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The Last of the Clan’ (1865) by Thomas Faed. Attempts for a Scottish colony in Panama were futile. Source: Public Domain

The Caledonian Dream: A Scottish Colony’s American Nightmare

The conquest of the New World was devastating for its ancient cultures; its aftershocks are still deeply felt today in communities across the Americas. Soon after Spain’s subjugation, other European...
Tap o’ Noth hillfort in Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland is one of the country’s biggest.             Source: University of Aberdeen

Hillfort Revealed As One Of The Largest Pictish Settlements in Scotland

The Tap o' Noth is a whale-backed hill about 20 miles west of Inverurie in Aberdeenshire, close to the village of Rhynie in Scotland, and on its summit is the second highest hillfort in Scotland, by...
The cave where the rock art was discovered. Inset: One of the sections of rock carvings. Photos courtesy of Ministry of Antiquities

Ancient Cave Found in Egypt with Unique Predynastic Rock Carvings

In Egypt, archaeologists from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have found a mysterious and diverse collection of rock art. They were located deep in a cave in the Sinai and are not like...
Megalithic Atlit Yam

The 9,000-year-old underground megalithic settlement of Atlit Yam

Not far off the coast of the village of Atlit in the Mediterranean Sea, near Haifa in Israel, lies the submerged ruins of the ancient Neolithic site of Atlit Yam. The prehistoric settlement, which...
An artistic representation of the cosmic impact. Source: UC Santa Barbara

Fire in the Sky: Cosmic Impact Obliterated Prehistoric Settlement

Before the Taqba Dam impounded the Euphrates River in northern Syria in the 1970s, an archaeological site named Abu Hureyra bore witness to the moment ancient nomadic people first settled down and...
Fire services fought to save the Budj Bim site.

Fires Reveal More of the 6,000-Year-Old Budj Bim Site

UNESCO has given a 6,000-year-old Aboriginal cultural landscape called the Budj Bim archaeological site in Victoria, Australia the status of a World Heritage Site. They have acknowledged the national...
Bed of Ghaggar River near Hanumangarh. Researchers claim this is the ancient Saraswati River. Source: Bharat Jhunjhunwala / CC BY-SA 2.0.

Legendary Saraswati River of Harappan Civilization Found

Researchers in India believe that they have solved an age-old riddle. They believe that they have finally identified the location of the mythical Saraswati River . They appear to have found evidence...
Michael Harrower and Cinzia Perlingieri mapping architecture at the Aksumite town of Beta Samati. (Credit: Nicole Harrower) A Christian stone pendant and a gold and carnelian intaglio ring found in the basilica. (Credit: I. Dumitru)   Source: Antiquity Publications Ltd.

Lost Aksumite Town Reveals Secrets of Enigmatic Kingdom

Despite their prominent place in the ancient world, much of the story of the Aksumite civilization is still a mystery to archaeologists today. This partly explains why the discovery of the town of...
Forse Wag drone photograph showing extent of the ancient site Wag of Forse.          Source: Iain Maclean, Caithness Broch Project

Britain’s “Best Preserved Pictish Homes” Studied in Caithness

Ancient dwellings in the far north of Scotland, called “wags”, are thought to be the best preserved Pictish homes in Britain. While to many the term ‘Wags’ refers to footballers’ “wives and...
Left: Example of a tomb at Al Ayn. (Public Domain) Right: The recently unearthed Iron Age site in Oman.  (The National)

Secrets of Iron Age Oman Revealed By Copper Mining Necropolis

Archaeologists in Oman’s Al Sharqiyah governorate have discovered an Iron Age settlement, copper mine, and necropolis with 45 tombs. The tombs are located 700 meters (2296.59 ft.) from an ancient...
Representation of Tocobaga Indians at a pre-Columbian settlement in Florida, USA. Source:

Unprecedented Find of Shell-Enclosed Settlement in Florida

Archaeologists using the latest drone and radar technology have identified a major pre-Columbian settlement in Florida. They have discovered what appears to have been a significant settlement on the...
Rebala Bronze Age graves                            Source: Photo by Tarmo Lilles

Rebala Heritage Reserve, A Glimpse Into 5000 Years of Human History

The Rebala Heritage Reserve is an extensive reserve filled with archaeological marvels from the Stone to the Viking Age and offers visitors a step into the long, rich history of the Estonia. The many...
The Icelandic walrus began extinct at the arrival of the Norse. Source: Calvin / Adobe Stock.

