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Skeptics Question Whether Antikythera Start Date Has Been Found

Skeptics Question Whether Antikythera Start Date Has Been Found

The contraption known as the Antikythera mechanism, often dubbed the world’s first computer, was first “turned on” on 22 December 178 BC, claims a study published in preprint online journal arXiv ...
Representational image of an Aztec warrior holding a double-ended spear. Source: Warpedgalerie / Adobe Stock

Aztec Weapons: The Horrifying Aztec Armory

The Aztecs were a native Mesoamerican culture that thrived in the forests, jungles, and plains of Central Mexico from 1300 until 1521, when their capital Tenochtitlan was seized by Hernán Cortés and...
The evidence found in north China from roughly 40,000 years ago, including advanced stone tools and ochre processing knowledge, was created by ancient humans. However, archaeologists are still trying to figure out who these ancient hominins were, and the choices are Neanderthals, Denisovans or Homo sapiens.		Source: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

40,000-year-old Tools Used by Ancient Humans Unearthed In North China

Archaeologists in China have unearthed a hoard of intricately crafted stone blades and ochre processing activities attributed to ancient humans living less than 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of...
Was the ever-evolving technological revolution dependent on single-minded genius? Source: Kovalenko I / Adobe Stock

Charting the Role of Prehistoric Genius in Technological Revolution

An English scientist has charted the spread of ancient survival technologies. His awe-inspiring maps reveal how individual ancient geniuses innovated in one place, and how these new ideas spread...
Representation of the Hydraulic Telegraph of Aeneas. Source: Kotsanas Museum of Ancient Greek Technology

The Hydraulic Telegraph of Aeneas – Long-Distance Communication of Antiquity

Advances in technology have drastically changed the way we live today compared to those of our ancient past. One type of technology that many of us may take for granted is the ability to communicate...
The Chinese first emperor’s tomb was protected by the famed Terracotta Warriors. Source: Carlos Adampol Galindo / CC BY-SA 2.0

Cosmic Rays Could Finally Reveal Structure of Mysterious Tomb of China’s First Emperor

For over two millennia, the tomb of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang have been locked away, with scientists and historians the world over desperate to catch a glimpse of what really lies within...
The living robots created by scientists in a lab using computer AI can swim around in liquids by beating small hairs on their surface.	Source: Tufts University

Living Robots That Can Reproduce Created by US Scientists

In a staggering new breakthrough that appears to be straight out of the pages of science fiction, scientists have created the first-ever living robots that can self-replicate. The team of biologists...
Yacouba Sawadogo planting.

The Man Who Stopped a Desert Using Ancient Farming

Desertification is a serious problem facing numerous countries in the world today. Various measures have been taken to counter the negative effects, with some providing better results than others. A...
Ancient Greek science and technology represented by a 3D image of Athens landmark the Parthenon emerging from a smartphone screen.		Source: scaliger

Ancient Greek Science and Technology – From Antikythera to Pharos

The Antikythera computer was the culmination of advanced mathematics, astronomy, metallurgy and engineering. It incorporated the philosophy and science of Aristotle, the gears of Ktesibios, the...
There are no color images of Sitting Bull, but this could be him sitting with the first of his descendants, which we know exist from the breakthrough Autosomal DNA study of his hair.		Source: Shchipkova Elena / Adobe Stock

Breakthrough DNA Study Proves Sitting Bull Has a Living Great-Grandson

Sitting Bull was the brave Native American leader who defeated the forces of General Custer in 1876. After analyzing DNA from a lock of the legendary warrior’s hair, scientists have now identified...
Is this ancient military technology or the future? Given how the evolution of technology unfolded it is likely a combination of both. 		Source: Dusan Kostic / Adobe

Huge Study Tracks The Global Evolution of Ancient Military Technology

An international team of researchers has published a paper that sheds new light on how ancient military technology and the weapons industry changed through time. Their ancient military technology...
First Nation K’ómoks Advanced Fishing Traps Revealed in British Columbia

