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Robbie Mitchell

I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance writer researching the weird and wonderful. I firmly believe that history should be both fun and accessible.


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The Age of Discovery, a time when Portuguese explorers journeyed across the world. Source: oleskalashnik/Adobe Stock

Portuguese Empire and the Age of Exploration (Video)

During the Age of Exploration , Portugal's strategic location and maritime expertise propelled it to the forefront of global exploration and trade. With its extensive coastline and rich fishing...
Nanzhao Tahu Temple, Weibaoshan Mountain, Dali, Yunnan, China. Source: hu/Adobe Stock

Nanzhao: A Lost Kingdom in Southern China (Video)

Nanzhao , situated in the rugged terrain of southern China, flourished as a formidable kingdom between the 8th and 10th centuries. Unified from disparate tribes, it repelled Chinese invasions and...
Samurai in Medieval Japan. Source: Public Domain

Samurais, Shoguns, Etas and the Social Pyramid of Medieval Japan (Video)

The structure of medieval Japan was characterized by a complex social hierarchy that shaped the lives and interactions of its people. Rooted in centuries-old traditions and influenced by...
Saladin and Guy de Lusignan after battle of Hattin in 1187. Source: Public Domain

Saladin - Conqueror of the Kingdom of Heaven (Video)

Saladin , known as the "Conqueror of the Kingdom of Heaven," emerges from history as a figure of profound complexity and greatness. Born in 1137 in modern-day Iraq, he navigated the tumultuous...
Part of the archaeological site of ancient Corinth in Peloponnese, Greece. Source:   dinosmichail/Adobe Stock

The Fascinating History of Ancient Corinth (Video)

Ancient Corinth , strategically positioned between Athens and Sparta, traces its roots to mythical narratives and archaeological evidence dating back to around 6500 BC. Founded by legendary figures...
Discovered in 1950, the Tollund Man is on display at the Silkeborg Museum in Denmark. 		Source: Chocho8 / CC BY-SA 4.0

How Did a Fossilized Body Solve A 2,400-Year-Old Murder? (Video)

The discovery of the Tollund Man , a 2,400-year-old bog body, presents a fascinating tale of ancient mystery. In 1950, Danish peat cutters stumbled upon his remarkably preserved remains in a bog...
Roman Colosseum, Rome, Italy. Source: Sergey Yarochkin/Adobe Stock

Six Things That Made the Colosseum Unique (Video)

The Colosseum , an architectural marvel in Rome, is renowned for its unique features that set it apart from other ancient structures. Its oval design, accommodating over 50,000 spectators , ensured...
AI image of the withered hand of a man with a deadly disease. Source: Alexander/Adobe Stock

All The Diseases You Might Have If You Lived in A Medieval City (Video)

Living in medieval cities exposed residents to a myriad of afflictions stemming from unsanitary conditions and limited medical knowledge. Leprosy , caused by the Mycobacterium leprae bacteria, was a...
(Left) Photo shows an Egyptian painted wood mummy portrait of a woman from the Roman period, circa 2nd or 3rd century AD. (Right) Cinnabar was widely used as a decorative pigment as well as a toxic cosmetic. A Chinese "cinnabar red" carved lacquer box from the Qing dynasty. Source: Public Domain, Andrew Lih / CC BY SA 2.0

Seven Unusual Beauty Treatments That Ancient Women Used (Video)

In the pursuit of beauty, ancient women employed unconventional methods, challenging modern notions of glamour. Foot binding , prevalent in 10th-century China, exemplifies the extremes sought for...
Indigenous victims (likely smallpox), Florentine Codex (compiled 1540–1585) Source: Public Domain

The Mysterious Disease That Wiped Out the Aztecs (Video)

The Aztecs , a once-flourishing civilization in central Mexico, faced a devastating onslaught in the mid-16th century. While initially attributed to European diseases like smallpox, recent DNA...
Cropped image of the sculpture of Agrippina crowning her young son Nero.	Source: Carlos Delgado/CC BY-SA 3.0

Agrippina the Younger and Her Influence on Nero (Video)

Agrippina the Younger wielded significant influence over her son Nero's rise to power. Initially content with a life of artistry, Nero's path shifted under his mother's ambition. Agrippina's...
AI image of a king pirate. Source: Fotokvadrat / Abode Stock.

How Henry Every Stole $200M, Got Away and Became a Superstar (Video)

On April Fool's Day in 1696, amidst the turmoil of the England-France conflict, Governor Nicholas Trott of the Island of Providence faced a grave predicament. Abandoned by the navy and plagued by...
Van Fortress or Castle of Van, is a massive stone fortification built by the ancient kingdom of Urartu.	Source: seyfullah/Adobe Stock

The Forgotten Kingdom of Urartu: From Prosperity to Fall

The Kingdom of Urartu, a once significant ancient civilization nestled in the rugged terrain of the Armenian Highlands, flourished from the 9th to 6th centuries BC. Often overshadowed by its...
A religious leader talks to hundreds of people. Source: ZaYoNiXx/Adobe Stock

Seven Great Religious Leaders in History (Video)

Seven significant historical religious leaders have profoundly impacted the development of faith traditions worldwide. Moses Maimonides, born in 1135 AD in Spain, was a distinguished Jewish...
In 477 BC, the Battle of the Cremera was fought between the Roman Republic and Veii, leading to the loss of Roman control over the river Cremera. This allowed Veientes to penetrate deeper into Roman territory.	Source: Frans Vandewalle / CC BY-SA 2.0

Clash of Titans: The Roman-Etruscan Wars of Ancient Italy

The Roman-Etruscan Wars represent a significant chapter in the ancient history of ancient Italy, marking the clashes between the burgeoning power of Rome and the advanced civilization of the...
Left: Liang Tebo burial features of the 29000-BC amputee of Borneo, Indonesia: a) A single adult inhumation (TB1); the skull is to the right of the scale bar; Middle: Artist ‘s impression of Tebo1, the oldest amputee on record; Right: Surgically amputated site of the left tibia and fibula showing the evidence of amputation.            Source: Maloney, et al. / Nature; Jose Garcia (Garciartist) and Griffith University / Nature; Maloney, et al. / Nature

Ancient Medicine: What Was the Earliest Surgery? (Video)

Around 30,000 years ago in Borneo, an ancient surgeon performed a groundbreaking operation on a child with a severe leg injury. Using rudimentary tools likely made of stone, they skillfully severed...
