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The Battle of Actium took place on the 2nd September 31 BC. Painting by Laureys a Castro in 1672. Source: Public domain

Was the Battle of Actium Lost for Cleopatra and Mark Antony Before It Even Started?

The Battle of Actium proved to be a catastrophic blow to the hopes and dreams of Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony. With unwavering confidence, the renowned duo had nurtured the belief that they were...
Celestial hairlock of Queen Berenice II of Egypt (de Art / Adobe Stock)

The Celestial Hairlock Of Berenice II, Queen Of Egypt And Cyrene

Not long after the passing of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, one of his generals, Ptolemy - who went on to found the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt and later known as Ptolemy I Soter - annexed Cyrene (in...
The Djoser step pyramid. Source: Pavle / Adobe Stock.

The Djoser Step Pyramid: Architectural Marvel of Egypt (Video)

The Djoser Step Pyramid, the oldest pyramid in the world, stands as a testament to the brilliance of ancient Egyptian civilization. Built for King Djoser over 4,700 years ago, its unique staircase-...
The Rosetta Stone. Source: Jens Teichmann / Adobe Stock.

How The Rosetta Stone Unlocked Hieroglyphics (Video)

The Rosetta Stone , an invaluable treasure housed in the British Museum, played a pivotal role in deciphering the enigmatic Egyptian hieroglyphics. Before its discovery by Napoleon's campaign in...
Deriv: Ptolemy as Pharaoh in the British Museum (Stella / CC BY-SA 4.0) and Ptolemy I, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Ptolemy Soter’s Strategy: Becoming Pharaoh And A God Of Egypt

Ptolemy I, one of the surviving generals of Alexander the Great, became satrap and eventually pharaoh of Egypt, but he had to employ spin doctors to recreate an impressive ancestry related to...
Ancient Egypt’s Book of the Dead. Source: Paolo Gallo / Adobe Stock.

Book of the Dead: Ancient Egypt’s Quest for Eternal Life (Video)

The Egyptian Book of the Dead , or "The Book of Coming Forth by Day," is an ancient religious text that played a significant role in Egyptian funerary practices around 1550 BC. It contains spells,...
The tomb and treasures of King Tut. Source: Jaroslav Moravcik / Adobe Stock.

10 of the Biggest Treasure Discoveries In History (Video)

In the world of treasure hunting, incredible discoveries await. From ancient Egyptian tombs in Saqqara to the depths of the ocean, hidden riches have been unveiled throughout history. Colorful...
Left is the original photo of the Khafre statue; right is the photo cut in half and flipped.	Source: Author provided.

The Brilliance of ‘Pre-diluvian’ Sculpture - Cannot Be Hand Made!

I'm still digesting our recent tour to Egypt; the temple and the pyramids - just the atmosphere of the ancients was a lot to take in. Each time I visit, I’m stunned at the beauty, sophistication, and...
Queen Cleopatra Selene II, between Rome and Egypt. Source: AIproduction/Adobe Stock

Cleopatra Selene II: A Survivor’s Royal Destiny

Cleopatra Selene II, daughter of the famed Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII and Roman general Mark Antony, led a remarkable and turbulent life that intertwined the legacies of both Egypt and Rome. Born...
Khufu ship, Egypt. Source: Olaf Tausch / CC by SA 3.0.

Ancient Egypt's Colossal Super Ships (Video)

The ancient Egyptians were renowned for their impressive super ships, known as " sekhets ," or “solar barges”. These colossal vessels were remarkable feats of maritime engineering and played a...
Pyramid of Djedefre at Abu Rawash. Credit: Jon Bodsworth

Abu Rawash: Egypt’s Legendary Lost 4th Pyramid? (Video)

Egypt boasts three renowned pyramids on the Giza Plateau. Built by the fourth dynasty pharaohs, Khufu , Khafre, and Menkaure, these monumental structures epitomize the zenith of ancient Egyptian...
Horned warrior mercenary ( AlainAlexander/Adobe Stock)

Where Did The Shardana, Warrior Mercenaries Of Egypt Originate?

A 13th-century BC inscription of Ramesses II reads: “ The unruly Sherden whom no one had ever known to combat, they came boldly (sailing) in their warships from the midst of the sea, none being able...
Left, Tutankhamun golden funerary mask. Right, 2023 facial reconstruction of King Tutankhamun. Source: Left, merydolla / Adobe Stock. Right, C. Moraes et al.

