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The Harvest Moon. Source: klagyivik / Adobe Stock.

Rare Harvest Moon Occurs on Friday 13th

This year, the Harvest Moon rises today, Friday the 13th September. But why was this particular moon so special to ancient cultures? The brilliant Harvest Moon will appear tonight and will reach its...
Lady with an elegant headdress

Ningal: The Mesopotamian Goddess Awakening Female Mysticism

In the city of Ur, where the first settlements in the marshes of southern Mesopotamia were built with reeds without any type of nails or woods, Ningal was born to Ninhursag and Enki. Her name means...
Zorats Karer, the Armenian Stonehenge

Zorats Karer: The Incredible History of the 7,500-year-old Armenian Stonehenge

Armenia is full of archaeological surprises. It is a country where mysterious stories appear at every corner and most of them still wait to be solved. However, one of the greatest stories of...

What Would Happen to Earth if our Moon Were Obliterated?

One of the most fascinating things about the evolution of life on Earth is its connection to the sky above. Only under the most precise conditions could tiny molecules have burst forth into life, and...
Commercial Moon Base

Are We about to See Commercial Development of the Moon? Bigelow Aerospace Says ‘Yes’

If some of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals on the planet have their way, human beings will soon—very soon, in fact—be returning to the Moon. Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are...
The 10,000-year-old pebble which is believed to be the oldest lunar calendar in the world. Source: SAPIENZA, Università di Roma

10,000-Year-Old Engraved Stone Found to be World’s Oldest Lunar Calendar

A new study, coordinated by Sapienza, claims to have discovered the oldest lunar calendar in the world in a pebble that was carved during the Upper Paleolithic period. The remarkable find has been...
Chinese space exploration

China Joins the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life

­­ For many years, space exploration seemed to be largely an American obsession. NASA was the only space agency on the planet with ambitious plans and the consistent financing to carry them out. But...
Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists Biting Dust On the 50th Anniversary of First Lunar Mission

Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists Biting Dust On the 50th Anniversary of First Lunar Mission

Today, July 20 2019, at precisely 4:17:40PM ET, it is exactly fifty years since the Apollo Lunar Module ‘Eagle’ touched down on the Moon and while anniversary events are being held all over the world...
Harvest Moon 2014, Coal Harbor, Vancouver.

Footprints on the Moon and Cemeteries on Mars: 50 Years Evidence of Human Activity In Space

There is a lot of documentation about what’s been left on the Moon – but it’s amazing how much we don’t know. There are things that have gone missing, like part of a thermal blanket that got ripped...

The Moon and Its Atmosphere: What You May Not Know

Many people are convinced the Moon lacks an atmosphere. They believe it is directly exposed to the vacuum of space. But this is incorrect. In fact, there is an atmosphere on the Moon. It is far less...
Europa, Jupiter's Moon

Are Scientists Set to Discover Life Beneath Europa’s Underground Ocean?

Europa is one of Jupiter’s 79 moons. It is one of four large moons that revolve around the planet, and is slightly smaller in size than our moon. Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei, and...
Voyager 1

Ongoing Dispatches from the First Man-Made Object to Leave Our Solar System

On September 5, 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1, a small 700 kg space probe with a special mission: to boldly go where no one or no thing has gone before. The Voyager 1 was designed to explore the...
Moon and Earth

Ancient Origins of the Moon: Was it Once Part of Earth?

The origin of the Moon has been a subject of research for many years and theories about its creation abound. Hypotheses vary from non-scientific proposals, such as that the Moon is a spaceship, to...
Most people don’t know there are Teotihuacan tunnels creating a labyrinth below the archaeological site

The Newly Found Teotihuacan Tunnel Reveals Secrets of a Moon Goddess and Ancient Human Sacrifices

Archaeological explorers in Mexico have confirmed the existence of hidden tunnel and a 50-foot (15 meter) diameter chamber beneath the Pyramid of the Moon in modern-day San Juan Teotihuacán,...
Teotihuacan, Pyramid of the Moon

Secret Chamber and Tunnel Discovered Under the Temple of the Moon at Teotihuacan Emulate the Underworld

Archaeologists have confirmed the existence of a secret tunnel and chamber under the Pyramid of the Moon in the ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico. They suggest that these features may have been...
Medieval stargazers. People have been fascinated by the stars and their possible influence over our lives, long before and after the time of Babylonian astrology.

Babylonian Astrology: How Mesopotamian Priests Influenced Your Horoscope

Mankind has always looked up to the sky and wondered at its beauty and secrets. Human beings are also incredibly good at spotting patterns, so it is no wonder that we noticed the changing appearance...
Blood moon lunar eclipse

Exploring Ancient Lunar Legends as Total Lunar Eclipse Will Create Rare 'Blood Moon'

The moon has been an object of worship, veneration, and intrigue among ancient civilizations for thousands of years. Now, it is set to capture our admiration once again as a total lunar eclipse will...
A sarcophagus that was discovered is displayed at the site of an ancient Egyptian cemetery, in Minya province, Egypt, on Feb. 24, 2018.

Discovery of a Necropolis Yields 1000s of Artifacts, Mummies and Ritually Buried Moon Priest

An ancient Egyptian burial ground has been unearthed containing the ritually buried remains of a sacred priest of the moon god Thoth. Egypt’s Antiquities Ministry, Kaled El-Enany, announced on...
Sun and Moon image,left; Lucian, the satirist. Engraving by William Faithorne, The Library of Congress

Satire or the First Science Fiction? Lucian of Samosata’s A True History

A True History (known in its original Greek as Alēthē diēgēmata , or in Latin as Vera Historia ) is a story written by Lucian of Samosata, an author of Syrian / Assyrian origin who lived during the 2...
Changing colors of the Moon during a total lunar eclipse, Mt Buffalo National Park, June 16, 2011

The next Full Moon brings a lunar eclipse, but is it a Super Blood Blue Moon as well? That depends…

A total lunar eclipse will occur on Wednesday, January 31, and Australia is in the perfect position to see it. But it’s also being called many other lunar things, from a Blood Moon to a Blue Moon and...
 As long as clouds don’t get in the way, the view should be spectacular.

Look Up at the Super Blue Blood Full Moon Jan. 31 – Here’s What You’ll See and Why

Shannon Schmoll / The Conversation During the early hours of January 31 , there will be a full moon, a total lunar eclipse, a blue moon and a supermoon – all at the same time. None of these things is...
A supernova remnant

Petroglyph in India May Be Oldest Known Sky Chart and Supernova Depiction

Archaeological investigators from India claim their in-depth research of historical night sky charts backs a theory that ancient rock art that depicts an astronomical event. Experts suggest the find...
A human skeleton in space.

Medical Astrology: Moon Fever and Diseases Sent from the Skies

For centuries, humans have believed that the celestial realm could influence everyday life. This is the basis of astrology. The rise and fall of kingdoms and the fortunes of individuals have all been...
Ancient statue of Ramesses II.

Oldest Recorded Solar Eclipse Helps Date the Egyptian Pharaohs

Researchers have pinpointed the date of what could be the oldest solar eclipse yet recorded. The event, which occurred on 30 October 1207 BC, is mentioned in the Bible, and could have consequences...
