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Ancient Fossil - Human Origins

Ancient Fossil Discovery May Reveal Important Clues on Human Origins

A new study conducted by an international team of researchers from the US, Italy and Spain could shed new light on the earliest existence of human beings. The study, published this week by the...
Origins of Human Language

Unravelling the Origins of Human Language

Linguists have long sought to understand the origins of human language by tracing back the history of words through the ages. Now a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of...
Life Origins - Organisms like Archaea

Origin of Life, Do we have the Answer?

Researchers at the University of Georgia have embarked on an important discovery providing genetic hints regarding the life and history of specialized micro-organisms known as Archaea and...
 Astrobiology Search Extraterrestrial Life

UK Centre for Astrobiology Begins Search for Extraterrestrial Life

A new planetary simulator located at Edinburgh University’s UK centre for Astrobiology will spearhead Britain’s search for extra-terrestrial life - bringing together researchers from 15 institutions...
Ancient Origins of Australia

Unravelling the Ancient Origins of Australia

Approximately 40,000 – 50,000 years ago, a group of ancient humans from Southeast Asia made the perilous journey to Australia and settled there, becoming the ancestors of Australia’s aboriginal...
Genetics and our ancient past

Using genetics to unravel our ancient past

The evolution of ecosystems has been considered as an important area of work for drawing comparisons between diverse geological times. Dr John Stewart has made a huge impact in studying interactions...
Advanced Cosmic Ice Research

Advanced Cosmic Ice Research Reveals Information About How Life Began

Perry Gerakines and his colleagues in the Cosmic Ice Lab at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt are working on something very simple – ice – but in a truly extraordinary way. Gerakines...
Gap in DNA

Mysterious Gap in European DNA Puzzling Scientists

According to a new study conducted at the University of Adelaide in Australia, researchers have discovered that the genetic lineage of Europe mysteriously transformed about 4,000-5,000 years ago. The...
Panspermia Theory

New Study Provides Further Evidence for Panspermia Theory

A new study conducted by a team of Geneticists at the National Institute on Ageing in Florida has suggested that life started about 10 billion years ago, long before Earth. The implications are that...
Homo Floresiensis - Hobbit

'Hobbits' did exist and were a separate species

I am sure many of our readers are fans of The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien, which means that you would have heard of the Hobbits, a race of dwarf humanoids playing a major role in the events of...
Rig Veda - Earth Colony

Colony Earth and The Rig Veda - Part II

I have taken the off-world position of reading the Sanskrit texts through the eyes of an ancient astronaut, and interpret them through the filter of the more current science and astrophysics. While...
Selection of Paracas Elongated Skulls

Elongated Human Skulls Of Peru: Possible Evidence Of A Lost Human Species?

Four hours drive south of Lima Peru one finds the Paracas Peninsula, part of which is an ecological reserve, where one can see wildlife such as sea lions, and a myriad of various sea bird species...
Polynesian DNA in Brazil

DNA Study reveals connection between Brazil and Polynesia. Well, how?

Current scientific thought proposes that it was about 15,000 to 20,000 years ago that humans first migrated to America, probably through a land connection that existed back then. However details of...
Dr Rita Louise

Dr Rita Louise

Bestselling author Dr. Rita Louise is the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and the host of Just Energy Radio . She is a Naturopathic Physician and a 20-year veteran in the Human...
Chinese Terracotta Warriors

The Mysteries of the Chinese Terracotta Warriors

In 1974 the most important archaeological discovery in the world took place when more than 8000 life-size clay warriors were uncovered in Xi’an, China. The clay army lies in the greatest mausoleum in...
Sodom and Gomorrah

The Wrath of the Gods: Sodom and Gomorrah

It is one of the largest catastrophes mentioned in the Bible, and one that—though still in dispute between archaeologists—has possibly been verified as true. It is the destruction of Sodom and...
Darwin Theory Debunked - Washington Man

New Fossil Turns Darwin’s Theory of Human Origins Upside Down

The Smithsonian Institution's Hall of Human Origins has announced that one of its scientists has discovered a hominid skull fragment that is approximately 5 million years old, drawing Darwin’s theory...
Ancient Artifacts in America

Ancient Humans in America May be Older than First Thought

Researchers in Texas have suggested that ancient people arrived in America between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago, which is much earlier than originally believed. Evidence comes from more than 2.6...
Neanderthal Hybrid

Human-Neanderthal Hybrids discovered

In a recent scientific paper, a skeleton found in Italy is suggested to be a Neanderthal-human hybrid. Further analysis is to be done, but if correct then it will prove that humans and Neanderthals...
Exodus Scientific Evidence

The Exodus – Scientific Evidence

The story of the Hebrews departing from Egypt after ‘God’ cursed the Egyptians with ten plagues sounds like a fairy tale in which a vengeful God with superpowers punishes the Egyptians for not...
Saturn and Solar System Birth

Saturn and its moons could reveal information since our Solar system birth

Analysis of the data transmitted from the Cassini spacecraft suggests that the moons of Saturn and Saturn’s rings store information from around the birth of our Solar system, NASA suggests. Those...
Ancient Sex Cult Objects

Ancient Sex Cult Objects discovered in Israel

In Northern Israel archaeologists have discovered an ancient Stone Age village and while the findings show how agricultural revolution was happening in Stone Age, they have also discovered sex...
