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There are undoubtedly millions of ancient artifacts from the past that have served to shed light on the lives of our ancestors from many millennia ago. But some ancient mystical artifacts stand out for their uniqueness, their intrigue, or their ability to expand our knowledge about previously unknown aspects of our history. Here we feature many such ancient history artifacts, from amazing examples of ancient technology, to artistic masterpieces, unexplained objects, ancient texts, and mysterious artifacts that shed light on the daily lives of our ancestors.

The Garisenda Tower and Asinelli Tower in Bologna, Italy. Source: Aliaksei/Adobe Stock

The Iconic Garisenda Tower of Bologna Has Leaned Too Much!

A leaning tower in Italy is at it again, and no, it’s not in Pisa! Rather, it is the Garisenda Tower in Bologna, and officials have now closed it off, along with the central square adjacent to it,...
Representational image of the Cape Gelidonya shipwreck generated by AI. Source: Krtola / Adobe Stock

Ancient Underwater Trade Secrets at the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck

When a Turkish sponge diver discovered a shipwreck in the 1950s, little did he know that he had stumbled on the ancient remains of a ship laden with Bronze Age cargo. Later dubbed the Cape Gelldonya...
The Bronze Age yoke in situ at the excavations in Este. Source: Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan area of Venice and the provinces of Belluno, Padua and Treviso.

3,300-Year-Old Wooden Yoke Unveiled in Northern Italy After Extensive Restoration

Following a meticulous eight-year process of excavation, retrieval, and restoration, a unique 3,300-year-old wooden yoke has been unveiled to the public. It was unearthed from a Late Bronze Age stilt...
A fragment from The Gospel of Thomas (Public Domain).

There May Have Been a Fifth Gospel (Video)

The Gospel of Thomas, discovered in 1946, offers a unique perspective on Christianity . This text has ignited debates about its authenticity, giving rise to the possibility of a fifth gospel . It...
Ruins of the Pyramid of Hellinikon in Greece.     Source: kranidi/Adobe Stock

Were Ancient Greeks Building Pyramids at the Same Time as the Egyptians?

When we hear the word pyramids, our minds immediately go to Egypt; however, there are pyramids scattered all over the world: America, Europe, Asia and India. What many do not realize is that the...
Greek sea fire. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Weird History.

Medieval Superweapons That Sound Made Up (Video)

In medieval times, warfare saw the emergence of remarkable yet often overlooked superweapons. Greek fire , a Byzantine invention, was a mysterious and devastating flammable liquid. Its composition, a...
Modified tiger shark teeth found in 7,000-year-old layers of Leang Panninge (top) and Leang Bulu’ Sipong 1 (bottom) on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Right; Shark tooth weapons from Kiribati and Hawai’i. Source: M.C. Langley/The Conversation, Right; The Trustees of The British Museum

Bringing a Shark to a Knife Fight: 7,000-year-old Shark-tooth Knives Discovered in Indonesia

Michelle Langley et al./The Conversation Excavations on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi have uncovered two unique and deadly artifacts dating back some 7,000 years – tiger shark teeth that were...
Pompeii graffiti. Source: Niklas / Adobe Stock.

Pompeii's Graffiti: An Ancient Form of Social Media (Video)

Archaeologist Dr. Catherine Huntley's work unveils the ancient walls of Pompeii as repositories of historical insights. In contemporary times, graffiti often carries a negative connotation,...
Facial reconstruction of a Terracotta warrior. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

A Terracotta Warrior's Digital Transformation (Video)

The Terracotta Army , a remarkable archaeological marvel from ancient China, has long captivated the world with its silent army of clay soldiers. These soldiers , dating back to the Qin Dynasty (...
Experts conduct X-ray and CT scans on the Fiji mermaid in an attempt to unravel its genuine nature.    Source: Norse Media

Scans of ‘Frankensteined-Together’ Fiji Mermaid Reveal Its Origins

The mystery behind one of the infamous ‘Fiji mermaids’ may soon be solved by radiology testing. This bizarre creature seems to be part fish, part monkey, and part reptile, and has baffled scientists...
One of the petroglyphs at the riverbank site in Praia das Lajes, Manaus, Brazil. Source: Valter Calheiros

Brazilian Drought Unveils Rare Ancient Petroglyphs On Manaus Riverbed

Due to a current drought in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, enigmatic ancient engravings dating to between 1,000 and 2,000 years old have resurfaced from a riverbed. This discovery marks only the...
Ancient Egyptian Mega Tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This Ancient Egyptian Mega-Tomb is the Largest of its Kind (Video)

Deep beneath the Egyptian desert , a remarkable find has unveiled an intricate tapestry of history and belief. In Saqqara , a new discovery emerges - an extensive burial site, shedding light on an...
The Roman sandal in situ, discovered in Lugo de Llanera, Asturias.      Source: Esperanza Martin/Astures

Unique 2,000-Year-Old Sandal Found In A Roman Well In Spain

A collection of artifacts, including a unique Roman sandal thought to have been lost by a well-cleaner 2,000-years-ago, has been uncovered at an ancient Roman settlement called Lucus Asturum in...
Griffin warrior carved stone. Credit: J. Vanderpool, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati.

