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Virtual rendition of the painting of the leopard face found on the ancient Egyptian sarcophagus.         Source: University of Milan

Rare Masterpiece Uncovered on Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus

An Italian-Egyptian team have reconstructed a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian art. They have been able to virtually recreate the face of a leopard that was found on a sarcophagus lid in a necropolis...
The bizarre face of one of the Mont’e Prama Giants. Source: Author provided

The Mont’e Prama Giants: A Massive Archaeological Mystery

1974, Sinis region, Sardinia (Oristano): the plow of a farmer being blocked by a piece of stone marked the beginning of a series of excavations in the area of Mont'e Prama, near the village of Cabras...
Intricately decorated plaster walls in King Tut’s tomb

New Evidence: Lost Queen Nefertiti May be Hidden in King Tut's Tomb!

Is there or isn’t there a hidden chamber, or chambers, connected to King Tutankhamun’s tomb? Just when we think the story reaches a conclusion a new study emerges throwing the mystery back into the...
The bones of 72 Guanche people were found in a hard to reach cave-tomb in the Canary Islands

Dozens of Mummies and Skeletons Found in Canary Islands Cave Tomb

An 8th to 10th century grave containing 72 pre-Hispanic 'Guanche' natives has been discovered on Gran Canaria. In June last year an amateur archaeologist from the group 'El Legado’ flew a drone over...
Main: Roman Forum (Ivan Kurmyshov / Adobe Stock). Inset: Statue of Romulus and Remus in Rome (pict rider / Adobe Stock)

Tomb of Romulus, King Raised by a Wolf, Possibly Found in Roman Forum!

Archaeologists have unearthed a tomb beneath the Roman Forum that they think might be the resting place of the legendary Romulus, founder of Rome . In Roman mythology, Romulus and his twin brother...
Turabek Khanum Mausoleum, Turkmenistan             Source: Maurizio/ Adobe Stock

Konye-Urgench, Protected After Genghis Khan’s Destruction

In an area of protected landscape of Turkmenistan lies an abandoned city that once played a critical role in the history of Central Asia. Situated on the Silk Road , Konye-Urgench was a wealthy city...
The Gate of Imperial Tomb of Emperor Tu Duc in Hue, Vietnam.

The Buried Secret of Tu Duc’s Tomb, Vietnam

Vietnam was ruled by many emperors during its long and turbulent history. Emperor Tu Duc, one of the longest-reigning monarchs in the nation’s history, constructed a tomb complex which is truly...
Spiral staircase of underground crossing in tunnel at Fort Canning Park, Singapore Source: (martinhosmat083/ Adobe Stock)

Fort Canning Park, The Oasis of Singapore or Haunted Hill?

Singapore, the remarkable city-state in Asia, is regarded as one of the most dynamic societies on earth and offers a great many sites. Fort Canning Park is located on a small hill on the island. It...
The vandalism caused to 3000-year-old rock carvings in Pangaion Hills.	Source: 	Greece High Definition

What a Way to Start the Year! 3 Shocking Acts of Vandalism in First Week

The first week of January brings three shocking acts of vandalism on ancient monuments in Greece , England and Wales, and the ignorant vandals are accused of lacking education, knowledge and...
Four Iranian heritage sites: The ruins of Persepolis. (F. Couin/ CC BY SA 4.0 ), Pasargadae Tomb in Shiraz (CC BY SA 3.0), Ancient ruins in Susa, Iran (UNESCO), Elaborate decoration in Golestan Palace, Tehran, Iran. (Diego Delso/CC BY SA).

Iran’s Heritage Sites Remain Under Threat. What Could We Lose?

A country’s heritage is arguably vital to its lifeblood. It connects the present to the past and also unites humanity in the appreciation and love for history and archaeology. Ancient cultural sites...
One of the mummies found in the Tuna El-Gebel burial site. (Ministry of Antiquities) Head and torso of god Xipe Totec found at Ndachjian–Tehuacán archaeological site. (Melitón Tapia/ INAH) A sword from the Talaiotic civilization has been found in Mallorca, Spain. (Diario de Mallorca) Carvings made by people in Vichama, Peru 3,800 years ago suggest rain arrived just in time. (Ministerio de Cultura de Perú ) Temple remains found at Heracleion. (Christoph Gerigk - Frank Goddio/ Hilti Foundation / Egyptian Anti

The Biggest and Best Archaeological Discoveries of 2019

2019 was another exciting year for archaeology. Modern technology and extensive excavations have revealed a slew of fascinating finds – from mummies with masks to a mini Göbekli Tepe, we’ve been...
The burial of the Amazon with a ceremonial golden headdress.          Source:

