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New Date for Chedworth Roman Villa Mosaic Changes English History

New Date for Chedworth Roman Villa Mosaic Changes English History

Scientific dating methods occasionally rewrite history, and this is certainly the case at the UK Chedworth Roman villa. Using precise radiocarbon dating techniques, scientists have been able to...
The Prehistoric Survivors of the Doggerland Tsunami Event

The Prehistoric Survivors of the Doggerland Tsunami Event

Thousands of years ago, mainland Europe and the UK were attached by a landmass called Doggerland. A tsunami hit that land and it was believed for a time that almost all of the hunter-gatherers who...
Part of the Mount Pleasant mega henge under excavation in the early 1970s.             Source: Cardiff University

Mount Pleasant And Other Mega-Henges: Evidence Of A Construction Boom

England’s 4,500-year-old “mega henges“ were a tremendous Stone Age development that took place just before the new waves of European settlers landed in Britain. Ancient henges were ceremonial fasting...
Bronze Age death rituals sometimes included curated remains, such as this skeleton that was buried with skulls and long bones of three people who had died much earlier. Source: Tees Archaeology / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Bronze Age Death Rituals Included Curating Remains Of Predecessors

No two people deal with death in exactly the same way. Both on the individual and societal level we have to face the inevitable. These days many people turn to their religious, scientific, or...
Some of the finds from the Northgate construction site, Chester, near the site of an important Roman legion camp.     Source: Oxford Archaeology

New Finds Made Near Famous Roman Legion Base in Britain

Archaeologists have made some impressive new finds at an important Roman site in Britain. The finds are in an area that was once part of a large, Roman legionary camp and barracks. These discoveries...
Oxburgh Hall where the trove of 15th century treasures were recently discovered in the attic. Source: Martin Pettitt / CC BY-SA 2.0

15th Century Treasures Revealed in British Stately Home Attic

In Britain, an attic in a historic home has revealed a trove of 15th century treasures. The rare items were uncovered during the recent COVID-19 lockdown and were discovered thanks to the hard work...
Archaeologists excavating in at the famous Boxgrove site in England have identified horse bone tools, the earliest bone tools ever discovered in the history of European archaeology. There are scraping marks due to the way the tool was

500,000-Year-Old Horse Bone Tools Discovered in England

Every doctor, physician and nutritionist who has ever donned a white coat would agree that, to a great extent, we humans really are what we eat. But over recent years, with advances in scanning...
The Classis Britannica was an important fleet in the Roman Navy. Source: RadoJavor/Deviant Art

Powerhouse of the Roman Navy: The Classis Britannica

The Roman Empire is perhaps best known for its legions, which were famous for their ability to overcome even their greatest defeats. However, while the legions of Rome were the all-conquering land...
Representation of the Mesolithic people of Doggerland dealing with rising sea levels.

Scientists Find Evidence for the Tsunami that Washed Out Doggerland

The UK used to be attached to mainland Europe thousands of years ago. The landmass that made the connection is called Doggerland. That land is now underwater and scientists have been working for...
Roman legionary                  Source: serpeblu / Adobe Stock

Kings Weston Roman Villa, Where a Murder Lay Hidden for 1500 Years

Britain was part of the Roman Empire from the 1 st century AD to the start of the 5 th century AD when the emperor withdrew the legions from the islands and left the inhabitants to govern and fend...
Edward Colston Statue in Bristol City Centre Has Been Toppled   Source: CC BY-SA 2.0

Edward Colston Statue Sunk in Bristol Harbor

A historic but very controversial statue has been toppled in Bristol, England. Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors pulled down a statue of a figure who was prominent in the development of the...
Viking in action. Credit: Nomad_Soul / Adobe Stock

The Life and Death of Sweyn Forkbeard and His Viking Empire

Sweyn I, known also as Sweyn Tiugeskaeg (which means ‘Forkbeard’), was a Viking chief who became the ruler of Denmark, Norway, and England. His byname, ‘Forkbeard’, is a reference to his long, cleft...
Representation of Hengist and Horsa.           Source: Brambilla Simone / Adobe stock

Invasion of Britain by Brothers Hengist and Horsa: Truth or Legend?

