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New research claims use of beasts of burden opened the doors to social inequality. Source: Aleksandar Todorovic / Adobe Stock

How Oxen Plowed the Way for Social Inequality

Inequality became rooted in ancient societies with the rise of ox-drawn plows. Ancient societies across Eurasia as far back as 7000 years ago experienced the rise of an upper class. And according to...
Milking a cow. Credit: stanislavss / Adobe Stock

Humans Have Been Drinking Animal Milk for At Least 6,000 Years

Researchers have found the earliest direct evidence of milk consumption anywhere in the world in the teeth of prehistoric British farmers . The research team, led by archaeologists at the University...
Stone Age early human child. Source: pxhere / Public Domain.

The Stone Age: The First 99 Percent of Human History

The Stone Age is the longest period of human history, lasting from 2.6 million years ago to about 5,000 years ago. It is also the period of human history that is the least well known relative to...
Dolmen de Guadalperal in Spain Credit: Rubén Ortega Martín/Raíces de Peralêda

5,000-Year-Old Temple Emerges from Underwater in Spain

An ancient megalithic complex in Spain comparable to England’s Stonehenge has emerged from receding waters in Spain, but within two weeks it might vanish again, forever, if action is not taken now...
Excavations at the Ness of Brodgar. Source: Ruth_W / CC BY-SA 2.0.

Human Bone Found at Orkney’s Neolithic Cathedral, Ness of Brodgar

Archaeologists excavating a vast Neolithic cathedral at Ness of Brodgar on the Scottish island of Orkney have made the rare discovery of a human arm bone . While the discovery of a single bone might...
Soldiers of Odin in Stockholm 2016

Swastikas Carved at Prehistoric Sites in England by Neo-Nazi Groups that Worship Norse God Odin

Neo-Nazi groups in England have been carrying out sinister torchlit rituals and carving swastikas into trees at ancient sites across the country. An investigation by The Telegraph revealed that far-...
Archeologists have identified about 40 previously unknown monuments near Newgrange. The Boyne to Brodgar Project is examining connections between the Boyne Valley and the Orkney Islands. Source: Dr. Davis / UCD School of Archaeology.

Survey Identifies Neolithic Monument Aligned With the Winter Solstice at Brú na Bóinne

The Newgrange Stone Age monument in Ireland is of great archaeological importance and it’s extent keep reaching new bounds. In recent years many historic remains have been identified in the area...
Example skull of Neolithic people. Source: (Author provided/ The Conversation)

Who Were the Mysterious Neolithic People That Enabled the Rise of Ancient Egypt?

By Joel D. Irish , Czekaj- Zastawny Agnieszka , and Jacek Kabacinski / The Conversation To many, ancient Egypt is synonymous with the pharaohs and pyramids of the Dynastic period starting about 3,100...
View of the 2019 construction site and the alignment of steles, standing stones. Source: © SBMA - ARIA SA.

Rare Stone Steles With Unknown Figures Found At Neolithic Site in Switzerland

A remarkable series of standing stones have been found near one of the most important Neolithic sites in Switzerland , and indeed in the entire Alpine region of Europe. The unearthed stones are...
The huge settlement from the Neolithic period that was discovered in the archaeological excavations at the Motza intersection near Jerusalem. Source: Eyal Marco / Israel Antiquities Authority

9,000 Year-old ‘Mega Site’ Found Near Jerusalem Changes History

The Israel Antiquities Authority has announced a discovery that could change the history of the Middle East . Archaeologists have unearthed a highly developed site that is approximately 9000 years...
One of the oddly shaped human skulls discovered in northeastern China. Source: Q Wang / Fair Use.

