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Joanna Gillan

Joanna Gillan is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. 

Joanna completed a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) degree in Australia and published research in the field of Educational Psychology. She has a rich and varied career, ranging from teaching children with autism in an early intervention program, owning and operating an online English teaching business, working as a research and project officer in the office of TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall and assistant in the office of Prince William and Prince Harry, as well as co-owning a website design and development company.

Joanna co-founded Ancient Origins with Dr Ioannis Syrigos. Together they immersed themselves in their personal passion for ancient history, mythology and human origins.  She loves learning about and experiencing other cultures and has spent time living in Australia, UK, Greece, Ecuador and Ireland and travelling to hundreds of historic sites around the world.

Joanna has written over 1,000 articles for Ancient Origins, some of which have been mentioned in the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, The Guardian, Peru Weekly, International Business Times, Spiegel and The Daily Mail. She has contributed as a guest writer for other media organizations, including The Epoch Times and iSpectrum Magazine, and has been interviewed on historical subjects on ten radio shows, including the BBC in the UK, and Newstalk in Ireland. She has also appeared on Ireland’s national TV channel, RTE, on the Today Show


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Ancient traditional salt production in Bali, Indonesia. Source: lenaivanova2311 / Adobe Stock.

An Elaborate Affair: Getting Dressed as an 18th Century Gentleman (Video)

Dressing as an 18th-century gentleman was no easy feat. The process of getting dressed was highly regimented and required the help of a valet or servant to assist in the process. Each item of...
Medieval knights with weapons. Source: Diatomic / Adobe Stock.

Medieval Warfare Unleashed: Discovering the Arsenal of a Knight (Video)

The medieval knight was known for their impressive arsenal of weapons, each with its own unique purpose on the battlefield. Swords were the most iconic weapon of the knight , but other melee weapons...
Representation of Pocahontas. Source: likoper / Adobe Stock.

The Heartbreaking True Story of Pocahontas (Video)

The true story of Pocahontas is far from the fairy tale depicted in the Disney movie . Pocahontas, whose real name was Matoaka, was the daughter of Powhatan, the powerful chief of the Powhatan...
Carved mother-of-pearl Thai art. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Insider Business.

Thai Artist Carves Snail Shells into Ancient Art That Costs Thousands (Video)

Jukkit Suksawa is a Thai artist who has been creating traditional mother-of-pearl inlay, a 700-year-old tradition, for the past 30 years. Suksawa's dedication to preserving ancient Thai art forms and...
Aerial view of Sigiriya, Lion Rock, Sri Lanka. Source: Anton Petrus / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient Rock City of Sigiriya: Fit for a King and Built by the Gods

Rising majestically 650 feet (200m) above the Sri Lankan landscape, Sigiriya is an ancient city built on a megalithic rock that has puzzled visitors for centuries. This remote wonder, located in the...
Female assassin. Source: mehaniq41 / Adobe Stock. Video Button Play Image by Dehweh / Adobe Stock.

Deadly Moments in History: Ancient Serial Killers (Video)

Throughout history, there have been many gruesome and horrific acts committed by serial killers . These murderers were often able to evade capture due to the limited technology and forensic...
Greek hoplite. Source:  Art Gallery / Adobe Stock. Video Button Play Image by Dehweh / Adobe Stock.

Armored and Ready: Inside the Training of a Greek Hoplite (Video)

The life of a Greek Hoplite in the 5th century BC was heavily influenced by their status as warriors. Hoplites were not just soldiers, but members of the Greek citizenry who were expected to fight...
Paper bag maker in India. (© Jorge Royan / / CC BY-SA 3.0)

How One Town Keeps India's 500-year-old Papermaking Industry Alive (Video)

The town of Sanganer, located in the western state of Rajasthan in India, is home to a 500-year-old papermaking industry. The paper factories in Sanganer still produce handmade paper the traditional...
A Viking warrior. Source: Art Gallery / Adobe Stock.

Ragnar’s Death Song: The Last Words of a Viking King (Video)

Ragnar's Death Song, also known as the Song of the Crow or the Krakumal, is a poem that tells the story of Ragnar's death. According to Norse sagas, Ragnar Lothbrok was a legendary Viking warrior and...
Roman soldier in front of ancient writing. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe Stock.

Real Letters from the Roman Front Lines – What Do They Say? (Video)

Real letters from the Roman front lines offer a fascinating glimpse into the everyday lives of ancient soldiers . These letters were the primary means by which soldiers kept in touch with their...
Tyrian purple is made from the murex snail. Source: CrisMc / Adobe Stock.

Tyrian Purple: The Secret Process Behind the World’s Most Expensive Dye (Video)

Tyrian purple is an ancient and rare dye that is derived from the murex snail, which is found in the Mediterranean Sea. The process of extracting the dye is complex and labor-intensive, requiring a...
2000 Mummified Ram Heads found at the Temple of Ramesses II in Abydos. Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Breaking: 2000 Mummified Rams Heads Found at Temple in Egypt!

An American archaeological mission has made a jaw-dropping discovery in the area of the Temple of King Ramesses II in Abydos , Egypt. The team unearthed over 2,000 mummified and decomposed ram heads...
Ancient Greek general Alexander the Great. Source: Andrew Zimmerman / Adobe Stock.

The Greatest Speech in History? Alexander the Great & The Opis Mutiny

Alexander the Great's achievements make him one of the most exceptional figures in history. He ascended to the throne of the small Greek kingdom of Macedonia at the age of just 20 in 336 BC. In the...
Medieval noble woman getting dressed. Source: Andrey Kiselev / Adobe Stock.

Getting Dressed in the 14th Century (Video)

The process of getting dressed in 14th century England was a complex and time-consuming affair. Medieval women first put on their linen undergarments, followed by layers of wool clothing, which...
Ajrak block-printing in Pakistan. Source: fahadee / Adobe Stock

Small Town Keeps 5,000-Year-Old Ajrak Tradition Alive in Pakistan (Video)

Ajrak is a unique and traditional form of block-printed shawl or scarf that is indigenous to the Sindh region of Pakistan and parts of India. The art of Ajrak has been practiced for over 5,000 years...
Representational image of the ruins of the lost City of Caesars in an overgrown jungle. Source: warmtail / Adobe Stock

Exploring the City of Caesars: Patagonia's Legendary Lost City

Legend has it that the City of Caesars, otherwise known as the Wandering City, once existed in Patagonia, nestled between contemporary Chile and Argentina. Despite rumors and reports having...
