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A 3D impression of the Iron Age warrior grave.          Source: UCL / Sketchfab / ASE

2000-Year-Old Iron Age Warrior Grave Unearthed in England

Archaeologists in the United Kingdom have unearthed the grave of an Iron Age warrior. It has been described as a very rare find. A number of significant artifacts that are 2000 years old have been...
Gold Bar known as the ‘Golden Yew’. Source: INAH.

Test Show’s Aztec Gold Bar Was Lost By Fleeing Conquistadors

A chemical analysis of a gold bar in Mexico revealed that it was part of the treasure stolen by the Spanish conquistadors during the conquest of the Aztec Empire. Researchers believe that they have...
The Yavne gold coins were found during the Jewish holiday Chanukah. (Liat Nadav-Ziv / Israel Antiquities Authority)

Priceless Gold Coins Discovered in Ancient ‘Piggy Bank’ in Israel

Israeli archaeologists have discovered a small treasure trove of gold coins in an ancient ‘piggy bank’, which is believed to be the personal savings of a potter that worked in a kiln around 1200...
The burial of the Amazon with a ceremonial golden headdress.          Source:

Scythian Burial With Golden Headdress Found in Russia

Akson Russian Science Communication Association Investigations at the Don excavation site in Russia have unearthed a burial mound containing four Scythian women with impressive grave goods that...
One of the tombs found by the grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos includes a gold pendant featuring the likeness of Hathor, an Egyptian goddess who was a protector of the dead. Source: UC Classics

Gold Lined Tombs Unearthed Beside Griffin Warrior

Archaeologists from America's University of Cincinnati’s classics department are readdressing what is known of early Greek history based on their once-in-a-lifetime discovery of two treasure-filled...
Left: bird’s eye view shot of the excavation site, and right: Minoan treasure / gold ring unearthed at site.        Source: Greece Ministry of Culture and Sports

New Minoan Hoard Proves Snails Were Lucrative

Archaeologists working on an uninhabited island off Crete have made a series of amazing discoveries. They have uncovered a Minoan treasure trove linked to the production of a prized purple dye in...
View into the Jewel Room of the historic Green Vault. Source: Hans Christian Krass / © Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.

Billion-Dollar Jewelry Heist from Green Vault in Germany

Thieves have stolen a vast number of priceless jewels in Germany that were part of one of the most important art collections in Europe. Some have estimated that the stolen items may be valued at up...
Most of the artifacts found in the treasure hoard by the metal detectorists are now missing.

Rogue Metal Detectorists Stole $3.6 Million Treasure

Metal detectorists have made many amazing discoveries down the years in Britain , with a great hoard of 2,600 coins revealed just a couple of months ago. But there are strict rules regarding...
Tomb of emperor Frederick III in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, Austria. Source: JoJan / CC BY-SA 3.0.

Micro Cameras Reveal Treasure in Emperor Frederick III’s Tomb

Researchers have used cameras to examine the last untouched royal tomb in Europe . Experts used tiny cameras to investigate the tomb of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III. They revealed a stunning...
Photos of the Ice Age lake Dipsiz in Turkey before (Hurriyet Daily News) and after (Daily Sabah) the archaeological excavations.

12,000-Year-Old Lake Destroyed in Treasure Hunt for Roman Gold

A 12,000-year-old Ice Age lake has dried up after a team of treasure hunters conducted invasive excavations that were authorized but highly controversial. Having obtained permission from the...
Medieval Ring Found in Robin Hood’s Forest Hideout May Net Finder a Small Fortune

Medieval Ring Found in Robin Hood’s Forest May Net a Small Fortune

In 2016, an amateur treasure hunter with a metal detector turned up a medieval gold ring that was set with a sapphire stone in Sherwood Forest—haunt of the legendary (or real) Robin Hood. Experts...
Lost treasures. Source: dbrus / Adobe Stock.

10 Spectacular Treasures That Have Never Been Found

Nothing is ever so thrilling as the stories of lost treasures and the hidden riches of the world that are on the borders of the legendary. Sunken galleons, plundered gold, and thrilling museum heists...
A gorgeous example of a gold cross found in the Staffordshire Hoard.

