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Hominids in Africa

Could Cave Findings Unravel Mysteries of Human Origins?

Archaeologists have just completed a 3-week excavation of the Rising Star cave system in the northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa, and the results are expected to be revolutionary. The dig yielded...
Malapa Cave

Archaeologists to seek remains of new human species in South African Cave

The National Geographic’s expert explorer, Lee Berger of South Africa’s University of Witwatersrand, is about to launch a new expedition of an elaborate cave system in South Africa. The aim is to...
Extraterrestrial Life Found in Earth’s Atmosphere

Scientists Reveal Extraterrestrial Life Found in Earth’s Atmosphere

British scientists have found evidence for a microscopic organism living 27 kilometres above Earth in the stratosphere and argue that it could not have been carried up into the atmosphere by storms...
Life outer space - amino acids

Is this the final proof that life on Earth came from outer space?

We are all familiar with Darwin’s evolutionary theory that life developed on Earth by following specific steps and transitions which resulted in the gradual evolution of humans from apes. However,...
Six million year old ape cranium

Six million year old ape cranium discovered in China

In the last few months, China has begun intensively investigating questions relating to human origins in an effort to discover whether their nation has been one of the cradles of civilizations. This...
Origins of Life Challenged

Assumptions about Origins of Life Challenged

New research from the UNC School of Medicine has raised important questions about exactly how primitive molecule systems managed to replicate themselves and create life, and offers an intriguing view...
On the Origin of Man

On the Origin of Man

Humans have pondered the age-old question of our origins for millennia. Throughout history, there have been many people and cultures that have come forward with their own belief or theory on mankind’...
Earth life - comes from Mars

Earth life 'may have come from Mars'

New research, presented at a major scientific conference, supports the view that the conditions on Mars were more favourable for kick-starting life’s building blocks than Earth, suggesting that life...
Early Humans Homo Erectus China

Early Humans Lived in China 1.7 Million Years Ago

New research published in in the journal Scientific Reports, has revealed that Homo erectus, an ancient ancestor to modern humans, occupied a vast area in China as early as 1.7 million years ago. The...
Indi Cast System

Genetic Study Reveals Origin of India's Caste System

A new genetic study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics has revealed that the Indian caste system– which is the traditional organisation of South Asian society into a hierarchy of...
Adam and Eve after the Expulsion from Paradise by Paolo Veronese  (1528–1588) (Public Domain)

Genetic 'Adam & Eve’ Study Links All Men to Man Who Lived 135,000 Years Ago

A new study published in the journal Science has revealed that almost every man alive today can trace his origins to one man who lived approximately 135,000 years ago, and that this ancient man was...
Pig Chimpanzees Hybrids = Humans

Geneticist Suggests Humans Could be Hybrids

A new study conducted by well-known geneticist, Dr Eugene McCarthy, has controversially suggested that traits distinguishing chimpanzees from humans consistently connect with pigs and that Homo...
Pleiades - Australia, human origins

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Pleiadians and the Elders (Part 3)

If we accept Wilson is correct in identifying Homo erectus (which we do not fully subscribe to but for the sake of balance we will include) as half of the newly emerging Homo sapien sapiens...
Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Part 2

Everything fitted perfectly, three times fifty or sixty thousand checked off nicely against the desired number of 150-200,000 years, or so it seemed, until Rebecca Cann decided to delve deeper and...
Aboriginals Australia

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Part 1

Every book, television documentary, syllabus and curriculum that makes any reference to the evolution of modern humans, begins this ancient narrative in Africa. Through a combination of recent...
William Bramley

William Bramley

William Bramley is the author of The Gods of Eden: A New Look at Human History and Jesus Goes to Hollywood: The Alternative Theories About Christ . His primary fields of interest are history,...
Neanderthals returned to a comfy home

Neanderthals returned to a comfy home after a hard day’s work

New excavations of caves in Gibraltar have revealed that Neanderthals used a network of small caves during hunting expeditions after which they returned to a larger base which they probably...
Mysterious skull found in Australia Could Rewrite History

Mysterious skull found in Australia Could Rewrite History

Australia may need to revise its history books after the mysterious skull of a white man found in New South Wales was found to date back to the 1600s, long before the arrival of Captain James Cook in...
Human Origins Cradle in China

Investigation into Human Origins to be Launched in China

The Cultural Heritage Bureau of Hebei province in China has announced that they will be funding an initiative to investigate traces of early humans in order to learn more about the origins of humans...
World’s Oldest Full Genome

World’s Oldest Full Genome Revealed by Scientists

A new study published in the journal Nature has reported on the oldest ever full genome which comes from a 700,000 year-old horse leg bone leading to the question of how far back we can go in...
Human Origins Sumatra Volcanic Eruption

Humans Did Not Live in Asia Before Sumatra Volcanic Eruption 74,000 Years Ago

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has refuted a recent theory that modern humans lived in Asia prior to the great volcanic eruption in Sumatra 74,000 years...
Tarsier Primates

The oldest primate skeleton discovered

According to Darwin’s theory , humans are evolved from primates (monkeys, apes etc) – or at least we are somehow related to primates. Even though the evolution theory is not flawless it makes sense...
Fish hips human origins

Our hips and their fish origins

Evolution is a very complex topic. Since Darwin and his famous evolution theory, many things have changed and new theories have emerged. Panspermia theory is the most popular theory at the moment (...
Minoans not Egyptians

New Study Reveals that Mysterious Minoans Were not Egyptian

A new study published in the Journal of Nature Communications has revealed that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European and not Egyptian as previously believed. The...
