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A menacing, shaggy black dog with red, glowing eyes

Not Always A Man’s Best Friend: Terrifying Black Dogs of British Legends

Primarily associated with British legends, stories about black dogs, ghost dogs, or hellhounds are present in almost every region of the world. Perhaps the first things to come to your mind when...
Why You Should Not Look into Crazywell Pool on Midsummer’s Eve

Why You Should Not Look into Crazywell Pool on Midsummer’s Eve

Crazywell Pool is a large pond located in the Dartmoor National Park, in Devon , England. This pond is famous due to the many local legends that surround it. The best-known of these is perhaps the...
Wales Flag on Blue Sky.

How the Welsh Flag Became the Coolest Flag in the World

One of the most striking national flags is that of Wales. In an online poll, it was voted the coolest of all the over 200 national flags around the globe. Its main feature is a dragon that is meant...
Whipping boys were used by aristocrats and royalty.  Source: Left; King James I of England and VI of Scotland, Public domain Right;  "Edward and Whipping Boy" illustration by Walter S. Stacey, Public domain

Fact or Fiction? The Unjust Reality of a Whipping Boy

The history of the world’s nobility is filled with extravagance, wealth, and, more than often, with arrogance. In all corners of the globe, aristocrats and nobles, kings and young princes, were all...
10 Of The Most Famous Pirates, Male And Female, Who Ruled The Seas!

10 Of The Most Famous Pirates, Male And Female, Who Ruled The Seas!

There was a Golden Age of Piracy, and that’s not just figurative. It was literally true! Men and women made untold fortunes in gold, silver, jewels, and goods while riding the high seas and bringing...
Eustace the Monk: Talented Pirate For The French And The English

Eustace the Monk: Talented Pirate For The French And The English

Eustace the Monk was a notorious pirate who operated in the English Channel during the early 13th century AD. As indicated by his title, Eustace had been a monk, though he was also involved in other...
Tudor coins discovered in surprising hoard in the garden of a house in the New Forest, Hampshire. Source: The Trustees of the British Museum.

47,000 U.K. Pandemic Finds, But This Tudor Coin Hoard Is King!

Around 47,000 historical finds have been recorded with the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) scheme in 2020. According to , 6,251 of the lost artifacts were reported during...
New Date for Chedworth Roman Villa Mosaic Changes English History

New Date for Chedworth Roman Villa Mosaic Changes English History

Scientific dating methods occasionally rewrite history, and this is certainly the case at the UK Chedworth Roman villa. Using precise radiocarbon dating techniques, scientists have been able to...
Lost Key to St. Leonard’s Tower Mysteriously Returned After 47 Years

Lost Key to St. Leonard’s Tower Mysteriously Returned After 47 Years

When the large brass key to St. Leonard’s Tower in Kent went missing in 1973, no one knew if it had been lost or stolen. Now, 47 years later, the key has been returned , and its sudden arrival is...
How A Roman Sacred Site Became A 300-AD Tile And Brick Factory

How A Roman Sacred Site Became A 300-AD Tile And Brick Factory

It’s always surprising when you read that a sacred site was “abandoned” for commercial opportunity. But it happens! UK researchers have determined that a large sacred site and Roman villa complex in...
Strongbow’s Gamble: Richard de Clare and the Norman Invasion of Ireland

Strongbow’s Gamble: Richard de Clare and the Norman Invasion of Ireland

In early medieval history – especially English history – landed gentry and aristocracy played a significant role in the political and social development. Following the Norman invasion of England by...
Were Neanderthal Thumbs Better Adapted for Tennis?

Were Neanderthal Thumbs Better Adapted for Tennis?

If you needed repairs done 50,000 years ago you would have been better off with a team of Neanderthals rather than Homo sapiens, a new study has shown. The new research has been published in the...
Groom of the Stool: Was The King’s Toilet Guy The Worst Job Ever?

Groom of the Stool: Was The King’s Toilet Guy The Worst Job Ever?

