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Representation of the English samurai, William Adams.         Source: adrenalinapura/ Adobe stock

The English Samurai - The Story of William Adams (Video)

William Adams , also known as Miura Anjin in Japan, transcended cultural boundaries to become one of the first Western Samurai in Japanese history. Born in 1564 during the Elizabethan era , Adams'...
Archaeologist records the Elizabethan era ship’s remains on-site. Source: Wessex Archaeology

Elizabethan-Era Ship Found in Quarry Lake Along English Channel Coast

Marine archaeologists recently removed the remains of a nearly 500-year-old Elizabethan-era ship discovered in the bottom of a quarry lake approximately 1,000 feet (300 meters) from the Kent County...
Bess of Hardwick: The Second Wealthiest Woman In Tudor England

Bess of Hardwick: The Second Wealthiest Woman In Tudor England

Bess of Hardwick was one of the most prominent women who lived during the Elizabethan period. Although Bess was born into a respectable family, they were not well-to-do. Nevertheless, through a...
Oxburgh Hall where the trove of 15th century treasures were recently discovered in the attic. Source: Martin Pettitt / CC BY-SA 2.0

15th Century Treasures Revealed in British Stately Home Attic

In Britain, an attic in a historic home has revealed a trove of 15th century treasures. The rare items were uncovered during the recent COVID-19 lockdown and were discovered thanks to the hard work...
Queen Elizabeth I: The Controversies and the Accomplishments

Queen Elizabeth I: The Controversies and the Accomplishments

Elizabeth I was one of England’s most famous and powerful queens and an iconic figure in world history. Known also as ‘The Virgin Queen’ and ‘Good Queen Bess’, she belonged to the House of Tudor – a...
Archaeologists found the remains of well-preserved brick-lined cellar believed to be of London’s oldest theater, the Red Lion playhouse, in Whitechapel, East London. Source: Archaeology South-East / UCL

London’s Oldest Theater Unearthed in Whitechapel

Archaeologists in London have made an amazing discovery. They have unearthed what they believe to be London’s oldest theater, the Elizabethan Red Lion. This structure is of immense importance because...