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Aleksa Vučković

I am a published author of over ten historical fiction novels, and I specialize in Slavic linguistics. Always pursuing my passions for writing, history and literature, I strive to deliver a thrilling and captivating read that touches upon history's most enigmatic subjects. With several years of experience as a writer, I successfully transfer my extensive knowledge of history, linguistics, and anthropology into the written form.



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Ayaz Kala in northern Uzbekistan was used by the Kushan Empire as a garrison. Source: bbsferrari / Adobe Stock

Pax Kushana: Uncovering the Forgotten Kushan Empire

Nestled at the very core of ancient Central Asian history lies the enigmatic Kushan Empire, a once-powerful civilization that flourished during the critical centuries of the Common Era. Stretching...
Depiction of what the ancient 'Herto Man' may have looked like. His skull dates to 160,000 years ago. Source: Bradshaw Foundation

Herto Man: A 160,000-Year-Old Window into Homo Sapiens' Ancestry

The Herto Man is a common name for a group of prehistoric human remains that were discovered in 1997, in the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia, in the famed Bouri Formation that yielded many ancient fossils...
The Tomb of Absalom in Jerusalem. Source: Xiquinhosilva / CC BY 2.0

Questions Arise Over Biblical Tomb of Absalom in Jerusalem

The Tomb of Absalom, also known as the Absalom's Pillar or Absalom's Monument, is a remarkable funerary monument located in the Kidron Valley in Jerusalem, Israel. This ancient structure is...
Barbarian tribes.  Source: Salsabila Ariadina/Adobe Stock

Rethinking Barbarians: Were They Really Savages?

The term "barbarian" has long been associated with images of savagery and brutality, conjuring thoughts of uncivilized societies on the fringes of the ancient world. However, the question arises:...
The Mesopotamian military represented here used weapons of war to achieve great success. Source: WILD HARE/Adobe Stock

Mesopotamian Military Mastery - The Ancient Reinvention of Warfare

Creating a great empire in ancient times was no simple task, and it usually involved a lot of warfare. Ancient Mesopotamia, called by many the cradle of civilization, was also the cradle of organized...
Statue of Anubis at the Gregorian Egyptian Museum. Source: Miguel Hermoso Cuesta / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Rise of Hermanubis: The Hybrid God of Both Rome and Egypt

When the Romans invaded and incorporated ancient Egypt into their vast empire, they inevitably brought with them their own customs, traditions, and religion. But, even so, they could not extinguish...
AI representation of Greek God Dionysus.

Dionysus, the Mysterious Greek God of Wine and Ecstasy

In the realm of ancient gods and goddesses, few held such an esteemed place in history as Dionysus. This vibrant and multifaceted deity of ancient Greek mythology embodies the essence of wine,...
Modern-day view of Kallanai dam in India. Source: Elamaran Elaaa / Adobe Stock

2,000-year-old Kallanai Dam: Timeless Engineering Marvel of the Chola Dynasty

Sometimes, ancient marvels of architecture simply defy all forms of logic. And even after many centuries pass, and the world enters the modern age, we are amazed to see these ancient jewels still...
Spurn Point beach in East Yorkshire at Sunrise, where remnants of the medieval port town known as Ravenser Odd are believed to reside under the sea. Source: Tim Hill / Adobe Stock

Searching for Ravenser Odd: Medieval English Port Town Lost to the Sea

England’s sea-swept coasts were always at the mercy of the elements. Those remotest towns and villages, lying directly on the seashore, always existed on the brink. Their inhabitants never knew if...
The Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul, originally serving as the spiritual center of Eastern Christianity, played a symbolic and historical role in the Great Schism of 1054. Source: LALSSTOCK / Adobe Stock

East vs. West: The Untold Story of Christianity's Great Schism

Christianity is one of the foremost religions in the world. It has a long history, which was often fraught with crises, struggles, and persecutions. Of course, as the centuries passed, so did...
A hooded scribe working on an ancient manuscript.  Source: UniverseInside / Adobe Stock

Top 10 Mysterious Ancient Manuscripts and Inscriptions Yet to be Deciphered

While exploring the enigmatic depths of ancient history, scholars often stumble upon cryptic relics, among which lie manuscripts that continue to defy the most skilled scholars and linguists. The...
Traditional Hnefatafl board game, of which Tablut is a variation played by the Sami people of Lapland. Source: Berthold Photography / Adobe Stock

The Ancient Game “Tablut” Has Survived Centuries

Ancient times were not all about warfare, survival, politics or arduous work. No, our distant ancestors knew how to have fun as well, and to enjoy their free time. That is why board games have been...
Representative image of a Scythian Enaree shaman. Source: jozefklopacka / Adobe Stock

The Mysteries of the Enaree: The Androgynous Shamans of the Scythians

Throughout history, shamans played a major role in many of the world’s most important civilizations. For the ancient Scythians, this role was taken by the Enaree, male priests and shamans who adopted...
Representational image of a woman giving a birthday present. Source: GrafitiRex / Adobe Stock

Gifts Across the Ages: When Did People Start Giving Birthday Presents?

For every individual, their birthday is an important and very meaningful date. Whether you’re nine or 90, you can’t help but feel happy and elated on your special day, especially when your friends...
Rakau Momori Moriori tree carvings. Source: Royston Vasey / CC BY-SA 3.0

Endangered Heritage: The Rakau Momori Tree Carvings of the Moriori

Wood carving, or whakairo , has a long and rich history in Maori culture. Traditionally, Maori artisans, utilizing woods like totara, kauri and pohutukawa, crafted intricate designs laden with...
10 ancient unsung heroes reshaped history.	Source: W Parkinson/ CC BY-SA 4.0, Assassin's Creed Wiki/CC BY SA, CC BY-SA 3.0, Public Domain

10 Most Fascinating Unsung Heroes of Ancient History

History was built by heroes - both small and great. But heroes are not made only in battles. They can be scholars, sages, explorers, commanders, religious figures, and anything in between. And for...
