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Viking rituals. Source:  Rarity Asset Club / Adobe Stock.

Unusual Viking Rituals That Will Surprise You (Video)

Vikings , renowned as fierce warriors, possessed an intriguing blend of superstition and battle strategy. Their rituals , spanning from omens to magic, marked their distinct beliefs. Warriors etched...
Viking raider surveys his work at a burning medieval village.	Source: ParinApril/Adobe Stock

Viking Raids: What It Was Like to Be On the Front Lines (Video)

In the fierce era of Viking raids , battles were unforgiving and fierce. With ten-foot spears and three-foot shields, Viking combat was a brutal spectacle. Most battles began with a rain of arrows...
Ancient beer recreated. Source: 9parusnikov / Adobe Stock.

Recreating Ancient Ale with a 1,100-Year-Old Beer Recipe (Video)

Travis Rupp, far from being an ordinary brewmaster, delves into the past to recreate the tastes and textures of beers from ancient times. His ambition is to understand what the common folk, not just...
Illustration of one the graves with Viking and horse, by Mirosław Kuźma. Source: Leszek Gardeła/The Conversation

Shared Horse and Human Burials Show Vikings’ Bond With Their Animal Companions

Keith Ruiter & Harriet Evans Tang / The Conversation Is your pet part of the family? That’s nothing new. Archaeological evidence exists to suggest that the Vikings held their own animals in high...
Representational image of a magical Viking rune or Viking Code. Source: Artur / Adobe Stock

Unlocking the Cryptic Viking Code Using Runic Writing and Ancient DNA

Runic script is an alphabetic system based on a non-alphabetical order row. This means that it has letters, like in many languages, but the letters are not arranged in a standard alphabetical order...
Viking invasion. Source: TheStockCube / Adobe Stock.

The True Story of the First Viking Invasion of England (Video)

On June 8th, 793, Lindisfarne Priory in England fell victim to a calamitous Viking attack, igniting the Viking Age in Europe. The raid shattered the peace of this sacred religious center , as heathen...
Fish strung over a fire – the Viking way of cooking fish. Source: Igor / Adobe Stock.

How Cod Saved the Vikings (Video)

Cod , the mighty fish of the sea, held the Vikings in its firm grasp. These fierce seafarers depended on cod for survival and adventure. With its abundance, the Atlantic cod became their culinary...

Vikings vs. Native Americans: A Clash of Cultures in the New World (Video)

The Vikings have always been known for their bold and adventurous spirit, but for a long time historians didn’t realize that the Vikings actually beat Columbus to the Americas by over 400 years. So...
The tale of Jomsborg tells of a thriving settlement with a formidable fortress on the Baltic.      Source: Mariusz Świtulski/Adobe Stock

Existence of Mythical Viking Stronghold of Jomsborg Acquires Teeth in Polish Discovery

Investigations into the semi-mythical and legendary medieval Viking stronghold of ‘Jomsborg’ have acquired new steam, and in an entirely unexpected way. With the local government making the decision...

Decoding Viking Origins: Genetic Clues Paint a New Picture (Video)

The word " Viking " evokes vivid images of mighty, fair-haired seafarers pillaging coastal settlements. Yet is this portrayal an accurate reflection of their genetic makeup? Groundbreaking...
Ancient voyages set off to discover new realities. Source: XaMaps/Adobe Stock

8 Ancient Voyages That Changed the World

Throughout human history, the call of the unknown has driven explorers to embark on daring voyages into uncharted waters. These intrepid explorers have braved treacherous seas, and unknown dangers,...
Part of the Viking hoard in situ. Source: Nordjyske Museer

Biggest Viking Treasure Trove in 50 Years Found in Denmark!

Talk about beginner’s luck! An amateur detectorist has found a highly valuable Viking treasure hoard in a cornfield in north-west Denmark. It includes silver jewelry and nearly 300 incredibly rare...
Haida mask. Source: Fiona M. Donnelly / Adobe Stock.

