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Detail of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, The Mona Lisa. It now hangs in the Louvre in Paris.

Archaeologists say they have found the bones of Mona Lisa, but cannot extract DNA

A team of researchers seeking to unveil the true identity of the mysterious model who sat for Leonardo da Vinci’s world renowned painting, The Mona Lisa, say they have found bones of the woman with...
A skeleton of the one of the young men buried on what is now the University of Durham campus

Discovery of 17th century mass grave reveals tragic remains of child soldiers

Archaeologists say they have verified that skeletons unearthed in a mass grave in northern England were Scottish prisoners, including child soldiers as young as 13, who died after capture in a 1650...
The marble facade of Philip II tomb, Vergina Greece

Philip II, father of Alexander the Great, Was Buried with Wife and Child after Assassination Says New Study

Spectacular golden tombs containing the remains of ancient Macedonian royalty are under scrutiny after new examinations challenge previous research. A new study claims to conclusively identify King...
Cova del Gegant, Sitges, Barcelona

Neanderthal child remains found in Catalonia Cave

Archaeologists in Catalonia have discovered the skeletal remains of a 5-year-old Neanderthal child in the Cova del Gegant (Cove of the Giant) in Sitges, Barcelona. The discovery represents the first...
The Oseberg Ship Burial

The Oseberg Ship Burial Astounded Archaeologists with Excellent Preservation and Hoard of Artifacts

In AD 921, the Arab traveler and Islamic theologian Ahmad ibn Fadlan was sent by the Abbasid caliph, al-Muqtadir to the court of the king of the Volga Bulghars as part of a diplomatic party. During...
Prehistoric Skull and Jaw Found in Laos

Prehistoric Skull and Jaw Found in Laos Rewrite Timelines and Reveal Diversity of Early Humans

Ancient human fossils found in a cave in northern Laos are revealing to scientists that early modern humans were quite physically diverse, and they reveal an earlier migration timeline in Southeast...
Rare medieval skeletal remains excavated in Wales

Rare medieval skeletal remains excavated in Wales date to 13th century

The remains of a woman who died around the late 12 th or early 13 th century were excavated under the foundation a Welsh church that has been converted into a museum. The church was built over an...
The careful removal of Stone Age remains from excavation at Stokke

8,000-year-old "Brunstad Man" Stone Age Skeleton May be Oldest Ever Found in Norway

A skeleton uncovered in Norway is believed to be approximately 8,000 years old, Norwegian archaeologists say. If the dating is accurate, the Stone Age skeleton is a significant discovery, being the...
An Egyptian mummy

Ancient Egyptian mummies found floating in sewage water in Egypt

Several mummies complete with sarcophagi were retrieved from dirty water where they’d been found floating near El Minya, Egypt. According to a statement from the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, two...
The desecrated royal coffin found in Tomb KV55.

The Mystery of Egyptian Tomb KV55 in the Valley of the Kings

In 1907, a mysterious tomb was discovered in Egypt. Known as KV55, the tomb contained a variety of artifacts and a single body. Identification of the body has been complicated by the fact that the...
A trepannated skull from Neolithic period

Evidence of successful brain surgery and ancient pharmaceutical warehouse found in Turkey

Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of ancient surgery among the remains of people who lived in a settlement near Istanbul, Turkey, between the 11 th and 6 th centuries B.C. A skull, buried among...
Ancient village changes history of Colombia

Newly discovered ancient village changes history of Colombia

A surprising archaeological discovery in Central Colombia is challenging existing theories on ancient lives and settlements in what is now Bogota. A buried pre-Colombian town was detected as an...
Siberian warlord horseman

1,000-year-old grave of Siberian warlord horseman who lost arm in battle revealed

Archaeologists in Siberia have unearthed an elaborate grave belonging to an 11 th century warlord horseman who lost his left arm in his final battle, according to a news release in the Siberian Times...
Brain-damaged child 100,000 years old

New study shows brain-damaged child was well cared for 100,000 years ago

A new study published in the journal PLOS ONE has revealed the discovery of a Paleolithic child who appears to have suffered extensive brain damage after an injury, but survived for years afterwards...
Ancient Bog Mummies

Ancient Bog Mummies Reveal Secrets of their Identity

Over the past centuries, the remains of more than 500 men, women, and children have been unearthed during peat cutting activities in north-western Europe, especially in Ireland, Great Britain, the...
8,000-year-old skull with preserved brain in Norway

The discovery of an 8,000-year-old skull believed to contain preserved brain matter in Norway

Earlier this year, archaeologists in Norway made an extremely rare discovery when they found an ancient skull believed to date back 8,000 years at a dig site in Stokke, southwest of Oslo. According...
Ancient human skull of Neanderthal

Ancient human skull discovered with Neanderthal characteristics

A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has revealed that a 100,000-year-old human-like skull found in China bears resemblance to a Neanderthal, providing...
Ancient burial of a child with Down syndrome

Ancient burial of a child with Down syndrome reflects lack of stigmatization

Archaeologists have uncovered the oldest known remains of an individual with Down syndrome in a 5 th - 6 th century necropolis near a church in Chalon-sur-Saone in eastern France, according to a...
Ancient Tomb in Oman

Ancient tomb discovery reveals traces of Indus Valley civilization in Oman

Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient tomb dating back 2,300 years in Oman, which contains weapons that trace back to the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization, according to a report in the Times...
Dental implant in Iron Age burial chamber

Archaeologists discover 2,300-year-old dental implant in Iron Age burial chamber

A new study published in the journal Antiquity has revealed the discovery of an Iron Age tooth implant among the remains of a Celtic woman in northern France. The implant is the oldest of its kind...
7,000-year-old mummy in Chile

School children uncover 7,000-year-old mummy in Chile

A group of schoolchildren have discovered a 7,000-year-old mummy while on an archaeology field trip in northern Chile over the weekend, reported La Tercera . The mummy belongs to the Chinchorro...
Mummification - Skeleton

Researchers find Long-lost Mummy of Chief Steward to Amenhotep II

Academics have solved a centuries-old puzzle by tracking down the mummy of Qenamun, chief steward of pharaoh Amenhotep II (c 1427 – 1400 BC), in a former monastery, according to a report in Discovery...
Food and wine preparation - Egyptians

New study reveals ancient Egyptians were mostly vegetarian

New research published in the Journal of Archaeological Science and reported in Live Science has shed light on the ancient Egyptian diet. By analysing the carbon atoms in mummies that had lived in...
Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

Ancient Roman theatre discovered beneath the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

Archaeologists conducting an excavation beneath the Palazzo Vecchio, a 13 th century building which serves as the Town Hall in Florence, have discovered the remains of an ancient Roman theatre dating...
