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3d Digital Sculpture of Giant with hair, copper breastplate, and gorget. Image courtesy of Marcia K. Moore, Ciamar Studio.

The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged A Lost Race of Giants - Part 1

One of the most controversial subjects regarding the ancient prehistoric cultures of North America concerns what we refer to as the Unique Physical Types (UPT). For the purposes of what follows,...
Ancient Red Sea Port May Have World’s Oldest Pet Cemetery

Ancient Red Sea Port May Have World’s Oldest Pet Cemetery

Archaeologists unearthed an extensive animal burial ground at the 2,000-year-old port of Berenice on the Red Sea coast of Egypt a decade ago. Now they say that the evidence found in almost 600 animal...
Excavations at the megalithic cemetery found in south-central Poland. Source: J.Bulas

Major Megalithic Cemetery Discovered with Dozens of Tombs

Archaeologists have discovered a large and unique megalithic cemetery in south-central Poland. It has been dated to 5,500 years old, contains dozens of tombs, and researchers say, “a similar...
The Viking hoard included a gold arm ring found by metal detectorist Kath Giles. Source: Manx National Heritage Museum

Rare Treasure Hoard Unearthed On Viking Island

A hoard of Viking Age artifacts that was discovered on the Isle of Man has officially been declared a national treasure. This latest Viking treasure hoard was buried around 950 AD and discovered in...
One of the Junapani stone circles in Maharashtra, India, which are now increasingly viewed as astronomically aligned burial sites.                   Source: Ganesh Dhamodkar, CC BY-SA 3.0

Junapani Stone Circles: India’s Astronomical Megalithic Tombs

India has a rich historical and archaeological record. Something that may be less known about the Indian subcontinent is its many megalithic sites. Many of these sites are found across India. The...
Rare Pre-Hispanic Chimú Burial Discovered In Peru

Rare Pre-Hispanic Chimú Burial Discovered In Peru

Archaeologists in northern Peru have unearthed a rare Chimú culture body with three sacred vessels. The Chimú culture existed from approximately 900 AD until 1470 AD and inhabited the northern coast...
Bronze Age Graves Uncovered At Stonehenge During Tunnel Excavations

Bronze Age Graves Uncovered At Stonehenge During Tunnel Excavations

Archaeologists digging at England’s controversial Stonehenge A303 tunnel site have unearthed Neolithic pottery, Bronze Age burials and a mysterious C-shaped enclosure. The area has been suffering...
Vatican City’s Necropolis Shows How Roman Non-Elites Lived and Died

Vatican City’s Necropolis Shows How Roman Non-Elites Lived and Died

Beneath Vatican City, excavations of a Roman era necropolis have revealed fascinating details about Roman burial rituals and funerary practices from the first through to the early fourth centuries AD...
Rendlesham bead and Sutton Hoo

Rendlesham Royal Palace Linked to Famous Sutton Hoo Burial Site

In 2016 archaeologists unearthed an Anglo-Saxon royal palace and settlement at Rendlesham, located only 6 km (four miles) away from the famous Sutton Hoo burial site in Suffolk, England. Continued...

New Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Finds Compared to Sutton Hoo Hoard

An Anglo-Saxon burial ground has been excavated on land destined to become University of Cambridge student accommodation. Archaeologists have called the hoard of grave artifacts one of archaeology's...
Early Medieval Europe – Dark Age Death Practices Spread Quickly

Early Medieval Europe – Dark Age Death Practices Spread Quickly

A new study suggests that Europe has been ‘global’ for over a millennium. The evidence for this claim comes from a set of shared cultural practices spread over a wide area in early Medieval Europe...
Roman Baby Burial Challenges “Unceremonious Disposal” Dogma

Roman Baby Burial Challenges “Unceremonious Disposal” Dogma

Archeologists digging at France’s Clermont-Ferrand Airport have discovered the remains of a 2,000-year-old, upper-class, Roman baby and his pet dog. This rare Roman baby burial discovery further...
Major Discoveries of Coffins, Burial Shafts and Texts Made in Saqqara

