Wangkatjungka, in Australia, by burning sacred Aboriginal objects because they are “all from the devil”, while...
The Theater of Bosra, Syria (CC by SA 3.0)

How the Roman Theater of Bosra Became a Muslim Citadel

The Romans, along with their successors the Byzantines , occupied the Levant for almost 800 years and left many preserved remains. One of the most remarkably preserved Roman sites in all the Middle...
Harry Potter books have been banned by a Catholic school library. Source: vlakhov Valeriy / Adobe Stock.

Catholic Teachers Banned ‘Evil’ Harry Potter Books

Harry Potter books were removed from a private Catholic school in Nashville in 2019 because they include actual “ curses and spells ”, according to staff at the school. In a report in the US daily,...
Top view of the buried building at Naryn-Kala fortress, Derbent.        Source: Credit: © NUST MISIS

Subterranean ‘Water Tank’ Is Actually the Oldest Christian Church in Russia, Say Nuclear Physicists

The conclusion of a team of scientists testing the hypothesis of archaeologists about the use of a building in the Derbent fortress of Naryn-Kala as a Christian temple is that it is ‘most likely to...
