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Ancient saint. Credit: Peer Marlow / Adobe Stock

Saint Hildegard of Bingen – Visionary, Mystic, Writer, and Composer

Saint Hildegard of Bingen is arguably one of the most remarkable women of the Middle Ages . During her lifetime, she was abbess, mystic, visionary, and composer. In addition, she was a respected...
Two manuscripts of the visionary, writer and composer St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) survived the Dresden bombings after a librarian stashed them in a bank vault. Source: Deutsche Fotothek‎ / CC BY-SA 4.0.

How Two Women Pulled Off a Medieval Manuscript Heist in Post-War Germany

By Jennifer Bain / The Conversation Seventy-five years ago, in February 1945, during the Second World War, Allied forces bombed the magnificent baroque city of Dresden, Germany, destroying most of it...
The Frisians are historically recognized as brave warriors. Source: lassedesignen/Adobe Stock

The Frisians: Fierce Fighters of The North Sea Coasts

The world of Germanic nations is a diverse and rich cultural ethnosphere whose languages and cultures came to dominate Western Europe and much of the world. Their history is rich and spans centuries...
View into the Jewel Room of the historic Green Vault. Source: Hans Christian Krass / © Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.

Billion-Dollar Jewelry Heist from Green Vault in Germany

Thieves have stolen a vast number of priceless jewels in Germany that were part of one of the most important art collections in Europe. Some have estimated that the stolen items may be valued at up...
3D scan of bust of Nefertiti. Source: CosmoWenman / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

The Battle Is Over. Nefertiti 3D Is Finally Available

After a “hoax heist” and legal battle, full color interactive 3-dimensional scans of Queen Nefertiti’s bust are now available online. The high resolution 3D scan captures every single last detail of...
Ceramics in Heuneburg, Germany show Iron Age Celts of all social classes drank Mediterranean wine. Source: 9parusnikov /Adobe Stock

Even Low-Class Iron Age Celts Sipped Fine Mediterranean Wine

A new study reveals Mediterranean wine was enjoyed by ‘all classes’ of Iron Age Celts 2,700 years ago. Archaeologists excavating at the prehistoric Heuneburg hillfort in southern Germany, just north...
Photograph of the assemblage. Credit: Uhlig et al., (2019), photograph by V. Minkus / Antiquity Publications Ltd.

Relics of Fallen Warriors in Germany Reveal Secrets of Bronze Age Battle

Archaeologists in Germany have made an exciting breakthrough regarding a Bronze Age battle , one of the oldest known in Europe. Divers retrieved more than 30 objects from a river, including weapons...
Hildegard von Bingen had a vision of a 'cosmic egg.'

The Fiery Cosmic Egg of Hildegard von Bingen

The language of prophecy is frequently enigmatic, bewildering, and even disconcerting. Most of us are familiar with some of the cryptic messages of Nostradamus , Mother Shipton, Edgar Cayce, and...
Amphitheater, Xanten Archeological Park

Xanten Archaeological Park – Step Back and Experience the Romans

Open-air archaeological parks or museums are increasingly popular as they bring the past to life. One of the largest in the world, if not the largest, is Xanten Archaeological Park in Germany . This...
Eltz Castle in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

Eltz Castle: A Majestic Medieval Pile Owned by the Same Family for 800 Years

Eltz Castle is a majestic castle situated on the top of a rock within a small wooded valley in Germany. Be it through luck or strategy, the castle has been mostly spared from the ravages of war...
Scientists examining the inside of a 1,000-year-old sarcophagus in Mainz, Germany, after lifting the lid. Source: Print screen, CNN video.

1000-Year-Old Sarcophagus Discovered Beneath One of Germany’s Oldest Churches – Who’s Inside?

A 1,000-year-old sarcophagus discovered beneath a church floor in Mainz, Germany, is thought to hold the remains of a former 11th century Archbishop. Getting to the almost 1000-year-old skeleton took...
The legendary Kobolds

Don’t Cross the Kobolds: Mischievous Spirits of European Folklore

In ancient folklore, the kobold is a small, pointy-eared, goblin-like creature with a short-temper and a mischievous spirit. While generally described as well-intentioned, angering a kobold is said...
Quedlinburg Castle and Monastery, Quedlinburg, Germany where the Annals of Quedlinburg were written.

