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Ancient places can be found all over Asia. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on Asian history. Visiting such historical places in Asia can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Asia, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Eggs protruding from the side of the egg-laying mountain in China. Source: AsiaWire

China’s Mysterious Egg-Laying Mountain That Spews Out Stone Eggs

Mount Gandang, a mountain in the southwest region of China, has an interesting phenomenon that geologists, researchers, and locals have been observing for decades. Located in the province of Guizhou...
Tell al-Sultan in Jericho is an archaeological site with remains dating back to 10,000 BC. Source: Robert Hoetink / Adobe Stock

The Ancient City of Jericho: The Oldest City in the World

Located in the Palestinian West Bank, Jericho’s claim to fame lies in being the oldest continually inhabited city in the world. Surrounded by springs, the city has attracted humans for thousands of...
Four warriors of ‘The Immortals’, from the famous glazed brick friezes found in the Apadana (Darius the Great's palace) in Susa ( Wikimedia)

The Immortals: Elite and Formidable Army of the Persian Empire

The first Persian Empire (550 BC – 330 BC), called the Achaemenid Empire, is known for having an elite force of soldiers. Named the “Immortals” by Herodotus, this army consisted of a heavy infantry...
After 900 years the cursed prophecy of the broken Killing Stone has come true in Japan, and many are worried about what comes next!		Source: ITmedia

Japan’s Killing Stone Has Cracked, Sparking Widespread Fear

A legendary volcanic rock in Japan associated with an ancient evil vixen-demon, has split in two. While geologists assure the occurrence is natural, others are convinced the chaotic fox spirit has...
The evidence found in north China from roughly 40,000 years ago, including advanced stone tools and ochre processing knowledge, was created by ancient humans. However, archaeologists are still trying to figure out who these ancient hominins were, and the choices are Neanderthals, Denisovans or Homo sapiens.		Source: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

40,000-year-old Tools Used by Ancient Humans Unearthed In North China

Archaeologists in China have unearthed a hoard of intricately crafted stone blades and ochre processing activities attributed to ancient humans living less than 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of...
Archaeologists have discovered the oldest ochre workshop in East Asia in north China and a recent study in the Nature journal shows how the lithic tools found at the site link to Africa.		Source: Griffin University

Advanced Human Culture Dating Back 40,000 Years Found in China

A new study published in the journal Nature by an international team of archaeologists has provided fascinating new insights into hunter-gatherer lifestyles 40,000 years ago in north China, and Homo...
The Ajanta caves in India. Source: mukulbanerjee / Adobe Stock

The Wondrous Buddhist Rock-Cut Architecture of the Ajanta Caves

It was in 1819 when John Smith, a British army officer in pursuit of a tiger came across a cave near Ajanta village in India. More than thirty caves carved inside the rock of the mountainside and...
One of the 13th-century-BC Tell el Kedwa fortress water wells recently found in the North Sinai Governate of Egypt, along the ancient Horus military road to Canaan.	Source: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Unique 13th-century-BC Water Wells Discovered Near Fortress in North Sinai

The Sinai Peninsula, the only part of Egypt located in Asia, sandwiched between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, is a land bridge between Asia and Africa. This peninsula has been the subject of...
Men working at the Roman cemetery discovered in Gaza. Source: Gaza Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Construction Project Digs Up 2,000-Year-Old Roman Cemetery in Gaza

A construction crew working at a residential building site in northern Gaza in Palestine unearthed a most unexpected and historically significant find. While digging deep into the bedrock, the...
One of the ancient faces carved in stone at a remarkably well-preserved Neolithic shrine found at a prehistoric gazelle hunting camp in Jordan’s eastern desert.           Source: Jordan Tourism Ministry

Pre-Pottery “Perfect” Neolithic Shrine Found in East Jordan Desert

A team of Jordanian and French archaeologists have found an exceptionally well-preserved and intact Neolithic shrine at a remote prehistoric hunting campsite in Jordan’s eastern desert that dates...
A reconstruction of the tomb and one of the immigrants from the northeast steppes found in the sacred burial mounds on the plains of Serbia.		Source: PAP

Burial Mounds in Serbia Reveal Skeletons of 5,000-Year-Old Painted Men

Entombed inside two large barrows (burial mounds) located on an open plain in northern Serbia, a team of scientists from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (...
Professor Robert Carter (right side of left image), leader of the British team that determined that Bahrain’s Al Sayah Island (right image) is an ancient artificial man-made island.                 Source: Arkeonews

Team Proves Bahrain’s Al Sayah Island Is Ancient and Man-made

Excavations on Bahrain’s ancient Al Sayah island have shown that it is an ancient artificial man-made island. The excavations are being conducted by the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities...
Excavations at Jebel Faya Rock Shelter, once home to Paleolithic humans. Source: Knut Bretzke

Paleolithic Humans Were Much More Adaptable Than Thought

Using the very latest in archaeological dating technology, an international team of researchers has discovered that human beings were living on the Arabian Peninsula tens of thousands of years...
China’s world famous Terracotta Army, created over 2,000 years ago, was built  to protect the first Chinese emperor on a site near Xian that covered 98 square kilometers (38 square miles). 		Source: David Davis / Adobe Stock

Twenty-five “New” Chinese Terracotta Army Officers Unearthed Near Tomb!

Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of unified China, and the first Emperor of the Qin dynasty was buried with his now world-famous Terracotta Army, to protect him in the afterlife. For long, this has...
View of the Old Khndzoresk cave village. Source: EdNurg / Adobe Stock

Old Khndzoresk Cave Village: Armenia’s Abandoned City of Caves

In 2016, Armenia was included in National Geographic 's list of ten places that deserve more travelers. First on the list was Armenia, and amongst the locations they recommended travelers visit was...
The legendary Silver Shields of Alexander the Great went on to serve Eumenes as the house of Argead battled the Macedonian forces of Antigonus but in the end family trumped loyalty.		Source: Honga

Silver Shields: Alexander's Crack Troops Who Betrayed Their New Master

Could a ragtag team of elite troops in their later years, and a bureaucrat-turn-general take on the military powerhouse of the day? Eumenes, the Greek general, was tasked by Olympias (Alexander’s...
Somapura Mahavihara, is among the best-known Buddhist viharas on the Indian subcontinent and is one of the most important archaeological sites in Bangladesh. Source: Abdulmominbd / CC BY-SA 4.0

Somapura Mahavihara, Bangladesh: A Rediscovered Buddhist Center

Somapura Mahavihara was a well-known Buddhist monastery complex located in Paharpur, in north-western Bangladesh. The monastery was established during the 8th century AD and flourished as an...
The Taizicheng ruins in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, China, known as the Olympic village discovery of 2022. Left; Bronze dragon figure from Zhangjiakou. 	 Source: Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

800-year-old Palace and Artifacts Found at Beijing Olympic Village

Residents of Taizicheng village in Zhangjiakou City in northern China’s Hebei province, have always believed that the name of their village, meaning village of the crown prince, relates to the...
A stunningly made and preserved silk textile, one of many, found at the Astana Cemetery in far northwestern China.		Source: Public domain

The Astana Cemetery and Perfectly Preserved Textiles of Gaochang

The Astana Cemetery is an ancient cemetery located near Turpan, in the autonomous region of Xinjiang, northwestern China. The cemetery was used during the 1st millennium AD by the inhabitants of...
This iron sword, now fragmentary and corroded, was discovered in 1993 in the Byzantine city of Amorium. Its surviving hilt with the ringed pommel is unique. 		Source: Amorium Excavation Project

Unique Ring Pommeled Byzantine Swords Discovered at Amorium

In classical antiquity, Amorium was an important, strategically located city in the kingdom of Phrygia in the west central part of Anatolia, in what is now Asian Turkey. Amorium was founded in the...
Uncovered bulls head from the northeast platform in building 77 at Çatalhöyük. Source: Çatalhöyük Research Project / CC BY-NC 4.0

How Domesticated Cattle Changed Life in Çatalhöyük

Those who have studied Çatalhöyük are aware that cattle appear to have been a hugely important animal in the Neolithic Central Anatolian town of Çatalhöyük East on the Konya Plain in modern-day...
An aerial view of the newly discovered BC Buddhist temple found in the Barikok ruins of Pakistan.	Source: Ca' Foscari University

One of the Oldest Known Buddhist Temples Found in Barikot, Pakistan

Archaeologists from an Italian archaeological mission, working in collaboration with the International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies (ISMEO), have found the remains of a Buddhist...
A ceramic Chuiwan golf ball (R) and a modern golf ball (L) displayed in an art gallery at Pingdingshan University, Henan Province, China.	Source: Li An / Xinhua

1,000-Year-Old Chuiwan Golf Balls Discovered In China

Mainstream history would have you believe the modern game of golf originated in 15th-century Scotland. Golf's first major, and the world's oldest tournament in existence, was The Open Championship (...
Analysis of 23,000-year-old hunter camp shows that Ice Age Galileans thrived. Source: denissimonov / Adobe Stock

Ice Age Galileans Thrived During Global Ice Melts

A team of researchers have analyzed the remains of 22,000 animal bones discovered at a hunter camp dating back 23,000 years. Their new study shows how Ice Age Galileans, fisher-hunter-gatherers in...