Experts Speculate Tutankhamun's Death Was Due to A Drink Driving Chariot Accident

A crown prince who abused his authority, driving fast and drunk? It doesn’t seem implausible, but when you tie that to King Tutankhamun, ancient Egypt’s famed boy king, it seems almost outrageous...
Cleopatra testing poisons on condemned prisoners.

Finding the Lost Mother of Cleopatra VII - Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt

There is no inscription or papyrus to confirm who the mother of Cleopatra VII was, but the information that exists about her and the world of the Ptolemaic period suggest that it was Queen Cleopatra...
Grand Canyon of the Colorado River (1892–1908) by Thomas Moran, illustrator of John Powell’s book (Public Domain) and Pharaoh on a Throne (amith/ (Adobe Stock)

Ancient Egyptians In America’s Grand Canyon – Astounding Evidence Or Elaborate Cover-Up?

Although not numerous, some people claim that Egyptians once inhabited the Americas. Some stories are too outrageous to believe, yet they are still interesting historical accounts. None more than the...
An ancient Egyptian Bes vase once contained a potent hallucinogenic concoction. Source: Neuroshock / Adobe Stock /Overlay; Tanasi et. al / CC BY 4.0

Hallucinogenic Substances Detected in 2,200-Year-Old Egyptian ‘Bes’ Vase

An exciting new study has revealed long-hidden secrets contained within an ancient Bes vase dating back to Ptolemaic era Egypt. Researchers conducted exhaustive chemical analysis of the second...
Representation of Egyptian super god, Ra known also as Ra-Horakhty. Source: AkuAku/Adobe Stock

The Egyptian God Ra - Lord of Life and Light

The Ancient Egyptian pantheon was filled with imaginative deities of all kinds. In fact, this pantheon numbered hundreds of different gods and goddesses, whose importance often waned over the passing...
3D reconstruction of Egyptian King Tutankhamun from 2023. Source: C. Moraes et al.

New Study Unveils the Face of Egypt's Iconic Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Researchers have conducted a new study aiming to shed light on the facial appearance of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun. The study, led by a team of forensic experts and anthropologists,...
Cleopatra’s Death as depicted in a painting entitled ‘The Death of Cleopatra’ by Jean-André Rixens. Source: Public domain

The Enigma of Cleopatra's Death: Was it Suicide or Murder?

Accepted historical accounts claim that Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of ancient Egypt, committed suicide. Cleopatra assumed the throne of Egypt after the demise of Alexander the Great during...
Decoration inside one of the tombs recently unearthed in Saqqara, Egypt. Source: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Tombs, Treasures, and Animal Mummies Unearthed in Saqqara Necropolis

Archaeologists in Egypt have announced the completion of their 6th excavation season at the Saqqara necropolis. Not only did they find human tombs filled with artifacts and painted hieroglyphs, but...
The Draa Abul Nagaa tomb being investigated. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities

Ancient Marvels Revealed: Exploring Draa Abul Nagaa's Hidden Tomb (360° Video)

In a remarkable archaeological find, the ancient tomb of Draa Abul Nagaa, dating back 3,500 years, has been unearthed in Egypt. This significant discovery provides valuable insights into the lives...
Egyptian coffin. Source: George Bailey / Adobe Stock.

Unveiling the Forgotten: Opening Ancient Egyptian Coffins (Video)

In the heart of Thebes , modern-day Luxor, lies a collection of ancient coffins shrouded in mystery. For years, these enigmatic artifacts have been confined to vitrines, receiving only sporadic...
Detail from an old Egyptian postage stamp depicting Jean-François Champollion. Source: Silvio / Adobe Stock

The Legacy and Tragic Death of Egyptology's Father, Champollion

Remembered as the father of Egyptology, the 19th-century Frenchman Jean-François Champollion prematurely and tragically passed away in 1832 shortly after visiting Egypt. In 1822, Champollion...
Step pyramid of Djoser. Source: Pavle / Adobe Stock.

Tracing the Origins of the First Pyramid (Video)

The Great Pyramids of Giza are undoubtedly some of the most recognizable structures in the world. But just 10 miles south lies the Necropolis of Saqqara , an ancient cemetery that is home to 11...
