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climate change

Central Mayapan showing the K’uk’ulkan and Round temples. Source: Bradley Russell / Nature

Drought-Induced Conflict Caused Collapse of 15th Century Maya Capital

An international assembly of scientists with impressive credentials in a diverse range of fields has completed an extensive study of climate change in the post-classical Maya Empire, which existed...
The skin-on Yukon baby mammoth that is now the most complete mammoth specimen ever found in North America! Source: Government of Yukon

30,000-Year-Old Baby Mammoth Is The Most Preserved Mammoth Ever Found in America

A 30,000-year-old baby mammoth has been discovered perfectly preserved in permafrost in the far reaches of Canada’s northwest Yukon province. Covered in skin and patches of hair, the Yukon baby...
As the Earth’s axis tilted towards the Sun, the Green Sahara transitioned to the dry Sahara and still many millions continued to impact this changing ecosystem. Source: appledesign / Adobe Stock

The Sahara As We Know It Today Versus The Green Sahara It Once Was!

The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world. Covering over 3.6 million square miles (9.3 million square kilometers), it is more or less equal to the entire United States. However, ten...
Greenland’s Lake 578 site was one of the sites where core samples and other data were taken that showed evidence of a prolonged drought. “Nobody has actually studied this location before,” said study lead author Boyang Zhao, a postdoctoral research associate at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. 						Source: UMass

A Prolonged Drought Drove Out the Greenland Vikings, Says New Study

European Nordic seafaring pirates and raiders, known as the Vikings, would come to Greenland to settle around 950 AD, but mysteriously the Greenland Vikings vanished with the onset of the Little Ice...
Excavations at Jebel Faya Rock Shelter, once home to Paleolithic humans. Source: Knut Bretzke

Paleolithic Humans Were Much More Adaptable Than Thought

Using the very latest in archaeological dating technology, an international team of researchers has discovered that human beings were living on the Arabian Peninsula tens of thousands of years...
Analysis of 23,000-year-old hunter camp shows that Ice Age Galileans thrived. Source: denissimonov / Adobe Stock

Ice Age Galileans Thrived During Global Ice Melts

A team of researchers have analyzed the remains of 22,000 animal bones discovered at a hunter camp dating back 23,000 years. Their new study shows how Ice Age Galileans, fisher-hunter-gatherers in...
Pictured here is another example of Roman shoes found at Vindolanda, alongside Hadrian's Wall in peatland.		Source: Vindolanda Trust

Drying Peatland Endangers Hadrian’s Wall and Other Archaeology Sites

In the year 122 AD, workers laid the first stones on Hadrian’s Wall, the imposing Roman-era defensive fortification that would run horizontally across northern England from sea to sea. When completed...
Sir David Attenborough with some of the Steppe mammoth bones found in the gravel quarry near Swindon. 	Source: Julian Schwanitz / BBC / Windfall Films

Neanderthal Hand Axe Leads to Steppe Mammoth Graveyard

Five ancient prehistoric Steppe mammoth skeletons have been unearthed in Britain. How did they get there, and how did they die? The deeply ancient Steppe mammoth site was discovered at a quarry near...
This is what the Earth’s Black Box, when it is finally set up in Tasmania, will look like.		Source: Earth’s Black Box

Is The 32ft-long Apocalyptic ‘Earth’s Black Box’ Sheer Catastrophism?

Based on the assumption that climate change will destroy Earth soon, a supercomputer in a giant “black box,” is about to be set up in Tasmania, Australia. The supercomputer black box was created to...
Hothouse Earth cycles, as proven by Harvard University's latest study, are extreme in heat and in rain with one following the other. Our near future will not be so extreme, but similarities are already apparent in droughts and deluges in many regions of planet Earth. 			Source: Günter Albers / Adobe Stock

Extreme Heat Followed by Downpours Once Characterized ‘Hothouse Earth’

New research has found that the so-called hothouse Earth periods in our planet’s remote past were actually periods of extreme hot dry temperatures, hotter than today by 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit (17...
Runar Hole holding the Digervarden prehistoric ski found in Norway.                   Source: Aud Hole /

1300-year-old Prehistoric Ski Found in Norway Completes a Pair!