Was The Griffin Warrior’s Treasure Looted from Other Cultures? (Video)

Approximately three and a half thousand years ago, a man was interred on a Greek hillside near Pylos, surrounded by an astonishing array of riches . What's intriguing is that many of these treasures...
Bronze Age jewelry found in Swiss carrot field. Comprising of a necklace adorned with spiked discs, an amber necklace, finger rings, gold spirals, and distinctive discoveries like a bear tooth and an ammonite. Source: Canton of Thurgau

Stunning Bronze Age Jewelry Hoard Unearthed in Switzerland

“An important jewelry ensemble from the Middle Bronze Age” uncovered between August and now, has been announced in Switzerland’s Güttingen. It consists of several spiked jewelry discs (14 in total),...
50 BC coin bearing the name Esunertos, a previously unknown Iron Age British king.	Source: Spinks Auctions

A New Iron Age King in Britain? Gold Coin Found Stamped with the Name 'Esunertos'

Britain’s history may have just undergone a significant addition, thanks to the remarkable discovery of a coin bearing the name of a forgotten Iron Age ruler. The coin was unearthed by a metal...
Carving an oracle bone. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This 3000-Year-old ‘Oracle Bone’ Chose a Shang Dynasty Queen (Video)

In the ancient practice of divination , the use of oracle bones played a crucial role, as revealed in a captivating historical artifact dating back over 3,000 years. This fragmentary turtle shell,...
Overhead view of the Saint-Bélec slab.          Source: Denis Glicksman / Inrap

A Bronze Age Rock Has Become a 'Treasure Map' for Researchers

A piece of rock, adorned with mysterious markings that have remained largely unstudied for 4,000 years, has emerged as a remarkable "treasure map" for archaeologists. This ancient artifact, known as...
Representational image of a diver discovering ancient clay vessels. Source: underocean / Adobe Stock.

Dokos, The Oldest Shipwreck in the World

The cultures and civilizations of the ancient world were not as lonely and isolated as we might think. They were connected by the world’s waterways - the oceans, rivers, and seas. Sailing and...
Cat mummy. (Justin Ennis / Flickr)

Cat Mummies Were a Big Thing in Ancient Egypt (Video)

In ancient Egypt, cat mummies held a special place in the religious practices of the time. The practice of mummifying cats and other animals was considered sacred . However, not all cat tombs were...
The Glencoe hoard of coins consists of European pottery as well as silver and bronze coins. Source: ©Gareth Beale/University of Glasgow

Coin Hoard At Glencoe Massacre Site Found Buried Under Fireplace

In the heartlands of Scotland's rugged west coast, an archaeology student unearthed a trove of 17th-century artifacts, including an "international coin hoard." Believed to have been hidden after the...
Senior Researcher at the National Museum of Denmark Mads Dengso Jessen holds a Viking Age window glass fragment. Source: John Fhær Engedal Nissen / National Museum of Denmark

Study Finds Out Those Barbaric Vikings Had…Stained Glass Windows?!

It is no secret that the portrayal of Vikings in popular culture has done more than its fair share to distort our ideas of what and who the Vikings were. This distortion extends across various...
Pharaoh Senebkay was different to other Egyptian kings

This Abydos Pharaoh Was Unusual in Many Ways (Video)

The discovery of Pharaoh Senebkay‘s remains offers a unique glimpse into an unconventional Egyptian dynasty. Unlike typical pharaohs, Senebkay was a modest ruler, and his life was far from the...
Fresco in Tomb of Cerberus discovered near Naples. Source: Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’Area Metropolitana di Napoli

Unearthed 'Tomb of Cerberus' Features Pristine Frescoes from Ancient Roman Era

In a historic revelation, archaeologists have discovered a sealed chamber tomb featuring a captivating fresco of Cerberus, the renowned three-headed dog from Ancient Greek mythology said to guard the...