Scythian Burial With Golden Headdress Found in Russia

Akson Russian Science Communication Association Investigations at the Don excavation site in Russia have unearthed a burial mound containing four Scythian women with impressive grave goods that...
A tattooed skull in one of the newly unearthed Moche burials. Source: CEN/Proyecto Especial Naylamp Lambayeque

Bizarre Moche Burials Include Mutilation and Skull Tattoos

Eleven 1000-year-old graves containing skeletons from the Moche civilization have been found in Peru. Some have been mutilated with their feet removed and tattoos imprinted on their skulls. Two...
December 21, the longest night and shortest day of the year, is a special event at Newgrange in County Meath, Ireland. This photo was shot August 24, 2014.

Winter Solstice: Stone Age People in Ireland built a Fantastic Monument to the New Year

Tomorrow, 22 December, the Irish will celebrate the Winter Solstice as they did thousands of years ago – at Newgrange, a 5,000-year-old megalithic monument into which the sun shines at sunrise on the...
One of the tombs found by the grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos includes a gold pendant featuring the likeness of Hathor, an Egyptian goddess who was a protector of the dead. Source: UC Classics

Gold Lined Tombs Unearthed Beside Griffin Warrior

Archaeologists from America's University of Cincinnati’s classics department are readdressing what is known of early Greek history based on their once-in-a-lifetime discovery of two treasure-filled...
Left: Example of a tomb at Al Ayn. (Public Domain) Right: The recently unearthed Iron Age site in Oman.  (The National)

Secrets of Iron Age Oman Revealed By Copper Mining Necropolis

Archaeologists in Oman’s Al Sharqiyah governorate have discovered an Iron Age settlement, copper mine, and necropolis with 45 tombs. The tombs are located 700 meters (2296.59 ft.) from an ancient...
Tomb of emperor Frederick III in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, Austria. Source: JoJan / CC BY-SA 3.0.

Micro Cameras Reveal Treasure in Emperor Frederick III’s Tomb

Researchers have used cameras to examine the last untouched royal tomb in Europe . Experts used tiny cameras to investigate the tomb of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III. They revealed a stunning...
Wu zhu bronze coins found in Liu He’s tomb. Source:

Liu He and the Tomb of Two Million Coins

Archaeology is always full of surprises. When an excavation is started, the team never knows what the next artifact will be to see the light of day. Many times a find is mundane – pottery shards,...
The barbarian warrior woman (Image: North Caucasus united archaeolog)

2,000-Year-Old Warrior Woman Discovered with Rare Gems

An ancient warrior woman has been found in the Russian republic of Kabardino-Balkaria wearing rare Roman jewelry. Believed to have been related to a warrior or chieftain, the ancient woman was...
The archaeology dogs proved extremely accurate in pinpointing the tombs. Source: Zlatko Bala/Department of Archaeology/University of Zadar.

Lara Crufts Sniff Out Ancient Tombs In Croatia

Trained sniffer dogs used to locate 3,000-year-old Iron Age burial tombs in Croatia. A dog's sense of smell , according to an article on Science Net Links , is up to 100,000 times as strong as a...
King Orry’s Grave                             Source: Stringer, J / CC BY NC 2.0

The Anomaly of King Orry’s 5000-Year-Old Grave

The Isle of Man is a small, beautiful island in the Irish Sea and is a self-governing British Crown dependency. This island has a rich history as it is associated with the Vikings and has many...
Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed a previously unknown tomb and several artifacts. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities

Industrial Zone Found In Luxor’s Valley of the Monkeys

Archaeologists in Egypt have made two remarkable discoveries at the Valley of the Monkeys in Luxor . They have found evidence of industrial areas or zones, where workers lived and worked. Then they...
Representation of sarcophagus of Princess Hatshepset. Source: Denis Doukhan / Public Domain.

Coffin Pieced Together Reveals Egyptian Princess Face

In Egypt archaeologists have been able to reconstruct the face of the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh . They painstakingly pieced together what seems to be the sarcophagus of an Egyptian princess...
Left: The balsamarium was found beside the burial of a man who died between 35 and 40 years old. Right: Balsamarium from the brick grave in the Kral Mezar tumulus. Credit: Daniela Agre, Deyan Dichev and Gennady Agre /

Skeleton of Ancient Sports Fan Found Buried with Head-Shaped Jar

A grave has been found in Bulgaria with the skeleton of an ancient sportsman or sports fan. Alongside the human remains was a nearly 2000-year-old jar that represents the head of a boxer or a...