After several years on the hunt, a team in Norway has found another prehistoric ski on Mount Digervarden last month. Whilst not the oldest ski ever found, it is still prehistoric and certainly the...
Representation of how the ice would have covered the landscape of Dundee as it would have been during last Ice Age in Scotland.       Source: YouTube Screenshot

Ice Age Scotland Recreated In “Incredible” New Film

A new 3D visualization is revealing what the Scottish city of Dundee looked like during the Ice Age of 20,000 years ago. At this time, the location of the east coast city was packed flat beneath a 0...
Is there Truth to the Bedouin Legend of the Great River in the Desert?

Is there Truth to the Bedouin Legend of the Great River in the Desert?

The Bedouin of the southern Arabian desert have a legend about a great river in the west, and an eighth century Arabic poem talks of wild cows living in the Empty Quarter. Can it be true? The Empty...
Woolly Mammoth Tusk Reveals Uber-distance Migrations, Says Study

Woolly Mammoth Tusk Reveals Uber-distance Migrations, Says Study

The Earth has had five mass extinctions, the most recent of which, 11,700 years ago, was caused by an extended period of warming. That event alone wiped out more than 75% of the large Ice Age animals...
Aerial view of Caerlaverock Castle in the Dumfries and Galloway Council Area of Scotland, which is the subject of a study on medieval climate change. 	Source: Simon Ledingham/Caerlaverock Castle / CC BY-SA 2.0

Spectacular Caerlaverock Castle Is Under The Climate Microscope

Climatology experts are working with archaeologists in examining the impact of medieval climate change on one of Scotland’s oldest stone castles. Caerlaverock Castle lies less than 3 miles (4.8 km)...
Dinosaur extinction Source: dolimac / Adobe Stock

THAT Asteroid Only Accelerated Inevitable Dinosaur Extinction

A team of scientists have discovered dinosaurs were on a downturn about 76 million years ago, 10 million years before the asteroid hit Chicxulub in modern Mexico causing the mass extinction of non-...
Earth’s Largest-Ever Lake Engulfed Europe and Asia 12 Million Years Ago

Earth’s Largest-Ever Lake Engulfed Europe and Asia 12 Million Years Ago

In-depth research has shed new light on the astonishing and awe-inspiring history of the Paratethys Sea. This 12-milion-year-old megalake was formed in Eurasia by the same tectonic shifts that...
Illustration representing the way the rainforest landscape was shaped by ancient Amazonians around 3,500 years ago. Source: Kathryn Killackey / UCF

Amazonians Drastically Altered the Rainforest 3,500 Years Ago

In an article appearing in the 7 June 2021 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS ), a team of researchers has revealed the results of an enlightening new study about...
The Lendbreen ice patch. (Espen Finstad, Insert: The box found at the ice-patchcontaining a well-preserved beeswax candle. (Secrets of the Ice)

400-Year-Old Beeswax Candle Box Found in Melting Norwegian Ice

The standard bookish definition for global warming encompasses the melting of polar ice caps and a general rise in temperatures across the globe. At this very moment, sheets of ice are melting in...
Caribbean Animal Extinctions Began With The Conquistadors, Says Study

Caribbean Animal Extinctions Began With The Conquistadors, Says Study

The beautiful, inhabited archipelago of islands in the south of the Caribbean, called Guadeloupe, was sighted by conquistador Christopher Columbus, in 1493, and the Caribbean became part of the “New...
Neanderthal Child’s Tooth Found in Palestinian Cave Tells A Tale of Africa

Neanderthal Child’s Tooth Found in Palestinian Cave Tells A Tale of Africa

A team of archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute recently reexamined a set of artifacts recovered from the Shuqba Cave, which included a Neanderthal child’s tooth. It is the first evidence that...
Catastrophic 14th-century Climate Events May Foretell Bleak Future

Catastrophic 14th-century Climate Events May Foretell Bleak Future

Sister institutes from Leipzig, Germany have just released a study that discloses important facts about major climate events that occurred during the 14th century AD. Researchers from the Leibniz...
Sargon the Great, founder of the Akkadian Empire. Source: Dave LaFontaine / CC BY-SA 2.0

Explaining the Fall of the Great Akkadian Empire

The Akkadian Empire was an ancient empire that existed towards the end of the 3 rd millennium BC. This was the first empire in Mesopotamia , and some consider it to be the first true empire in world...
Oldest Tool Use Thrown Back To Two million Years In Oldupai Gorge Find

Oldest Tool Use Thrown Back To Two million Years In Oldupai Gorge Find

An interdisciplinary team of researchers have unearthed the oldest stone tools at the oldest archaeological site in the famous Oldupai Gorge, popularly known as the Cradle of Humankind. Their...