Some jobs are a dream and others literally stink! But the most stinky job of all, believe it or not, was actually a very powerful position because it put you right next to the king! The Groom of the...
Mayflower II, a replica of the famous Mayflower ship

Trailing the Mayflower - The Iconic Ship of a Pilgrim Voyage to the New World

One of the most famous voyages from England to Virginia was on the Mayflower. This ship became the symbol of the search for a new life and pilgrimage to the New World in the 17th century. 2020 marks...
Stonehenge Druids Pledge Sacrifice To Try To Stop Tunnel

Stonehenge Druids Pledge Sacrifice To Try To Stop Tunnel

Stonehenge Druids in England are planning to lie in front of bulldozers to prevent the new Stonehenge bypass tunnel. When the Romans invaded Britain in the early 1st century AD the island of Anglesey...
Part of the Mount Pleasant mega henge under excavation in the early 1970s.             Source: Cardiff University

Mount Pleasant And Other Mega-Henges: Evidence Of A Construction Boom

England’s 4,500-year-old “mega henges“ were a tremendous Stone Age development that took place just before the new waves of European settlers landed in Britain. Ancient henges were ceremonial fasting...
A jousting match like the one that resulted in the last fall of King Henry VIII and his subsequent deteriorating health and eventual death.                     Source: Anthony / Adobe Stock

Location of King Henry VIII’s Dramatic Jousting Fall Found

In 1536 AD King Henry VIII of England was torn from his horse during a jousting match , which led to deteriorating health and his eventual death. Now, the exact location of King Henry VIII’s “last...
Ancient UK Viking families, who are now part of the native populations of Ireland, Scotland and England, were not entirely violent or focused on looting. Now, they are all friends!

Beyond Violence: Examining UK Viking Families and their Artifacts

Understanding Viking families through the artifacts they left behind and their DNA is the latest approach to learning more about the Viking Age in the United Kingdom. Scientists in the UK are...
Defacing of Cerne Abbas Giant

Defacing of Cerne Abbas Giant by Amazon Provokes National Trust Wrath

A movie PR team at Amazon have defaced a British monument to increase box-office takings for their new Borat film. The National Trust claims they willfully “defaced” the iconic English monument. The...
Detail, the medieval Hereford Mappa Mundi, “Cloth of the World” in Hereford, England. Circa 1300.

Hereford Mappa Mundi: Legendary Cities, Monstrous Races, and Curious Medieval Beasts

A large calfskin canvas was secreted away beneath the floor of an English cathedral, featuring what, at first glance, appeared to be a map of the world. Once recovered and repaired, the map which is...
A new report by the local council has highlighted problems being caused by hikers and tourists along the Devil’s Dyke in Cambridgeshire. Source: Rob Mills / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Stunning ‘Devil’s Dyke’ Under Threat in Britain

In Britain, a mysterious monument has become the subject of controversy. There are claims that the ancient Devil’s Dyke, a vast defensive earthwork, has been damaged by walkers and has been fouled by...
In the face of all the odds, the lives of Empress Nur Jahan and Queen Elizabeth I continue to inspire generations of women, as their strength turned them into feminist icons ahead of their time. Source: Left - Public domain. Right - Public domain.

Empress Nur Jahan and Queen Elizabeth I: Female Icons Ahead of Their Time

Our world has numerous examples of kings who have left a significant impact upon the lives of their people. As the saying goes, “behind every powerful man is an extraordinary woman.” Queen Elizabeth...
A fragment of the 5th-century chalice etched with Christian symbols, unearthed at Vindolanda in Northumberland. Credit: The Vindolanda Trust

Holy Grail of Christian Graffiti Discovered On 5th Century Chalice

A lead chalice-cup etched with Christian iconography and letters from three languages has been discovered in remains of 5th-century church on Hadrian’s Wall in England, but what does it say?...
Deadman’s Island Source: Екатерина Белоусова / Adobe Stock

Prison Hulks, Devil Dogs and Smuggling on Deadman's Island

Deadman's Island is located near the town of Queenborough, on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, England. The uninhabited mudbank island, measuring 1200 by 200 meters (3937 by 656 feet), is home to...
