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This is the Ancient Origins team, and here is our mission: “To inspire open-minded learning about our past for the betterment of our future through the sharing of research, education, and knowledge”.

At Ancient Origins we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained .

Our goal is to highlight the very latest archaeological findings, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe.

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By bringing together top experts and authors, we explore lost civilizations, examine sacred writings, tour ancient places, and question mysterious happenings. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings.

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Two years ago, German scientists dated the Idol as being 11,000 years old.

Beaver's teeth 'used to carve the oldest wooden statue in the world’

Dating back 11,000 years - with a coded message left by ancient man from the Mesolithic Age - the Shigir Idol is almost three times as old as the Egyptian pyramids. New scientific findings suggest...
Pharaoh Hatshepsut

Hatshepsut: The Queen Who became Pharaoh

Hatshepsut was the longest reigning female pharaoh. Under her reign, Egypt prospered. Known as “The Woman Who Was King,” the Egyptian economy flourished during her time as pharaoh. She directed the...
Out-of-Place Artifacts

17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times According to the conventional view of history, humans have only walked the Earth in our present form for some 200,000 years. Advanced civilizations appeared several...
Both sides of the recent Ethiopian bone hand axe find.

1.4-Million-Year-Old Bone Hand Axe Revises Toolmaking Timeline

In Ethiopia , a team of experts have uncovered a bone hand axe made, a staggering 1.4 million years ago, by an ancestor of modern humans. It was probably made by the archaic human species Homo...
The ancient Maya may have abandoned Tikal after its water became toxic. Source: Ingo Bartussek /Adobe Stock

The Ancient Maya Poisoned Tikal’s Drinking Water

Reservoirs in the heart of an ancient Maya city were so polluted with mercury and algae that the water likely was undrinkable. Researchers from the University of Cincinnati found toxic levels of...
Siberian huskie sled dogs.     Source: Konstantin / Adobe Stock

Sled dogs are closely related to 9,500-year-old 'ancient dog'

Sledge dogs are much older and have adapted to Arctic conditions much earlier than previously thought. In a new study from the QIMMEQ project, researchers from the University of Copenhagen show that...
Life and death in tropical Australia, 40,000 years ago. Giant reptiles ruled northern Australia during the Pleistocene with mega-marsupials as their prey.     Source: R. Bargiel, V. Konstantinov, A. Atuchin & S. Hocknull (2020). Queensland Museum.

Humans Coexisted with Giant Lizards and Mega Marsupials in Australia

When people first arrived in what is now Queensland, they would have found the land inhabited by massive animals including goannas six meters long and kangaroos twice as tall as a human. We have...
Warrior burial is found to be Scythian Amazon girl.   Source: Vladimir Semyonov, M.O. Mashezerskaya

Warrior Burial Is Scythian Amazon Girl No Older Than 13

By Anna Liesowska / The Siberian Times The 'stunning' discovery appears further confirmation of ancient Greek claims about female fighters known as Amazons among the Scythians of central Asia. In...
Multiple burial in Vilnius, Lithuania containing an individual infected with both plague and yaws. Source: Courtesy of Robertas Zukovskis and Scientific Reports.

Evidence Syphilis Did Not Arrive In Europe With Columbus Expedition

Mass burials are common remnants of the many plague outbreaks that ravaged medieval Europe . A number of these graveyards are well documented in historical sources, but the locations of most, and the...
Paper co-author Steven Goldstein discussing pottery traditions associated with early farmers in Kenya with Christopher Kirwa of NMK Source: Jennifer Miller

Mixture and Migration Brought Food Production to Sub-Saharan Africa

A new interdisciplinary study reports on 20 newly sequenced ancient genomes from sub-Saharan Africa, including the first genomes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Botswana, and Uganda. The...
A Native American woman inspects an item for trade. Credit: montira / Adobe Stock

Globalization & International Trade Started 1,000 Years Ago!

Viking ships touched down on the Canadian island of Newfoundland around 1000 AD, at what is now the archaeological site known as L'Anse aux Meadows . For the first time, the two sides of the Atlantic...
Reconstruction of Batrachopus trackmaker from the Lower Cretaceous Jinju Formation of South Korea, a bipedal ancient crocodile. Source: Anthony Romilio, The University of Queensland / Nature

Ancient Crocodiles Walked On Two Legs Like Dinosaurs

The discovery of large, well-preserved footprints belonging to an ancestor of modern-day crocodiles from the Lower Cretaceous Jinju Formation of South Korea is reported this week in Scientific...
The bird figurine is the oldest-known sculpture to be found in East Asia.         Source: Francesco d'Errico/Luc Doyon / PLOS ONE

Oldest Example of East Asian 3D Art Discovered in Waste Pile

Examination of a tiny bone object extracted from a pile of waste material from digging a well in China revealed it to be what the experts think is the oldest example of three-dimensional art ever...
Vikings are most often remembered as warriors. Source: Nejron Photo /Adobe Stock

History of the Vikings: All You Need to Know

Vikings are more popular than ever. With dramas such as Vikings and The Last Kingdom the ancient Norsemen have reached new generations. Of course, there is dramatic license taken to particular...
Modern day uprising. Credit: Ciudalia / Adobe Stock

Uprisings After Pandemics: It Happened Before and May Happen Again

As a professor of medieval Europe, I’ve taught the bubonic plague, and how it contributed to the English Peasant Revolt of 1381. Now that America is experiencing widespread unrest in the midst of its...
This is an aerial view of Por-Bajin from the west. The complex is situated on an island in a lake. Scientists have pinned its construction on the year 777 AD, using a special carbon-14 dating technique, based on sudden spikes in the carbon-14 concentration.        Source: Andrei Panin / PNAS

Radiocarbon Dating Pins Construction of Por-Bajin Island Fortress to 777 AD

Dating archaeological objects precisely is difficult, even when using techniques such as radiocarbon dating . Using a recently developed method, based on the presence of sudden spikes in carbon-14...