The Annals of Quedlinburg: Rare Example of Female Scholarship in Medieval Europe

Mention medieval scholarship , and the first image that most people will have would probably be that of a monk with a quill in his hand and an open book before him. The most well-known scholars of...
Bocksten Man. Photo source: (CC BY 2.0 ) The Tollund Man as he appears today. ( Osterby Man with hair tied in a Suebian Knot. At Archäologisches Landesmuseum. (CC BY 3.0) The face of the bog body known as Grauballe man. (Public Domain) The Upper body of the Elling Woman. (CC BY SA 3.0)

The Stories Behind Seven Mind Boggling Bog Bodies

Since at least the 18th century, there have been discoveries in northwestern continental Europe and Britain of “bog bodies” - human remains which have been preserved in the anoxic environment of bogs...
Discovery of Viking shipwreck studied by experts.

Secrets of 829-Year-Old Post-Viking-Era Shipwreck Revealed

During the extension of the seaport of Wismar in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, archaeologists discovered a number of shipwrecks . One of them, the last to be discovered, was resting in only...
In the Heliand, Jesus wasn’t a dark-skinned Palestinian but a Germanic chieftain. Hans Zatzka

The Heliand: A Germanic Account of Jesus Written to Suit the Saxon World

One thing that can be said about the history of Christianity is that it has always been multicultural and multi-ethnic. Christianity is not tied to any one ethnic group or cultural tradition but has...
Coronation of Louis the Pious as King of Aquitaine.

The Troubled Reign of Louis the Pious, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

Louis I (byname the Pious, the Fair, or the Debonair) was a King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor belonging to the Carolingian Dynasty. He lived between the 8 th and 9 th centuries AD and reigned...
Kyffhäuser Castle Monument - Barbarossa, Emperor Frederick I

Kyffhäusen Castle, Germany: When the Ravens Vanish, Barbarossa Will Return

The medieval Kyffhäusen Castle and the 19th century Kyffhäuser Monument were built on the Kyffhäuser hill range in Central Germany, located in the state of Thuringia, southeast of the Harz Mountains...
Photo of the Roman horse's head pre-restoration.

German Farmer Lands $1 Million Reward for Rare Bronze Horse Head Found on His Property

Nine years ago, archaeologists unearthed a Roman bronze sculpture in farmland in Lahnau, Germany. They knew the discovery was both rare and valuable. The farmer who owns the land received a payment...
A reconstruction of Germany's Pömmelte.

Evidence of Human Sacrifice and Death Rituals Found at the German Woodhenge

The 4,300 year old woodhenge of Pömmelte in Germany is finally beginning to give up its secrets - and some of the information we’re learning is quite grisly. The battered skeletons of women and...
A selection of silver jewelry from the Bluetooth treasure.

Bluetooth Treasure: Metal Detector Dings on Silver of the Danish King in Germany

Over one thousand years ago, Danish King Harald Bluetooth had to flee his homeland. He would have taken whatever treasured possessions he could as he sought safety in distant lands. Fast forward to...
St. Lambertus Church, Immerath.

Impressive Neo-Romanesque Church Destroyed by Mining Company in Germany

A 19th century Catholic Church in Germany was demolished last week by an energy company that destroyed an entire village in order to make way for coal mining in Immerath, Western Germany. The company...
Researchers excavating at Untermassfeld allege that part of a deer bone protruding from the sediment on 28 May 2009 (in box, left) had disappeared several days later.

Claims of Stolen Bones Leading to Misconstrued Conclusions of Early Human Migration to Northern Europe

Strong allegations have come forward against a controversial theory suggesting that hominins were hacking away at animal bones and chipping out stone tools thousands of years ago in what is now...
The remains of warriors lie scattered on the battlefield of Tollense.

Scientists Discover Clues to Identities of Mystery Warriors Lying on an Ancient Battlefield

Archaeologists have begun piecing together evidence that may finally reveal the identities of the mystery warriors whose remains lie scattered across a 3,300-year-old battlefield at the Tollense...
