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There are undoubtedly millions of ancient artifacts from the past that have served to shed light on the lives of our ancestors from many millennia ago. But some ancient mystical artifacts stand out for their uniqueness, their intrigue, or their ability to expand our knowledge about previously unknown aspects of our history. Here we feature many such ancient history artifacts, from amazing examples of ancient technology, to artistic masterpieces, unexplained objects, ancient texts, and mysterious artifacts that shed light on the daily lives of our ancestors.

Cllr Paul Hodgkinson, Cotswold District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Health and Emma Stuart, Corinium Museum Director. Proudly exhibiting the Roman swords recently found during a detectorist rally. Source: Cotswold district Council

Two Out of Place Roman Swords Dug Up By Cotswolds Detectorist

A treasure hunter participating in a metal detectorist rally in England’s Cotswolds District unearthed not one, but two ancient Roman swords. These two weapons are unlike most Roman swords discovered...
Celestial globe with clockwork, 1579 (Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain)

This Globe Features Mythology, Science, and Technology (Video)

Crafted in the 16th century by Gerhard Emmoser for Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, the “ Celestial Globe with Clockwork” stands as a remarkable fusion of art, science, and engineering. It incorporates...
The Belles Herues of Jean de France, duc de Berry. The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

The Teen Prodigies Behind This 15th Century French Picture Book (Video)

Within the realm of 15th-century French artistry , the Belles Heures emerges as a striking showcase of the Limbourg Brothers' talents. This exquisitely crafted manuscript, commissioned by Jean de...
Egyptian statue of two men and a boy that served as a domestic icon. Source: The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

This Egyptian Statue Is Reminiscent of a Family Photo (Video)

This Egyptian statue , an exhibit at the New York MET, hails from around 1340 BC during the Amarna period and exudes a magnetic charm. These three male figures capture a profound naturalism, evident...
Archaeologists have found an ancient canoe in Lake Neuchâtel. This find holds significant importance in advancing our knowledge of the region's prehistory.	Source: Cantonal Archeology of Vaud

Huge and Extremely Ancient Intact Canoe Recovered From Swiss Lake

In 2021, using a small plane, a team of Swiss archaeologists surveyed Lake Neuchâtel and spotted an unusual geometric shape in the water. Now, a well-preserved and intact 2,500-year-old wooden canoe...
Ancient Cave Art at Mfangano Island, Kenya. Source: Avi Kumar

Ancient Cave Art at Mfangano Island Kenya, Revered For Generations

Mfangano Island in Kenya’s Lake Victoria hosts some ancient rock art that is an estimated to be 4000 years old. It consists of concentric circles built by a culture long gone but still revered. Lake...
Mesopotamian cylinder seal. Source: Met Museum / Public Domain.

How Akkadian Cylinder Seals Served As Ancient Signatures (Video)

Akkadian cylinder seals emerged during the fourth millennium BC, coinciding with the dawn of writing. These unique artifacts served dual purposes: safeguarding against unauthorized access to storage...
The Olmec mask in The Met Collection. Public Domain.

Uncovering the Met’s 3,000-Year-Old Olmec Mask (Video)

This ancient Olmec face, on display at the Met, stands as a remarkable exhibit that underscores the enduring power of art and the intriguing craftsmanship of the Olmec culture. While commonly labeled...
Assyrian relief carving, circa 883 to 859 BC, which includes a representation which looks surprisingly similar to modern-day handbags. Source: Public domain

Why Are Mysterious Handbags Prevalent in Ancient Carvings Worldwide?

One of the more mysterious symbols that has been found in carvings from the ancient world is an image that looks uncannily like a modern-day handbag. The shape appears in depictions made by the...
Peruvian Quipu. Source: YouTube Screenshot / The New York Times.

Quipu: An Enigmatic Communication System of Ancient Peru (Video)

In the remote highlands of Peru lies a unique community, San Cristobal de la Paz, where the ancient Inca language, Quechua , still resonates at an altitude of 13,000 feet. Here, amidst the rugged...
A Gothic boxwood miniature prayer bead. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

The Intricate Carvings of Gothic Boxwood Miniature Prayer Beads (Video)

Unlocking centuries-old mysteries, Gothic Boxwood Miniature Prayer Beads have long baffled experts with their intricate scenes delicately carved into walnut-sized spheres during the 1400s and 1500s...
The natural cliff overhang provided protection from the elements, contributing to the remarkable preservation of the horn chamber.  Source: Royal Commission for AlUla

7,000-year-old Evidence of ‘World’s Earliest Pilgrimage’ Unearthed in Arabia

Recent excavations and ensuing studies conducted at the ancient stone monuments ‘mustatil’ (literally meaning rectangle) in northwest Arabia have revealed the presence of a cultic ritual that was...
Fresco depicting the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus. Source: Giorgio G / Adobe Stock.