First Nation K’ómoks Advanced Fishing Traps Revealed in British Columbia

In the shallow coastal waters along the eastern shore of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, low tide brings a remarkable sight. When the tides are out and the tidelands of Comox Bay are revealed,...
: Scientists seeking to unlock the secrets of Roman concrete have carried out an in-depth study of the materials used to construct Caecilia Metella’s tomb, near Rome. 		Source: Livioandronico2013 / CC BY-SA 4.0

Roman Concrete In Ancient Tomb Reveals Secrets To Its Resilience

Among their many talents, the ancient Romans were pioneers in the art of concrete making and construction. The quality of Roman concrete used to build their aqueducts, tombs, bath houses, piers,...
Looking up inside a Yakhchal

Ancient Advanced Technology: 2,400-Year-Old Yakhchals Kept Ice in the Desert

The ancients were cleverer than some people today assume. They didn’t have rockets or electricity, at least no indisputable proof has been found of such technologies, but they did come up with...
Lacquerware from the Chinese Hemudu culture. (LukeLOU/CC BY-SA 3.0)

8,000-Year-Old Lacquerware Dug Up in Eastern China is Oldest Ever Found

Archaeologists working in China’s Zhejiang Province recently unearthed something ancient and extraordinary. While performing excavations at a site near the city of Ningbo on Hangzhou Bay, they found...
An Egyptian Mummy

Did Egyptian Mummification Descend from a More Ancient and, Perhaps, Reversible Preservation Technique?

A central concept in the novel The Sphinx Scrolls is whether a mummification technology has ever existed that could preserve someone for long periods and retain the potential to bring them back to...
A landscape view of qubba tombs, a type of Islamic burial tomb or shrine, around an area known as Jebel Maman. (Costanzo et al. / CC-BY 4.0)

A ‘Galaxy’ of Islamic Burials Exhibits An “As Above, So Below” Concept

Sudanese Islamic burial sites are not randomly located as was traditionally believed. Quite the opposite. Thanks to satellite technology , it has been discovered that contrary to the belief that...
Lifting Machine May Have Moved Huge Objects at Stonehenge and Egypt!

Lifting Machine May Have Moved Huge Objects at Stonehenge and Egypt!

A man in the UK claims to have solved the mystery of how large objects such as the standing stones at Stonehenge and Egyptian statues and mega-stones were moved in the past. Steven Tasker has created...
Neanderthals cohabited with modern humans in the Negev desert. Source: Kovalenko I / Adobe Stock

Humans and Neanderthals Met and Mated 50,000 Years Ago in Negev Desert

A recent re-examination of artifacts collected from Israel’s central Negev desert has revealed important details about the development of human culture in the region, according to a new study...
Illustration representing the way the rainforest landscape was shaped by ancient Amazonians around 3,500 years ago. Source: Kathryn Killackey / UCF

Amazonians Drastically Altered the Rainforest 3,500 Years Ago

In an article appearing in the 7 June 2021 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS ), a team of researchers has revealed the results of an enlightening new study about...
Security: The Long History of the Lock and Key

Security: The Long History of the Lock and Key

The modern-era definition states that a lock is a mechanical device or innovation that is used for fastening any physical entity. This lock is triggered and released with the use of an object called...
Reconstruction of the Homo erectus Turkana Boy from the Nariokotome, Kenya site, exhibited in the Neanderthal Museum in Erkrath, Germany.

Large Cache of Stone Tools Used by Homo Erectus Unearthed in Sudan

Polish archaeologists exploring an ancient gold mine in Sudan in the eastern Sahara Desert struck an entirely different kind of “gold.” Acting on a rumor, they found hundreds of stone tools that were...
Baalbek Reborn: Virtual Tour Brings Roman Temples Back to Life

Baalbek Reborn: Virtual Tour Brings Roman Temples Back to Life

Baalbek in Lebanon has been known by many names, ruled by many different kings and emperors, and has been under the dominion of many faiths in its long and storied history. Some 2,000 years ago,...
Grinding stone, Dendera Temple, Egypt.

The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt

Most people know of the great construction achievements of the dynastic Egyptians such as the pyramids and temples of the Giza Plateau area as well as the Sphinx. Many books and videos show...
