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Changes in Human Hunting Practices May Explain Human Brain Development

Changes in Human Hunting Practices May Explain Human Brain Development

Two researchers from the archaeological department at Israel’s Tel Aviv University have come up with an all-inclusive theory to explain the physiological and historical development of human brain...
The 'banqueting hall' chamber beneath Joseph Williamson's house, excavated by Friends Of The Williamson's Tunnels. Credit: Friends of Williamson’s Tunnels.

The Mystery of the Williamson Tunnels

Beneath the Edge Hill neighborhood in east-central Liverpool lies a sprawling network of arching bricked tunnels that lead nowhere and serve no obvious purpose. They are known as the Williamson...
'A May Day celebration’ by William Powell Frith.

May Day’s Weird and Wonderful Pagan Roots

May 1st is an ancient Northern Hemisphere festival, now known as ‘May Day’, which traditionally marked the return of summer. It is believed that the celebrations originated in agricultural rituals...
United States constitution and flag

American People Suffering Historical Amnesia With Many Citizens Knowing “Virtually Nothing” About Their History

Many people regard the United States of America as the world’s foremost democratic police force, and as such, one would expect its citizens to be well-informed regarding their historical and...
A view of the Ancient Pagoda in the Ayuthaya World Heritage park.

The Powerful Past of the Former Siamese Capital Revealed in the Splendor of 400 Temples

Long ago, the city of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya was a global center of economics and commerce. Within a few centuries of being founded, the city grew to having a population of one million inhabitants...
Two varying depictions of the same figure, Jesus. (Deriv)

Reconstructing Jesus: Using Science to Flesh out the Face of Religion

For being one of the most widely recognized men in the last 2,000 years, the true appearance of Jesus of Nazareth remains a mystery. Traditionally portrayed in western art as a be-robed, light-...
A trunk containing 2,600 historic letters has been opened and the contents revealed.

Signed, Sealed, and Undelivered: Letters in Trunk Reveal Scandals and Intrigues of 17th Century Lives

A sealed leather trunk stored in a museum in the Netherlands has been opened, and the treasure within was found to be thousands of perfectly preserved letters dating to the 17 th century. The...
The James Ossuary, a first-century limestone box used for containing the bones of the dead is now reportedly connected to the “family tomb of Jesus” in Jerusalem.

Chemical analysis on ancient stone bone box reignites debate over alleged family of Jesus

Nothing seems to stir controversy in the historical, archaeological and theological research fields more than relics associated with Jesus. A weathered limestone box found in the 1970s and said to...
Prehistoric people using hallucinogens in ritual

Prehistoric people used hallucinogens as part of sacred burial rituals

Unlike modern Man, the prehistoric people of Europe did not use mind-altering substances simply for their hedonistic pleasure. The use of alcohol and plant drugs – such as opium poppies and...

Does latest dating of camel bones reveal inaccuracy in the Bible?

Archaeologists from the University of Tel Aviv in Israel, have found that camels were not domesticated in Israel until around 900 BC , which is centuries later than famous Biblical figures were said...