Norse Settlers Wiped Out Icelandic Walrus 1100 Years Ago

An international collaboration of scientists in Iceland , Denmark , and the Netherlands has for the first time used ancient DNA analyses and C14-dating to demonstrate the past existence of a unique...
The residents of San Miguel De Gualdape were overcome with sickness in the swampy environment. (NPS / Public Domain)

To the Shores of Distant Death: The Failed Colony of San Miguel De Gualdape

The year is 1526. Onto the wild and wooded lands of what is today Georgia in the United States, European feet had never permanently walked. These forests and river valleys, the wild rolling hills of...
The huge settlement from the Neolithic period that was discovered in the archaeological excavations at the Motza intersection near Jerusalem. Source: Eyal Marco / Israel Antiquities Authority

9,000 Year-old ‘Mega Site’ Found Near Jerusalem Changes History

The Israel Antiquities Authority has announced a discovery that could change the history of the Middle East . Archaeologists have unearthed a highly developed site that is approximately 9000 years...
Must Farm was only inhabited for about a year before burning away

Must Farm: Britain's Pompeii Reveals Burning Bronze Age Secrets

Dubbed ‘Britain’s Pompeii,’ Must Farm is an amazingly well-preserved Bronze Age site in Cambridgeshire, England. The 3,000-year-old site has made international archaeology news headlines time and...
Ancient Roman town spread over 18 acres is unearthed by builders in Kent. Source: KMG / Fair Use.

A Lost Roman Town Has Been Unearthed in England

Archaeologists in south-east England have unearthed a previously unknown Roman town. The urban settlement was uncovered by chance and it has extensive remains. Finding the town is offering...
The remains of the largest Neolithic hall found in Britain, which was discovered in Carnoustie, Angus.

Giant Halls Found at Neolithic Settlement Were the Largest Homes In Britain

An ancient settlement has been discovered in the sandy soil of Carnoustie in Angus, Scotland, and now has been found to include of two of the largest halls in the land for the time. People would have...
Pottery shards and mosaic tiles found at the secret Yorkshire site.

Hoard of Roman Coins Leads to the Discovery of Important Site in England

A remarkable discovery of a hoard of Roman coins has led experts to an archaeologically rich site in Yorkshire in England. The hoard of Roman coins was found by enthusiasts using metal detectors and...
Stolbovoy Island, it would have been connected to the mainland. Source: Ilya Kravchenko (via Siberian Times)

Are These Tools Left by Paleolithic Travelers on the Beringia Land Bridge?

By The Siberian Times reporter Excavations are to be made after the discovery of evidence indicating the world’s most northerly paleolithic site on this remote island off the Arctic coast of Yakutia...
Re-creation of the port at Eridu.

Eridu: The Sumerian Garden of Eden and the Oldest City in the World?

Today, Eridu is often considered to be one of the oldest permanent settlements in Mesopotamia, and perhaps even in the world. The ancient Sumerians also believed that Eridu was the first city in the...
Eveliina Salo taking samples of the hearth structure.

Submerged Stone Age Settlement ‘Opens Up New Path’ for Finnish Archaeology

Pia Purra / University of Helsinki The prehistoric settlement submerged under Lake Kuolimojärvi provides us with a clearer picture of the human occupation in South Karelia during the Mesolithic and...
The Mysterious Village of Dargavs, Russia

City of the Dead: The Mysterious Village of Dargavs, Russia

Often referred to as the City of the Dead , the village of Dargavs is considered to be one of the more mysterious sites in Russia. Hidden away in one of the five mountain ridges somewhere in the...
Tunnels in the underground city of Naours, France

The Underground City of Naours: A Subterranean Settlement Complete with Bakeries and Chapels

Many stories have been told about hidden underground cities or realms. Examples from fiction include the underground compound inhabited by the Morlocks in H.G. Well’s, The Time Machine and the...
