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Earliest Manuscript of Gospel about Jesus

Earliest Manuscript of Gospel about Jesus's Childhood Discovered

For decades, a papyrus fragment with the inventory number P.Hamb.Graec. 1011 lay unnoticed in the archives of the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library. This fragment has recently...
Earliest Manuscript of Gospel about Jesus's Childhood Discovered
Sheet 15 from the Crosby Schoyen Codex

Crosby-Schøyen Codex, the Oldest Privately Owned Book Sells For $3.9million

By M J C Warren The  Crosby-Schøyen Codex , an important early Christian book containing five distinct texts all copied by the same scribe, is going  up for auction in June  at Christie’s in London...
Sumerian Cylinder Seal of King Ur-Nammu, about 2100 BC. Source: Steve Harris/CC BY-SA 2.0

Ascension to the Heavens in Ancient Mythology

The ascension of humans or beings into the heavens is a common theme among many mythologies and religions all over the world. Even though most people recognize the well-known ascension of Jesus, and...
The top of the Merneptah Stele includes a carving of Merneptah receiving a sword from the god Amun, but it is the text of the stele which is most fascinating. Source: Alyssa Bivins / CC BY-SA 4.0.

The Merneptah Stele: Proof Ancient Egypt Knew of the Israelites

The Merneptah Stele, also known as the Israel Stele or Victory Stele of Merneptah, in considered to be one of the most significant archaeological artifacts ever discovered in ancient Egypt. Carved...
The Shroud of Turin: modern, digitally processed image of the face on the cloth. Source: Dianelos Georgoudis/CC BY-SA 3.0

Decoding the Enigma of the Shroud of Turin (Video)

In the tumultuous backdrop of Jerusalem in 33 AD, the narrative of Jesus Christ's final days unfolded dramatically. Following his triumphal entry into the city and subsequent confrontation within the...
Eve tempted by the serpent in a paradise illustrated according to the texts of the Bible. An image showing good and evil in one scene.

Lilith: Ancient Demon, Dark Deity or Sensual Goddess?

Lilith, an ancient mythological figure and one of the oldest known female spirits in the world, has embodied various roles across cultures. In some sources she has been described as a demon, while in...
Detail from Nicolas Poussin’s depiction of the Biblical story of Joshua’s victory over the Amalek. Source: Public domain

Who Were the Biblical Amalek People?

If you’ve been following the news, you will have heard references to the use of the term Amalek which was cited by South Africa at the International Court of Justice in The Hague in January 2024. But...
The Tomb of Absalom in Jerusalem. Source: Xiquinhosilva / CC BY 2.0

Questions Arise Over Biblical Tomb of Absalom in Jerusalem

The Tomb of Absalom, also known as the Absalom's Pillar or Absalom's Monument, is a remarkable funerary monument located in the Kidron Valley in Jerusalem, Israel. This ancient structure is...
The Bible tells an overall story about the history of the world.  Source: Pixabay/Pexels/The Conversation

Who wrote the Bible?

Philip C. Almond /The Conversation The Bible tells an overall story about the history of the world: creation, fall, redemption and God’s Last Judgement of the living and the dead. The Old Testament (...
AI Illustration of Moses with the 10 Commandments Tablet. Source: Jim Vallee/Adobe Stock

Moses: Myth, Fiction or History?

In the early days of biblical archaeology there was a lot of optimism that the new science could verify the existence of Moses by proving that there was indeed a great migration of people from Egypt...
AI representation of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg in 1517.           Source: Nevio/ Adobe Stock

Why did the Protestant Reformation Happen? (Video)

​ The Protestant Reformation, often attributed solely to Martin Luther's 95 theses, was a multifaceted movement with roots deeply embedded in the challenges faced by Western Christianity. Luther's...
A representation of the Queen of Sheba who is also known Bilqīs, Makeda, or Nicaula. Source: Archivist/Adobe Stock

Little Known Facts About the Queen of Sheba (Video)