Hengist and Horsa were a pair of brothers mentioned in British history. According to legend, they were the leaders of the first Germanic settlers (or Anglo-Saxons ) of Britain. They are believed to...
A probable Iron Age or Roman enclosed settlement (red arrows) and associated field system (blue arrows) revealed by LiDAR data but hidden today beneath woodland.       Source: University of Exeter

Armchair Indiana Joneses Find Ancient Sites Using LiDAR During Lockdown

Volunteer archaeologists working from home are revealing hitherto uncharted prehistoric burial mounds, Roman roads and medieval farms, using LiDAR technology. An innovative project is underway...
The Iron Age and medieval jewelry unearthed in Shropshire, England. Left: the medieval brooch with centaurs. Right: The gold Iron Age ring.            Source: British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme

Detectorists Unearth Rare Iron Age and Medieval Jewelry in England

In Britain , metal detectorists have unearthed two historically significant treasures and in particular, very rare pieces of Iron Age and medieval jewelry. One is a gold ring and the other is a...
A new study of Neolithic pottery fragments has revealed ancient Britons were among the first people to farm dairy. Pictured: Cow and her calf in sunset. Source:  lassedesignen / Adobe stock

Thirsty Brits Turned to Drinking Cow’s Milk 7,000 Years Ago

Molecular food remains sampled from Neolithic pottery determines dairy farming “took hold” in what is modern-day Britain and Ireland . A new study of pottery fragments by a team of scientists led by...
Reunification Monument, Yaoundé, Cameroon          Source: Ngnogue.Z

Reunification Monument for a Divided Cameroon

Throughout Africa, many impressive monuments have been raised to commemorate the struggle for independence. Particularly striking is the Reunification Monument in Cameroon. It symbolizes the...
Ancient Mill Back in Action to Meet Coronavirus Demand

Ancient Mill Back in Action to Meet Coronavirus Demand

In Britain , a historic and ancient mill, that dates back a millennium is once more producing flour after 50 years. The Sturminster Newton Mill is milling flour to meet soaring demand during the...
The rare photo showing the ingenious Stonehenge engineering.

Rare Photo Reveals Ingenious Stonehenge Engineering Secrets

England’s famous stone circle, Stonehenge , in Wiltshire, was built in four major phases with the first being completed around 5,000 years ago and what we see today, the final stage, was completed...
Hares and chickens were revered during the Iron Age. Source: Uros Petrovic / Adobe Stock.

Curious Reverence of the Chicken and the Hare by Iron Age Brits

New archaeological research demonstrates brown hares and chickens held godly status in Iron Age Britain . We invite you to tumble down the rabbit hole and learn about a new archaeological analysis...
6,000-year-old prehistoric pottery from the Sahara Desert, which was subjected to the new dating technique. Source: Emmanuelle Casanova et al. / University of Bristol / Nature

‘Holy Grail’ Dating Technique Sheds New Light on Prehistoric Past

A new archaeological dating technique has been successfully applied to shards of pottery uncovered from a dig in East London’s Shoreditch. The “groundbreaking” new dating technique analyzes fatty...
Roman brooch found in Leasingham, England by a metal detectorist. Source: The Collection Museum in Lincolnshire.

Stunning Rare Roman Horse Brooch Found in Britain

Metal detectorists in recent years have made an amazing series of historical finds . In Britain, a detectorist has unearthed a very rare and beautiful Roman brooch in a plowed field. It is only the...
Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons, poses inside the newly-rediscovered secret passage.       Source: Jessica Taylor / UK Parliament

Secret Passageway Reveals Clues to UK Parliament’s Ancient Past

A secret passage has been found in the world-famous House of Commons in London . This passageway was forgotten for at least 70 years. Its rediscovery is allowing researchers to better understand one...
Reconstruction of Bek’s Chapel in Auckland Castle. (Andy Gammon / The Auckland Project)

Lost Medieval Chapel Unearthed 370 Years After Destruction

The mysterious 14th century Bek’s Chapel that was lost at the beginning of the English Civil War has been rediscovered and excavated at Auckland Castle in England. The grand, two-leveled religious...