Possibly the Earliest Deliberate Cranial Deformations Found In China

Our ancestors had many practices that we may find inexplicable, one of these being the intentional reshaping of skulls until they were egg-shaped. In China, archaeologists have found elongated skulls...
Bryn Celli Ddu

4,000-Year-Old Burial Revealed on Welsh Island Linked to Mysterious Druid Sorcerers

Excavations are underway on the 4,000-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn known as ‘Bryn Celli Ddu Bach’ on the British island of Anglesey, located off the north coast of Wales. Anglesey is famous for...
A diver holds a Neolithic ca. 3,500 BC Ustan vessel found near a crannog in Loch Arnish, Scotland.      Source: C Murray/ Antiquity

Diver’s 5,500-Year-Old Discovery Hauls History of Scottish Crannogs Into Question

Archaeologists in Scotland have made “astounding discoveries” in a murky loch which finally determines when ancient homes known as crannogs were first used, and it’s thousands of years earlier than...
1000s of animal petroglyphs found in Egypt

1000s of Neolithic Engravings Reveal Egyptians' Ancient Reverence For Animals

The Ancient Egyptians had a remarkable relationship with the animals, who they respected and revered. An astonishing discovery in the deserts of north-eastern Egypt is illustrating that this likely...
The mass grave of 15 skeletons and grave goods at the Koszyce burial. Source: H Schroeder et al / PNAS.

5000-Year-Old Family Found In Mass Burial Was Brutally Murdered

New research published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( PNAS ) entitled “Unravelling ancestry , kinship, and violence in a Late...
Cowrie shell money. Source: tradol / Adobe.

Paying With Shells: Cowrie Shell Money Is One of the Oldest Currencies Still Collected Today

Shell money is a form of currency that was used in various parts of the world, including Asia , Africa, and Oceania . This type of money makes use of a type of marine snail known as cowrie and...
The Mzora Stone Circle in Northern Morocco.

The Mzora Stone Circle: A Megalithic Mystery in Morocco

When people think of megalithic structures , there is a clear behemoth which undeniably dominates the history books – Stonehenge . The iconic stone circle has fascinated historians, archaeologists,...
Stonehenge (Albo /Adobe Stock) and the reconstructed face of Whitehawk woman from the Neolithic period.

Stonehenge Builders Were Immigrants From What is Now Turkey

A study is throwing new light on the population and history of Neolithic Britain. It provides evidence that Stonehenge’s builders were the descendants of farmers who had temporarily settled in modern...
Skull cup, found in Gough's cave, Somerset, England. About 14,700 years old, this skull bears cut marks inflicted shortly after death to remove soft tissues and shape the skull into a cup.

Human Skull ‘Cups’ and Butchered Bones Lead Archaeologists to One Conclusion – Neolithic Cannibals

Archaeologists in Spain have made a grim discovery in a deep cave in the south-west of the country. They believe that they have found the remains of some Stone Age people who were butchered and...
Stonehenge was one of the feasting destinations of the pigs.

Prehistoric Britons Brought Pigs From As Far As Scotland For Stonehenge Feasts

New findings suggest ancient people in the late Neolithic period travelled hundreds of kilometers across Britain’s wild landscapes to attend great feasts and festivals at stone circles in Wiltshire...
The remains of the largest Neolithic hall found in Britain, which was discovered in Carnoustie, Angus.

Giant Halls Found at Neolithic Settlement Were the Largest Homes In Britain

An ancient settlement has been discovered in the sandy soil of Carnoustie in Angus, Scotland, and now has been found to include of two of the largest halls in the land for the time. People would have...
Excavation of two quarries in Wales by a UCL-led team of archaeologists and geologists has confirmed they are sources of Stonehenge's 'bluestones'– and shed light on how they were quarried and transported.

The Where, When and How of Quarrying Stonehenge 'Bluestones' Is Revealed in New Report

Geologists have long known that 42 of Stonehenge's smaller stones, known as 'bluestones', came from the Preseli hills in Pembrokeshire, west Wales. Now a new study published in Antiquity pinpoints...
A selection of possible food in a Neolithic diet in the Iron Gates region, where people were still more reliant on aquatic resources.

New Insights Into what Neolithic People Ate in Southeastern Europe

With the dawn of the Neolithic age, farming became established across Europe and people turned their back on aquatic resources, a food source more typical of the earlier Mesolithic period, instead...
Neolithic hunters used domesticated dogs as their hunting companions in Jordan.

In Jordan, Neolithic Hunters Used Domesticated Dogs as Small Prey Hunting Companions

11,500 years ago in what is now northeast Jordan, people began to live alongside dogs and may also have used them for hunting, a new study from the University of Copenhagen shows. The archaeologists...
