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At Ancient Origins we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained .

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By bringing together top experts and authors, we explore lost civilizations, examine sacred writings, tour ancient places, and question mysterious happenings. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings.

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Artist’s image of the saber-toothed cat’s mouth, showing dentistry with double saber teeth.	Source: Massimo Molinero/University of California - Berkley

The Double-fanged Adolescence of Saber-toothed Cats

By Robert Sanders / University of Berkeley A mechanical analysis of the distinctive canines of California's saber-toothed cat ( Smilodon fatalis ) suggests that the baby tooth that preceded each...
Dr Emma Pomeroy (University of Cambridge) with the skull of Shanidar Z in the Henry Wellcome Building in Cambridge, home of the University’s Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies. 	Source: BBC Studios/Jamie Simonds/University of Cambridge

A 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman's Face Unveiled

The unveiling of a 75,000-year-old female Neanderthal's reconstructed face marks a significant breakthrough in our understanding of our closest extinct relatives. This discovery, emerging from the...
Safia Oakley-Green plays the strong female lead in Out of Darkness. Source:  Signature Entertainment/The Conversation

Out of Darkness: Here’s How This Stone Age Thriller Surprised Me

By Penny Spikins /The Conversation Neither the choice of genre (survivalist horror) nor time period (43,000 years ago) bodes well for Out of Darkness. After all, films set in the stone age tend to be...
Left, Preparation of a geophysical survey during the field campaign in March 2024. Right; Geophysical survey of the previously unknown site of Jarkovac (Serbia).	Source:  Left; © Sebastian Schultrich/Cluster ROOTS Right; © Cluster ROOTS/Museum of Vojvodina Novi Sad/National Museum Zrenjanin/National Museum Pančevo

Cluster of Neolithic Settlements Discovered in Serbia

A field campaign has provided a ‘discovery of outstanding importance’ in Serbia, incorporating discoveries regarding various cultures of the Late Neolithic including Vinča culture, Banat culture, and...
A strong relationship between human and animal: a cow with a modified ‘neck’ pendant and horns. 	Source: Julien Cooper/The Conversation

Rock Art Discoveries in Eastern Sudan Tell a Tale of the Once ‘Green Sahara’

By Julien Cooper /The Conversation The hyper-arid desert of Eastern Sudan, the Atbai Desert, seems like an unlikely place to find evidence of ancient cattle herders. But in this dry environment, my...
Prehistoric Irish monuments of Late Bronze Age stone circle at Boleycarrigeen, with Keadeen cursus near the summit of the mountain in the background        Source: J. O’Driscoll/Antiquity

Prehistoric Irish Monuments Revealed As ‘Pathways for the Dead’

Archaeologists using advanced LiDAR technology have unearthed a significant discovery at Baltinglass in County Wicklow, Ireland, known as the "Hillfort Capital" of the region. This cutting-edge...
The authors at the stern of the wreck where the standing bottom logs and stern are seen sticking up from the seabed, seen from the starboard side. Source: Florian Huber/Stockholm University.

Medieval Weapons Chest Amongst Spoils in Sunken Warship

New insights into warship combat platforms and a unique late medieval weapon chest have been discovered in studies of the Danish flagship Gribshunden/Gripen which sank in the Blekinge archipelago in...
A cast of the skull of Homo heidelbergensis, one of the hominin species analyzed in the latest study. Source: The Duckworth Laboratory/ University of Cambridge

A Unique Twist Found In Path of Human Evolution

University of Cambridge Competition between species played a major role in the rise and fall of hominins -- and produced a "bizarre" evolutionary pattern for the Homo lineage -- according to a new...
Pages of the Voynich manuscript. Source: Yale University Library/The Conversation

A Sexy Part of the Voynich Manuscript Is Deciphered

By Keagan Brewer /The Conversation The Voynich manuscript has long puzzled and fascinated historians and the public. This late-medieval document is covered in illustrations of stars and planets,...
Helen and Paris fresco, indicated in a Greek inscription placed between the two figures with his other name ‘Alexandros’.                Source: Archaeological Park of Pompeii

Spectacular New Frescoes Uncovered in Pompeii

A spectacular banqueting room with elegant black walls, decorated with mythological characters and subjects inspired by the Trojan War, is one of the rooms recently brought to light during the...
Witchcraft: a white-faced witch meeting a black-faced witch with a great beast. Woodcut, 1720.  Source: Public Domain

Why So Few Witches Were Executed in Wales in the Middle Ages

By Mari Ellis Dunning /The Conversation The fear of witchcraft led to centuries of persecution and executions across Europe. While there were an estimated 500 executions in England, and between 3,000...
Milky Way and pink light over mountains. Source: den-belitsky/Adobe Stock

The Hidden Role of the Milky Way in Ancient Egyptian Mythology (Study)

Ancient Egyptians were known for their religious beliefs and astronomical knowledge of the Sun, Moon, and planets, but up until now it has been unclear what role the Milky Way played in Egyptian...
Aerial view of the triple enclosure. Source: © Jérôme Berthet/ Inrap

Remarkable Horseshoe Shaped Prehistoric Structure Discovered in France

Beneath the countryside landscape of Marliens, mere kilometers from Dijon in the heart of the Ouche valley, lies evidence of ancient life spanning through millennia. Before the expansion of a local...
El Castillo temple, Chichen Itza. Source: fergregory/Adobe Stock

For the Maya, Solar Eclipses Were a Sign of Heavenly Clashes

Kimberly H. Breuer /The Conversation We live in a light-polluted world, where streetlamps, electronic ads and even backyard lighting block out all but the brightest celestial objects in the night sky...
The blue stingray’s disc-like shape would have made it ideal for tracing.     Source: Kyle Smith/The Conversation

Stingray Sand ‘Sculpture’ on South Africa’s Coast May Be World’s Oldest

By Charles Helm & Alan Whitfield /The Conversation South Africa’s Cape south coast offers many hints about how our human ancestors lived some 35,000 to 400,000 years ago during the Pleistocene...
University of Rochester illustration based on the miniature of Christine and Sybil from Christine de Pizan’s Collected works (‘The Book of the Queen’). British Library Harley MS 4431, fol 189v.	Source: Michael Osadciw/University of Rochester

Surprising Facts and Beliefs About Eclipses from the Medieval and Renaissance Eras

By Sandra Knispel/ University of Rochester In medieval and Renaissance society and culture, celestial events were not mere spectacles in the sky. Rather, they were omens, predictors of the future,...