Haida Resilience: The Untold Saga of Canada's Coastal Warriors (Video)

The Haida people of Canada have a rich history that dates back over 10,000 years. They were known for their naval power and their strategic use of the ocean, which sustained them through trade and...
Viking celebration. Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock.

Raid, Pillage, and Party: Inside the World of Viking Celebrations (Video)

What comes to mind when you think of Vikings ? Pillaging and plundering? Battle cries and warrior spirit ? What about partying? That's right, Vikings knew how to have a good time, too. Mead halls ,...
AI generated image of Greenland Vikings during extreme conditions of the Little Ice Age. Source: Jenar/Adobe Stock

How the Little Ice Age Caused Greenland Vikings to Jump Ship

A new study challenges previous ideas as to why Vikings abandoned their Greenland settlements. It found this northern exodus wasn’t sparked by political wrangling or social unrest, but by the Little...
Norse settlement with wood houses. Source: Hauber_Photography / Adobe Stock.

Norse Greenlanders Traveled to North America and Europe for Timber for Five Centuries

When Norse colonists arrived on Greenland in the 10th century, they needed a lot of wood to build houses, storage buildings and ships. While most households relied on wood from trees that grew...
Vikingship on Ungst (Unstphoto/CC BY-SA 4.0)

5,000 Years of History Still Standing In Scotland’s Shetland Isles

Ultima Thule meaning "farthest Thule", was the most northerly location mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman cartographic literature, while modern interpretations of this place include the islands of...
Viking warriors facing the fire. Source: Hui / Adobe Stock / Insert Button Play Video by Dehweh

5 Dramatic Deaths of Viking Warriors (Video)

The Viking Age , spanning from the late 8th to the mid-11th century, was a time of conquest, exploration, and mythic heroism. At the heart of this age of adventure was the warrior culture of the...
A Viking warrior. Source: Art Gallery / Adobe Stock.

Ragnar’s Death Song: The Last Words of a Viking King (Video)

Ragnar's Death Song, also known as the Song of the Crow or the Krakumal, is a poem that tells the story of Ragnar's death. According to Norse sagas, Ragnar Lothbrok was a legendary Viking warrior and...
Representative image of a round wooden shield similar to the Viking shields found at Gokstad. Source: Aleksandrs/Adobe Stock

Ceremonial Viking Shields Re-identified as Actual Battle-Worn Armor

A reexamination of 1,100-year-old wooden Viking shields excavated in Norway in 1880 have been used to assert that these round protective devices could very well have been used in hand-to-hand combat...
Detail depicting the unusual death of King Edmund Ironside as portrayed in a 13th-century illustrated Anglo-Norman manuscript of the Life of St Edward the Confessor. Source: Cambridge University Library / CC BY-NC 3.0

King Edmund Ironside Was Killed on the Toilet by a Cesspit Assassin

Having ruled England for less than a year, King Edmund is primarily remembered for his unusual death. In one of the most uncomfortable murders in history, legend has it the Anglo-Saxon king was...
Vikings values of bravery, honor and loyalty. Source: (Ben By AdobeStock)

Discovering the Drengr Code: The Truth About Viking Ethics

Many cultures throughout history have had their own unspoken societal rules, and the Vikings are no exception. The Drengr Code was a code of ethics and principles that was believed to have been...
The Great Heathen Army. The scene depicts brothers Hinguar and Hubba slaying Christians in the north of England. Manuscript from British Library (Public Domain)

Repton, The British Valhalla To The Great Viking Heathen Army And Ivar The Boneless?

Was Ivar the Boneless, son of Ragnar Lothbrock, buried at Repton in Derbyshire county, England? At first glance the small village of Repton, with its gentle village green does not seem at all...
Representational image of a Viking-era boat. Source: Noel Cook / Adobe Stock

Viking-Era Boat Has Been Discovered Under an English Pub

Archaeologists from the University of Nottingham are currently studying what locals believe to be a Viking-era boat that was discovered buried beneath a pub car park in Wirral, England. The boat was...