Major Discoveries of Coffins, Burial Shafts and Texts Made in Saqqara

Archaeologists excavating at the famous Saqqara necropolis in Egypt have announced a list of top-level ancient discoveries. Within a matrix of 52 burial shafts the researchers discovered 50 sealed...
2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

An ancient pyramid-shaped megalithic burial has been discovered in North Lebanon dating back to 2,000 years before the pyramids of Egypt. What’s more, it is speculated that this, and other similar...
Stone Vessel Leads Researcher To The Lost Tomb Of Emperor Liu Zhi

Stone Vessel Leads Researcher To The Lost Tomb Of Emperor Liu Zhi

An intrepid archaeologist in China has followed a series of clues from ancient texts leading to his discovery of an ornate stone vessel that he suspected indicated the lost burial mausoleum of the...
An Ancient Baby Skeleton Was Found Buried In A Jar, But Why?

An Ancient Baby Skeleton Was Found Buried In A Jar, But Why?

Israeli archaeologists excavating in Jaffa have made further discoveries beneath the streets of this ancient Greek settlement, but this time, they’ve discovered a baby’s skeleton buried in a jar!...
A burial statue discovered in the Saqqara tombs. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Burial Statues Add to Death Treasures Unearthed in Saqqara Necropolis

The Saqqara royal burial necropolis south of Cairo, Egypt, is perhaps 2020’s most revealing ancient site. It seems that every month new treasures are presented from this deeply-sacred burial complex...
Thanks to new DNA analysis, the Krems-Wachtberg infants discovered in 2005 have now been identified as the earliest twins discovered to date. Source: OREA / Austrian Academy of Sciences

DNA Reveals Earliest Twins Buried 30,000 Years Ago in Austria

Thanks to news DNA analysis, prehistoric remains discovered in Austria have been found to contain the earliest evidence of twins found to date anywhere in the world. The discovery of infant remains...
Discovery of 9,000-Year-Old Female Hunter in Peru Is Rewriting History

Discovery of 9,000-Year-Old Female Hunter in Peru Is Rewriting History

A grave in Peru has been shown to contain the world’s oldest female hunter. This news is potentially explosive. It may change our understanding of gender relations in the ancient Americas and even...
The six-headed chief was discovered within a medieval Scottish burial. Source: FAS Heritage

Six-Headed Scottish Burial Is Actually One Genetic Mass

Scientists in Scotland have analyzed DNA samples from a bizarre 14th-century Scottish burial and have made headway in solving the mystery of the “six-headed chief.” Over the last two years, several...
Poulnabrone portal tomb in Burren at sunrise, Ireland           Source: Patryk Kosmider

If Not the Fairies, Then Who Built the Ancient Poulnabrone Dolmen?

Incredible monuments dating back to various ages are found throughout Ireland, including the Giant’s Causeway, the Blarney Stone, and Fort Newgrange, which is older than the pyramids. All have a...
Mighty Anglo-Saxon Warrior Grave May Throw Light On the Dark Ages

Mighty Anglo-Saxon Warrior Grave May Throw Light On the Dark Ages

The discovery of a 1400-year-old warrior buried in a British field is being hailed as a major discovery and is providing new insights into the so-called Dark Ages and early English history...
Respect For Canines Shown In Stone Age Dog Burial In Sweden

8,400 Year Old Dog Burial With Grave Goods Unearthed

Dogs have long been considered to be human’s best friend with evidence of their relationship going back for millennia. Now a remarkable discovery in Sweden, shows that even 8,400 years ago people and...

Shadows of the Dead: Anglo-Saxon Burials are Spooky Sand Silhouettes

Archaeologists in Britain have uncovered a remarkable Anglo-Saxon burial ground that dates back to the 6th or 7th century AD. This Anglo-Saxon burial site is rather unusual as it consists of spooky...