Staffordshire Hoard: The Most Exquisite Anglo-Saxon Gold Collection

Many people enjoy searching with a metal detector in hopes of finding treasures that have either a financial value or some historical significance. While most people may be lucky to find a few odds...
Marine Archaeologists Retrieve New Treasures at the Elgin Marbles Shipwreck

Marine Archaeologists Retrieve New Treasures at the Elgin Marbles Shipwreck

Marine archaeologists have recently added to the collection of valuable finds at the Elgin Marbles shipwreck. A remarkable collection of artifacts has been discovered when they were revisiting the...
Robinson Crusoe Island is being searched by Dutch treasure hunter.  Source: JeremyRichards / Adobe Stock

Treasure Hunter Given Go Ahead to Dig for $10 Billion Inca Hoard

A Dutch treasure hunter has clashed with a Chilean politician over the legendary treasure of Robinson Crusoe Island. Robinson Crusoe Island is a remote Chilean island and protected as a Unesco World...
Augusta Raurica. Source: dariya/ Adobe Stock

Augusta Raurica and an Immense Silver Hoard

The Romans conquered vast regions, ranging from the west of Europe, across to what is now Armenia . They ruled the thousands of miles of north Africa, the lands all along the Mediterranean Sea , and...
This bronze vessel was one of many Macedonian treasures missed by looters at Ahlada, near Florina, in Macedonia    Source: Greek Ministry of Culture

A Wealth of Macedonian Treasures Overlooked By Looters

Archaeologists at a Macedonian graveyard in Greece have been ecstatic to find that graverobbers had far from cleaned out the ancient resting place. The burial ground was looted in ancient times and...
Main: Blenheim Palace (Snowshill / Adobe Stock). Inset: The Gold Toilet (CC by SA 2.0)

Solid Gold Toilet Stolen from Blenheim Palace

A remarkable and slightly bizarre theft has been announced in Britain. An 18-carat gold toilet valued at £1 million has been stolen from the world-famous Blenheim Palace. The lavatory was part of a...
Temple remains have been found at Heracleion

Subaquatic Temple and Countless Treasures Discovered in Egypt's Sunken City of Heracleion

Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities has announced that marine archaeologists diving at the ancient submerged city of Heracleion (named after Hercules who legend claimed had been there) off the coast of...
Main: Roman Emperor (neurobite / Adobe Stock) Inset: Rare Roman gold discovered in Kent, England Credit: Dix Noonan Webb

Rare Roman Coin Found in a Field in England Sells for $700,000, Smashing New Records

A rare 1700-year-old coin depicting Roman ruler Allectus found by an amateur metal detectorist in a field in Kent, England, has been sold for a staggering price in the UK. The gold coin is very rare...
The Copper Scroll part of the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Copper Scroll Abacus: Is the Real Treasure Found In the Numbers?

Even the most intriguing mysteries have a sell-by date in a 24/7 mass communications age. But one has proven itself to be more enduring since a copper scroll was unearthed on the coast of the Dead...
There are numerous hidden Romanian treasures. Source: samiramay / Adobe.

Hidden Romanian Treasures– A Cursed History

People have spoken of hidden Romanian treasures for generations. Some of these stories are terrible, but each tale involves mystery, curses , and legends. Some even speak of how entire subterranean...
Some unlucky artifacts and cursed sites: The Ring of Silvianus (CC BY 2.0), Tutankhamun’s silver trumpet with wooden insert (Meridianos), the Hope Diamond (CC BY-SA 4.0), Stone ringfort, “Ring of Kerry” in Ireland (Francis Bijl/ CC BY 2.0 ), and ruins of an ancient synagogue at Chorazin. (Lev.Tsimbler/CC BY SA 4.0)

Bringing Centuries of Bad Luck: 10 Unlucky Artifacts and Cursed Archaeological Sites

When an artifact or location is called ‘cursed’ it often refers to bad luck befalling whoever possesses the object or disrespects, or sometimes just visits, the site. Curses, jinxes, hexes, and black...
The Hambleden Hoard was found during a metal detectorists four day rally.

Metal Detectorists Discover Stash of 550 Ancient Coins Worth £150,000

The ‘Hambleden Hoard’, found by four amateur metal detectorists partaking in a four day long rally in Buckinghamshire, England, has now been declared treasure by the coroner, meaning they will now be...
