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Stone ‘mushroom’ formations in Bulgaria.

Mushroom Monuments of Thrace and Ancient Sacred Rites

Throughout northeastern Greece, western Turkey, and Bulgaria, in the region known in antiquity as Macedonia, Anatolia, and Thrace, there are numerous megalithic natural rock formations that resemble...
Multi-facet basalt artifact, Georgia, USA.

Jackson County Artifact Adds Mystery to History of the Region: What are the Symbols and Who Made Them?

History is sometimes slow to share its secrets, but it did recently for a rural Jackson County man while he was clearing an area of his property. As a longtime resident and avid artifact collector,...
Deriv; Statue from Gobeklitepe at Urfa Museum (CC BY 2.0), Orion Nebula (CC BY 4.0), and Gobekli Tepe

Cosmic Power of the Shaman and Symbols at Göbekli Tepe - Part II

Read Part 1 here . Göbekli Tepe is an ancient and significant site which has been pushing back the beginnings of civilization further than we previously assumed. As each temple, pillar, and engraving...
Re-creation of the port at Eridu, an ancient “Court of the King of the World”.

The Royal Road of the King of the World, and the Ancient Center of the Earth

The Royal Road of the King of the World is a 20-degree band around the Earth that has 30 degrees north latitude as its center. This band is not, technically, the geographical center of the Earth,...
The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn: fresco by Giorgio Vasari and Cristofano Gherardi, c. 1560

Wandering Sky Gods: The Personification of Astronomical Phenomena in Ancient Times

It is 1000 BC, roughly 3000 years ago. Things have changed in the civilized world. The Bronze Age is fading, to be replaced by the time of Iron. Armies strive across portions of the Near East and the...
A woolly mammoth meets a meteor strike

The Carolina Bays and the Destruction of North America

This is an ancient and enduring mystery from pre-historic North America, involving geology, astronomy, climatology and zoology. And unravelling this mystery will tell us a great deal about our world...
Deriv; Stone statue of Gilgamesh (CC BY 2.0), nebula NGC 1788 Orion constellation (CC BY 4.0), Zodiac of Dendera (CC BY 3.0)

The Ancient Epic of Gilgamesh and the Precession of the Equinox

Gilgamesh is the ancient Sumerian epic, written some 4,000 years ago on cuneiform clay tablets and rediscovered only in the nineteenth century. It is a story that has echoes of the biblical Old...
What was the real purpose of the shafts in the Great Pyramid? The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.

Star Shaft Pointing - Busted: Debunking the Star Shaft Theory of the Great Pyramid

To the west of Cairo stands the great brooding mass of the Great Pyramid. And within that great edifice there lies four small and almost insignificant shafts, that rise up from the pyramid’s internal...
Artist’s representation of Atlantis

Atlantis Revealed: Plato's Cautionary Tale Was Based On A Real Setting

The time is 360 BC, the dawn of Western civilization. Athens, the cradle of democracy, is the epicenter of the ancient world. In his dialogues of Timaeus and Critias, Plato introduces a tale of an...
The Visoko Stone

Visoko: An Astronomical Map of More than 100,000 Years

I met Semir Osmanagich, three years ago, in Pescara (Italy) during a conference on Ancient Civilizations and we had several intriguing conversations that were the seeds of my study on the enigmatic...
Easter Island Statues

The Statues and Symbolic Gestures that Link Ancient Göbekli Tepe, Easter Island, and Other Sites Around the World

Ancient monuments left by mankind present an unsolved enigma: why do humanoid statues from many prehistoric sites— from those found at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey to those at Easter Island—all share...
‘Buddha offers fruit to the devil’ from 14th century Persian manuscript ‘The Jāmiʿ al-tawārīkh’ (Compendium of Chronicles).

Ancient Persian Inscriptions Link a Babylonian King to the Man Who Became Buddha

Dramatic evidence has revealed the presence of Siddhartha Gautama, the man who became Buddha, as far west as Persia. Family seals and records found at Persepolis, the ancient capital of the fourth...
The High Priest is depicted tearing his robe in grief at Jesus' perceived blasphemy. Was this a calculated move to stop secrets from being revealed? Fresco, Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337).

The Fatal Secret Jesus took to Jerusalem

Arriving in Jerusalem, Jesus made an extraordinary accusation that infuriated the priests and scribes of the holy city: “Every secret you’ve kept will become known. What you have whispered in hidden...
Mathematical Encoding in the Great Pyramid

Mathematical Encoding in the Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest and sole surviving Wonder of the Ancient World, has attracted the interest of philosophers, savants, and travelers for at least four millennia. Some of this...
Ritual and Magic in Egypt

Magic and superstition in ancient Egypt

On a grey November day in London’s Hyde Park we passed beneath a cluster of leafless trees, their skeletal branches alive with the chatter of hundreds of starlings. Suddenly, the birds fell silent. A...
Haakon the Good

The long goodbye to Scandinavian Paganism and the Christianization of three realms

Prior to Christianity, the lands of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway saw the worship of an amalgamation of deities known most widely as the Aesir and Vanir. The Aesir were the primary gods, ruled by the...

Moses and the Magician Reuel

The truth about the powerful man who was Moses remains elusive, as his life has always been shrouded in mystery. The isolated details of the biblical story and the contradictory accounts of his...

Optical Illusions: The Challenge of Tracing Human Origins

If tracing this lineage from our earliest ancestor seems inconsistent or spotty, that’s because it is. We have a makeshift model of human history that had been cobbled together by geneticists,...

Was the U.S. Pentagon inspired by ancient monumental architecture?

Architectural shape and design featured strongly in the prehistoric design of ancient sites. We are all familiar with the pyramid structures of Egypt and South America and the distinctive megalithic...
Etruscan sarcophagus

The Enigmatic Etruscans

The Etruscans emerged in what was Etruria (modern day Tuscany) in the Western and central regions of Italy, North of Latium. While their origins are continuously debated in the academic world, one...
The Blombos Rocks

The Blombos Rocks: are they Crude Imitations of an Original Australian artifact?

An extremely unusual engraved rock was found in 1990 by a woman named Ros when building a new brick home located within two kilometres of the enigmatic Bambara Hieroglyphs, located in Gosford, New...
Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan

The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt

The unfinished obelisk in Aswan, Egypt, is estimated to be around 1168 tons, but the largest Obelisk that was actually erected in Egypt was no more that 500 tons. I visited the immense unfinished...
Mural artwork about Hopi emergence and migration

Gene Flow and Counter Current—Hopi Sea Voyages From the Lost Continent of Mu

To the layperson genetics can seem like a foreign language. Phylogenetic trees look somewhat like schematics for electronic circuit boards. I can read neither. However, if one can manage to decipher...
Karajan Tepe in Turkey

The Forgotten Stones of Karahan Tepe, Turkey

Read Part 1 - Forgotten Stones: Secrets of the Megalithic Quarries: Göbekli Tepe Read Part 2 – The Forgotten Stones of Baalbek, Lebanon Karahan Tepe is the sister site to the enigmatic Göbekli Tepe,...
