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Martini Fisher

Martini Fisher comes from a family of history and culture buffs. She graduated from Macquarie University, Australia, with a degree in Ancient History. Although her interest in history is diverse, Martini is especially interested in  mythologies, folklores and ancient funerary practices.

Martini currently travels Asia with the purpose of collecting folklores and tales to simplify and present them for a global audience. Her first series of books, “Wayang: Stories of the Shadow Puppets,” is a look at the ancient stories of Javanese creation myths from a traditional performing arts standpoint. She also spent some time in Bali, Indonesia, compiling a little book of Balinese folk tales which she then released in e-book form titled “The Giant Who Loved the Moon: A Collection of Balinese Folk Tales”.

Spending most of her time in Asia and Australia, Martini started her contributions for another series of books, “Time Maps,” in 2008, continuing the work of Dr. R.K Fisher, who started the project in 1996 until the time of his passing. “Time Maps” retells the world history through a non-European point of view. “Time Maps: History, Prehistory and Biological Evolution” is available online and in bookstores.

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Telesilla, Warrior Poetess From Argos, Who Manned-Up On The Battlefield and Bedroom

Telesilla, Warrior Poetess From Argos, Who Manned-Up On The Battlefield and Bedroom

An ancient oracle told by a Pythian priestess says, “ But when the time shall come that the female conquers in battle, driving away the male, and wins great glory in Argos, then many wives of the...
The Trials And Tribulations Of Arabian Warrior Queens

The Trials And Tribulations Of Arabian Warrior Queens

In the 12th century BC, the collapse of the complex state system in the Near East led to the rise of ethnic group cohesion that had previously been largely fragmented. These ethnic groups morphed...
Aspasia The Metiki Who Seduced And Confused Athens’ Powerful Men

Aspasia The Metiki Who Seduced And Confused Athens’ Powerful Men

In his writing on the Athenian Statesman Pericles, Plutarch (c. 46 – c. 119 AD), marvels at the "... great art or power this woman had, that she managed as she pleased the leading men of the state...
Ubiquitous Ancient Education: Training Young Minds And Bodies

Ubiquitous Ancient Education: Training Young Minds And Bodies

What was school like in the ancient world? In the pre-covid-age, the enduring general image of attending school for most pupils is one of learning in a classroom with a group of fellow students with...
Men Playing Board Games in Alegria (1890 – 1900) (Public Domain)

Ancient Board Games Simulating War Strategies And Predicting Afterlife

Board games provide humanity with entertainment, distraction and exercise for the mind whether they are played on the ground, on the floor or on wooden boards. They have formed such a large part of...
Ye Xian, Chinese Cinderella At The Chinese New Year Spring Festival

Ye Xian, Chinese Cinderella At The Chinese New Year Spring Festival

February 12, is the celebration of the Chinese New Year Spring Festival . In ninth-century Chinese folklore, this is the festival where Ye Xian, the Chinese Cinderella, lost her slipper, and the rest...
An archetypal character who appears in the myths of many different cultures, the Trickster gleefully crosses and breaks physical and societal laws of both humans and gods, destroying norms, while openly challenging and ridiculing authority.

Māui, The Fun-Loving Trickster Of Polynesian Mythology

An archetypal character who appears in the myths of many different cultures, the Trickster gleefully crosses and breaks physical and societal laws of both humans and gods, destroying norms, while...

Octavian’s Trolling and Propaganda Against Mark Antony

In 1493, the invention of the Gutenberg printing press dramatically amplified the gathering and dissemination of news. However, this innovation came with a dark side as it later delivered the Great...
Marcus Tullius Cicero: Family Man, Friend and Father

Marcus Tullius Cicero: Family Man, Friend and Father

In modern times, Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 - 43 BC) is remembered as the greatest Roman orator. A prolific thinker, his writings include books on rhetoric, orations, philosophical and political...
Roman Elections: The Rise and Fall Of Eccentric Roman Politicians

Roman Elections: The Rise and Fall Of Eccentric Roman Politicians

In the ancient world, the early distribution of political power was dictated by the availability of fresh water, fertile soil and a temperate climate, all of which were important for the development...
Batara Kala, the Hungry Giant God of Time and Destruction

Batara Kala, the Hungry Giant God of Time and Destruction

The Borobudur Temple , the massive Mahayana Buddhist temple in Central Java, Indonesia, was built in the ninth century during the reign of the Shailendra Dynasty, which emerged in eighth-century Java...
The Arrows and Ardor of Apollo, The Sun God

The Arrows and Ardor of Apollo, The Sun God

The sun god Apollo has been identified as the embodiment of the Hellenic spirit, by Scottish classical scholar W.K. C. Guthrie in his 1950 book, The Greeks and their Gods. An eternally youthful deity...
Zheng He’s fleet Cheng Ho Cultural Museum – Exhibition (CC0)

Zheng He, The Eunuch Who Became A Ming Dynasty Admiral

In 1127, the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279) lost control of northern China and, with it, access to the Silk Road and Persia's riches. After overthrowing the Song Dynasty and rising himself to the imperial...
Pura Ulun Danu Bratan at Bali, Indonesia (zephyr_p/ Adobe stock)

King Udayana Religious Financial Reformer of Ancient Bali

In ancient India, legendary King Udayana was a king of the city of Kaushambi in the north-central India as well as a patron of Shakyamuni Buddha. The Buddhist scripture Samyutta Nikaya records...
Recovering the Stolen Jewel from the Palace of the Dragon King. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1853) The Metropolitan Museum of Art (CC0)

Dances With Dragons Of The Ancient East

Kinryuzan Sensoji Temple, located in Asakusa, Tokyo is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Japan. Dedicated to Kannon Bosatsu, the Bodhisattva of compassion, the temple is one of the most widely...
The Sati of Ramabai, Wife of Madhavrao Peshwa (reigned 1761-1772) (Public Domain)

The Bitter Battle of Bubat: Divorcing the Javanese and the Sundanese

The modern-day Java Island of Indonesia now boasts diverse ethnic and religious communities, but the island was once divided by the bitter Battle of Bubat, when a royal wedding turned into a blood...