The Queen of Sheba , a figure entwined in diverse mythologies, offers a rich tapestry of narratives across various cultures. Mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, Torah, Bible, and Qur'an, she weaves...
Ancient magical grimoire with a dimly lit, mysterious background and captivating light swirls, emphasizing knowledge power and spell world. Source: XaMaps/Adobe Stock

Spells, Invocations and Divination: The Ancient History of Magical Grimoires

Grimoires are books containing magic spells and instructions for the making of amulets and talismans, but some of them also contained directions on how to summon and control demons. Grimoires have...
Ancient Egyptian bread. Source: Matrioshka / Adobe Stock.

The Real Culprit of an Ancient Egyptian Plague Was... Bread? (Video)

In the shadowy corridors of ancient Egyptian history, an unexpected peril lay hidden within their daily sustenance: bread . At Exeter University, UK, plant pathologist Sarah Gurr unravels the mystery...
Salt piles. Source: altitudevisual / Adobe Stock.

Historical Importance of Salt and How it Shaped Civilizations (Video)

Salt , beyond its culinary role, shaped civilizations. Marco Polo's 13th-century travels brought back treasures from China, including salt, propelling Venice to economic greatness. Salt's...
Aerial image of the excavations that have redefined the timeline of the Kingdom of David and Solomon. 	Source: Tandy archaeological expedition to Tel Gezer/CC-BY 4.0

Archaeological Evidence of the Kingdoms of David and Solomon Corroborates Biblical Narrative

After much hemming and hawing, it seems that the Biblical kingdoms of Solomon and David did exist, as per groundbreaking new research that has been revealed in a new study. Fresh details of a...
Ancient biblical text. Source:  SVasco / Adobe Stock.

The Texts That Rocked the Foundations of Christianity (Video)

In 1831, Robert Curzon, an English nobleman, left Oxford without completing his studies, symbolizing the restlessness of his era. Disenchanted with England, he sought solace in Egypt , captivated by...
A fragment from The Gospel of Thomas (Public Domain).

There May Have Been a Fifth Gospel (Video)

The Gospel of Thomas, discovered in 1946, offers a unique perspective on Christianity . This text has ignited debates about its authenticity, giving rise to the possibility of a fifth gospel . It...
Forbidden books were burned. Their authors exiled, imprisoned and even killed throughout history. Source: de Art/Adobe Stock

8 Forbidden Books That Still Rewrote History

We hear a lot about censorship in the news today but it’s nothing new. In fact, the word comes from the Latin word censeo , which means to assess. Almost as soon as the printing press was introduced...
Syrian man. Source: kichigin19 / Adobe Stock.

The Village in Syria Where They Speak Jesus' Tongue (Video)

In the rugged Qalamoun mountains of Syria lies Maaloula, a village with a remarkable linguistic heritage. Here, the ancient Aramaic language , spoken by Jesus of Nazareth, endures. Amidst the serene...
Towards the rock-hewn church of Abuna Yemata Guh in Tigray Ethiopia. Source: Reto Ammann / Adobe Stock.

Abuna Yemata Guh: Ethiopia’s Chapel in the Sky (Video)

Northern Ethiopia's Tigray Region is renowned for its collection of rock-hewn churches , the most incredible of which is Abuna Yemata Guh, carved out of sandstone and perched 650 feet above a steep...
Representational image of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem. Source: Ryan / Adobe Stock

Details of 586 BC Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem Revealed in Fire Analysis

A team of Israeli archaeologists recently completed a study of a large building that was apparently obliterated by fire during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in 586 BC. This research was unique,...
Aerial photograph depicting the city wall casements of Khirbet Qeiyafa. Source: Yosef Garfinkel

Five Fortified Ancient Cities May Be Part of King David's Lost Kingdom

The ruins of five fortified cities outside of Jerusalem were allegedly part of the empire of King David, is the controversial claim of an Israeli archaeologist. In a new story, the archaeologist...
