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Aerial view of the Shimao archaeological site. (dfdaily) Insert: A pit of skulls unearthed at Shimao. (Zhouyong Sun et al. 2017)

Pits of Skulls Found in Shimao: China’s Neolithic City of Mystery

Shimao is an ancient Chinese city that was lost for a long time. But in recent years it has yielded many of its secrets to archaeologists. Among the most astonishing finds are a step-pyramid and...
Priest in Tenochtitlan Plucks the Heart from Human Sacrifice. Date: circa 1500. Credit:  Archivist / Adobe Stock

Secrets of Living Human Heart Extraction Revealed

In the mid-16th century the hyper-violent forces of Spanish conquistadors burned, tortured, raped and spread diseases as they made their way across Mesoamerica in the name of their one god. Yet they...
Human sacrifice remains found in South Moravia, Czech Republic.      Source: Archaia Brno

Suspected Human Sacrifices Unearthed Beneath Medieval Castle

Three skeletons believed to have been murdered as part of human sacrifice rites have been discovered within the foundations of a 1,000-year-old castle in South Moravia. Břeclav is a town in the South...
Bone remains at an archaeological site in Henan province suggest the decapitated skeleton was an ancient Chinese sacrifice. Source: Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology/ Xinhua

Kneeling Decapitated Skeleton was Ancient Chinese Sacrifice Victim

Archaeologists in China have discovered a kneeling, decapitated skeleton. They believe that the individual was an ancient Chinese sacrifice victim . Xinhua , China’s largest state-run news agency,...
Remains of the Roman toy dog reveal its tiny stature and a healthy diet similar to its owners. Source: Martínez Sánchez / University of Granada

Ancient Remains Reveal the Romans Had ‘Toy Dogs’ Too

Research in Spain reveals that the Romans loved miniature or toy dogs. In antiquity, many members of the elite had pampered pets. Just as today, many celebrities have ‘toy dogs’ such as chihuahuas...
Close up of Lindow Man.      Source: Verity / CC BY-SA 2.0.

Lindow Man – What Killed England’s Oldest Celebrity?

Lindow Man, officially known as Lindow II, is the name given to a bog body that was discovered in Cheshire, North West England. Radiocarbon dating of Lindow Man shows that he lived around the 1st...
Representation of ancient Greece stoning the vulnerable. Source: Alonso de Mendoza / Public Domain.

Ancient Greeks Purged City-States of Disease and the Most Vulnerable

Meghan Henning & Candida Moss / The Conversation With the spread of the coronavirus , the world is becoming pointedly aware of the extent to which human beings are interconnected. The rapid...
Main: The Church of St Botolph (‘the demon church’), Skidbrooke.       Source: Dave Hitchborne / CC BY-SA 2.0. Inset: Burning flames on a pentagram/satanic symbol. Source: Sunshine Seeds / Adobe stock

13th Century ‘Demon Church’ Attacked With Satanic Black Magic Rituals

A 13th century English church, notoriously ‘the demon church’, is being defended by the Church of England who assure historic prayers will stop black magic rituals being performed inside. Modern...
Detail of ‘The Number of the Beast is 666’ (1805) by William Blake. Source: Public Domain

The Number 666 – A Blessing in Disguise?

The number 666 has been linked to scary scenes and hideous demonic beasts which have spooked the fraught nerves of the laity for almost two thousand years. Superstitions have abounded at the sight of...
A tattooed skull in one of the newly unearthed Moche burials. Source: CEN/Proyecto Especial Naylamp Lambayeque

Bizarre Moche Burials Include Mutilation and Skull Tattoos

Eleven 1000-year-old graves containing skeletons from the Moche civilization have been found in Peru. Some have been mutilated with their feet removed and tattoos imprinted on their skulls. Two...
Detail of ‘Jupiter and Lycaon’ by Jan Cossiers. Source: Public Domain

King Lycaon of Arcadia – The First Werewolf?