Why Do Babies in Medieval Art Look Like Creepy Middle-Aged Men? (Video)

In medieval art, depictions of babies are far from the cherubic, innocent infants we imagine today. Instead, they appear as miniature adults, complete with mature features that can be quite...
Uluburun, ancient wealthiest shipwreck

Uluburun, One of the Oldest and Wealthiest Shipwrecks Ever Discovered

The Uluburun is a 3,300-year-old shipwreck discovered off the coast of Uluburun (Grand Cape), near Kaş in south-western Turkey. It is among the oldest ships ever discovered and contained one of the...
Experts claim this may be Europe’s oldest artillery cannon found off the coast of Sweden. Source: Bo Niklasson/Bohusläns museum/University of Gothenburg

Europe’s Oldest Artillery Cannon Found Off the Coast of Sweden

A shipboard cannon, found off the west coast of Sweden, may be the oldest piece of artillery ever found in Europe! Discovered in the waters off Marstrand, the cannon has been crafted from cast copper...
Medieval chainmail armor. Source: koldunova / Adobe Stock.

Could Medieval Chain Mail Armor Stop Arrows Piercing? (Video)

We tend to think of Medieval knights as wearing heavy plate armor but in reality much of their time chain mail made up much of their defenses. Medieval chain mail armor was remarkably effective...
Sketch of Medieval shield and throwing darts. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Tod’s Workshop.

Strange Medieval Weapons: Throwing Darts (Video)

In this fascinating exploration of unconventional medieval weaponry , we delve into a unique find: a shield adorned with throwing darts. These weapons, as Tod from YouTube’s Tod's Workshop and Matt...
Archaeologists have uncovered a mysterious 45-Meter tunnel under the 17th Century Saxon Palace in Warsaw. Screenshot from Science in Poland's video. Source: Science in Poland

Saxon Palace in Warsaw Contains a Secret 45-Meter-Long Tunnel Underneath Its Ruins!

Tragically destroyed during the Nazi offensive in World War II, the 17th century Saxon Palace in Warsaw is a prominent historical site. Archaeological work being carried out at the site and its...
Jade bi disc, China, Neolithic period. Source: Cleveland Museum of Art/CC0

The Mysterious Origin of the Jade Discs

In ancient China, dating back to at least 5,000 BC, large stone discs were placed on the bodies of Chinese aristocrats. Their original function still eludes scientists, as does the way in which they...
Medieval toilet. Source: Mikhail / Adobe Stock.

From Pits to Flushes: The Strange History of Toilets (Video)

Throughout history, human waste disposal has undergone a remarkable transformation. In ancient India, as early as 2500 BC, the Indus Valley showcased a rudimentary toilet and sewer system that was...
The reconstructed Sweet Track is a walkway aged 5830 years, situated in England's Somerset Levels. Source: International Journal of Heritage Studies/CC BY 4.0

Sweet Track, a 6,000-year-old Testament of Prehistoric Ingenuity

Ancient history, before the major civilizations emerged, is a world full of secrets and hidden knowledge. People often have a skewed view of these periods of humanity, thinking that the people of the...
The mask of Warka, from Warka, ancient Uruk, Iraq. 3000-2900 BC. The Iraq Museum, Baghdad. Source: Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP (Glasg)/CC BY-SA 4.0

Is the Mask of Warka the World’s Oldest Representation of a Human Face?

The once-fertile region of Mesopotamia, cited by many as the cradle of civilization, is a true treasure trove of ancient relics and archaeological wonders. A land where numerous prominent city states...
Right: The gold hoard photographed shortly after Erlend Bore found it in the ground with a metal detector. Source: Museum of Archaeology/UiS

Norway’s “Gold Find of the Century” Uncovered, Including Rare Cache of Medallions

On the Norwegian island of Rennesøy, an impressive hoard of ancient gold items, weighing over 100 grams, has been uncovered. The cache includes nine coin-like gold pendants or medallions, with rare...
Spiked versions of long-handled peasant flails. From Paulus Hector Mair's combat manual ‘Arte De Athletica’. Public Domain

Deadly Medieval Weapons: The Spiked Flail (Video)

The spiked flail, one of the more unconventional medieval weapons , boasts a unique design with a swinging head attached to a handle. Historical accounts place its use primarily between the 14th and...