Lycaon was a king of Arcadia mentioned in Greek mythology. He is believed to have lived in the period before the Great Deluge, and therefore was a contemporary of two other legendary kings, Deucalion...
A previously discovered pendant made by the Sechin culture. (Lombard Museum/CC BY 3.0) Right: The newly unearthed Peruvian pyramid was also made by the Sechin culture. (Andina)

5000-year-old Pyramid Structure Leads to Grisly Finds In Peru

In Peru, archaeologists have uncovered a mysterious pyramid structure in a massive archaeological complex. The pyramid may have been used for ceremonial purposes and could even have been the site of...
The killing of sheep found in the UK have been blamed on Satanists.  Source: LoloStock / Adobe Stock

Fears Satanists May Be Attacking Animals in Britain

A number of animals have been brutally killed in Britain and some believe that they were slain by Satanists. Symbols associated with devil worship were found painted on two of the dead creatures...
A scene from the Books of the Dead (based at the Egyptian Museum) shows the ibis-headed god Thoth recording the result of “the final judgement”. Source: Wasef et al. - PLOS ONE / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Holy Bin Chickens: Ancient Egyptians Tamed Wild Ibis for Sacrifice

These days, not many Aussies consider the ibis a particularly admirable creature. But these birds , now colloquially referred to as “ bin chickens ” due to their notorious scavenging antics, have a...
Infant discovered at Salango, Ecuador, with a skull helmet. Source: Twitter.

Ecuadorian Infants Discovered Wearing Child Skull ‘Helmets’

Archaeologists in Ecuador have found two buried infants wearing “helmets” fashioned from the skulls of two other children. The ritual complex and funerary platform of Salango on the central coast of...
The Monte D'Accoddi ziggurat on Sardinia. Source: Pierluigi Tombetti

Monte D'Accoddi: A Mesopotamian Ziggurat on Sardinia?

The site of Monte D'Accoddi on Sardinia is one of the most extraordinary mysteries of modern archaeology. It’s a real Babylonian style stepped pyramid that stands on a millenary plain as a reminder...
Roman chariot and horses. An ancient ritual horse burial has been discovered In Croatia. Source: Fernando Cortés / Adobe Stock.

1800-Year-Old Horse and Chariot Burial Discovered in Croatia

Archaeologists in Croatia have unearthed an 1,800 year-old fossil of a Roman chariot and two horses. Archaeologists from the City Museum Vinkovci and The Institute of Archaeology from Zagreb...
Ancient site of Göbeklitepe in Turkey, the oldest temple in the world. Source: JB Press / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Was Göbeklitepe An Ancient Temple of Sacrifice?

Göbeklitepe, the world’s oldest temple , is around 12,000 years old. It was built by hunter-gatherers in the pre-pottery Neolithic period, before writing and the wheel were invented. Göbeklitepe has...
Goddess of Egypt, Bastet. Credit: MiaStendal / Adobe Stock

Egyptian Cat Goddess Bastet, Protector of the King

The wondrous world of Egyptian deities is filled with all manner of fantastic creatures, each one captivating in its unique depiction. This vast pantheon features hundreds upon hundreds of deities,...
The Heslington skull and brain. Source: Top 5 Scary Videos / YouTube.

The Strange Phenomenon of the 2,600-year-old Heslington Brain

Sometime between 673 BC to 482 BC, in a region that would one day be known as East Heslington York, a mysterious man was hung by the rope and then decapitated ceremoniously. His severed head was...
Monument of the stone penis, excavated in Rollsbo near Gothenburg in Sweden. Source: The Archaeologists/NHM.

Prehistoric Stone Penis Penetrates Through Time

A Bronze Age stone penis once used for sacrificial fertility rituals has been uncovered in Sweden. The carved phallic statue stands erect at nearly 2 feet (52 centimeters) high and has been linked to...
Egyptian gods and goddess. From left to right, Sekhmet, Isis, Ra, Horus, Wadjet, and Set. Source: Hotaru Ito / Public Domain.

Understanding the Gods of Egypt: In Unison With Nature

Ancient Egypt is a never ending source of inspiration for many of us – their myths , their history, and their art are so wonderful and enigmatic, that they have intrigued researchers for decades. But...
Skull of a child sacrifice at Huanchaquito-Las Llamas in Peru.

Hundreds of Children were Sacrificed in Peru, But Why?

Archaeologists and anthropologists excavating in the north of Peru have made the horrifying discovery of more than 227 child burials near Huanchaco. This is added to the “140 children, three adults,...
Incas sacrificed little girls and displayed their skulls. Source: dk_patt / Adobe Stock.

Inca Elites Displayed Young Women's Skulls To Gain Power

The Inca Empire was the largest and most extensive ancient society that ever lived in the Americas. However, government of such a vast community is not without its issues. A new report examines...
